"The game begins!"

Just like the last game, at the beginning, roses were 100%, 100%, and in the blink of an eye, they covered the sky and cast a cool shade on the huge arena, completely isolating the heat.

The gorgeous flowers swayed together, like well-trained soldiers, full of murderous aura.

At the same time, in the center of the arena, the aqua-blue mermaid was covered with green flames, and in an instant, the air around it was distorted.


The huge tail swung to the ground, and the blue afterimage carried a faint green light, like a cannonball rushing towards the pink sea of flowers, bringing a sharp sound of breaking wind.

The crowd outside the field started to make a noise. They didn't expect the mermaid to take the initiative to attack. Isn't this following the footsteps of the silver-winged mantis?

No one expected that the rose bell would withdraw its attack in an instant. The pink petals that were originally surrounding it suddenly retracted, and the sky returned to color, as if it couldn't avoid it!

‘You are too anxious,'

Fox Seven commented in her heart.

She did not give any orders, because Perfect was rarely in high spirits, and she became interested in hunting the opponents in the sky.

【The so-called competition is a simulated hunting. You can beat the food half to death, but you have to catch it alive.

This is how she explained it to Perfect before, because it is easier to understand. She also explained to it the idea of hunting Rose Bell - waiting for the rabbit by the tree, pretending to be weak.

Unfortunately, Perfect finally failed to resist the temptation of delicious food and attacked rashly, scaring Rose Bell.

Now... it won't be so easy to catch it.

Fox Seven raised her head. Under the coverage of perception, she certainly knew where Rose Bell was. The petals that were disturbing were bombs composed of skills. Only one flower was real, and only that one flower contained violent and agitated energy.

Comparing energy with Slime is undoubtedly stupid. Her Perfect didn't know how much food she had eaten, all of which were converted into energy and stored in the body, but even so, she was still hungry.

Above the ring, the blue light that rushed into the air turned into a waterfall, covered with sparks and swept towards Rose Bell.

Under the scorching sun, the water surface was sparkling.

But this was even slower. All the rose petals in the sky were frightened and disappeared, leaving only a small one. The thumb-sized flower bud folded like a spirit snake, as fast as lightning, making a sharp explosion!


It escaped again!

Someone in the audience recognized that the skill Rose Bell used to escape was [Thunder Explosion Flash]. She just used this single-target strongest attack skill to escape.……

"That's the Heart-Eroding Flame!"

Alice, who was standing opposite the ring, endured and endured, but finally spoke out loudly, because she was almost driven crazy by the boos from the audience. But even so, she didn't shout and yell like usual, but felt for the first time... fear.

Alice looked far away, looking at Kitsune Shichi in the distance. The latter had a calm face, and even yawned with his hand covering his mouth. He had black hair and black eyes, and there was no sign of energy overflow. Alice was trembling all over, and her pride seemed to be shattered. She thought she would be able to defeat Xu Jinbai sooner or later, and thought he was just lucky to be born a few years earlier, but as a result, a real peer appeared... She still couldn't beat him...


Only one S!

Why? Without the support of the family, even the slime can be cultivated to this level... ? Is the gap between her and SSS so big?

In the ring, Rose Bell kept hiding, fearing to avoid it. But Alice couldn't say the words of admitting defeat

……Heart-Eroding Flame.

That is a poisonous flame that is induced by mental power. Once infected, the pain is excruciating.

What's more terrifying is that this fire is like a maggot attached to the bone. Ordinary healing skills are ineffective, and ordinary water skills cannot extinguish it. At the very least, it will cause pain and collapse, and at the worst, it will burn out the mental power.

Let alone whether it can be defeated, no one will go to the Heart-Eroding Flame. Once an accident happens, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Alice has been with her father for many years, so she naturally recognizes this skill. However, how could this super-level skill that at least king-level pets have the opportunity to successfully learn appear on a mere mid-level pet?

In the air, the water curtain that had been in vain reunited into the form of a mermaid, with its arms drooping, slightly clenched fists, and its slender and powerful tail curled, occasionally patting the ground.

The wave-like tail fin kept swinging with the rose bell in the air, but there was no next move.

‘Can't catch it……’

‘what to do……’

The excitement faded, and it became sad.

For a moment, the flames grew stronger, and the eagerness to catch its prey overwhelmed its innate hunger, and it was transmitted to the other side of the Soul Bridge without omission.


Kitsune Shichi looked at Alice from afar.

In this match, no one shouted out skills. It was as silent as if they had lost their beastmasters. It was just a competition between beast pets.

But is this really beast control?

Analogous to controlling fire, water, and swords...

In the immortal novels she had read in her previous life, even if the immortal sword had spirits, it was people who used the swords, not letting the immortal swords rush out to fight the enemy.

Kitsune Shichi's heart moved, as if she had realized something.

At this moment, the bridge of souls lit up as usual, releasing a faint blue light.

She used to use this bridge to talk to Perfect, just like talking to it in her mind, and she could vaguely feel its mood, such as its hunger and its joy.

And at this moment, she suddenly"stood" on this bridge, just one step away from souls touching.

Kitsune Shichi still had her eyes open. She could see all the situations on the field, and she could also hear the noise in the audience seats opposite the ring. In her mind, Perfect's cry for help was clearer than any other time, ethereal and clear, as if she had finally pulled out the earplugs that blocked her ears.


Perfection could not cover the entire ring, so even if the flames were spread all over, Rose Bell could continue to escape upwards.

Was the opponent waiting for them to run out of energy?

Fox Seven stared at the pink in the air. It was as fast as lightning, and its trajectory was tricky.

Perfect speed was still a step short.

The only skill it could keep up with the opponent was its [Perception], but it could not use its mental power to control the flames to leave its body, because mental power control was too delicate and too difficult for it.

——What if I were to control it?

This thought suddenly occurred to Fox Seven.

She fell silent for a few seconds, remembering what Xu Fei had just said, and the new word:


In fact, this word is not that difficult to understand.

It should be what she thought.

Thinking of this, Kitsune held his breath, his pupils shrank slightly, and his soul firmly stuck to the other side of the bridge.



On the other side, since the rose petals retreated, the audience in the venue began to talk about

"Why did the pause button suddenly appear?"

Some people were confused.

"Didn’t Pink Alice say that the fire on the mermaid’s body was the Heart-Erosion Flame? It was a super-level skill. If you didn’t know, you would think we were watching the StarCraft Cup."

Some people were knowledgeable and broke their defense on the spot:

"Wow, that's awesome.……"

"Super class? Really?"

"Come on, I hate you people the most. Not all awesome skills are called super-level.……"

"Oh my god! I checked! This flame is not an awakening skill, it is learned through understanding! It needs to be supplemented with the Heart-Eroding Mushroom... Isn't this a legendary thing?!"

"Heart-Erosion Mushroom... There are many secret realms with it. It is a common medicinal material.……"

"If you ask me to, I'll jump off the ring and run!"

Others are preparing for a rainy day and are desperate about the future:

"Heart-Erosion Flame?! How can a middle school student have this?! This year's high school league can't be played. A prophecy will be made, and whoever sees it will admit defeat. With this thing in hand, who the hell dares to fight her?!"

"I can't play in the college league! This is just burning my mental power! I don't know if my Scorpio's [Mental Power Armor] can withstand it after it's upgraded to Grandmaster."

"You said it was a spiritual armor, so isn't that just giving fuel to the Heart-Eroding Flame?"

Some people even gave advice, thinking they could do it:

"Yes! Don't make the slime sound so mysterious. The Heart-Erosion Flame will just burn you, but it won't kill you if you touch it. You just need to endure the pain and knock it out!"

"Tell me how to knock the slime out. It just cracked the ground. Didn't you see it?"

"Do you really believe that is slime?"

"No one would believe that it was slime!"

"Then go and look at the entry list! It has been verified by the competition center, and you can’t just make a random entry!"

"New evolution direction, [Sunshine Slime】"

A group of people were silent, watching the mermaid on the stage with a sinister green fire all over her body. The sun was shining so brightly in the sky, but it couldn't make it shine a bit. Instead, it scared Rose Bell so much that she ran away all over the stage...

But that was the fairy Rose Bell, the dream pet in many people's minds. She was smart, clever, and had a good personality. Even with the most ordinary evolution direction, her attack power was explosive...

After a while, someone couldn't help it anymore and shouted:

"Ahhhhhh! So boring, actually they are fighting, right? We just can't see it, or else the mermaid didn't move, so why is Rose Bell running around like crazy?"

"Hey, can you be quiet? Haven't you heard of mental perception? The rose bell is locked, of course it's afraid!"

Two seats away, someone turned around and mocked. The mocked person was about to get angry, but he was facing a beautiful face that could overwhelm the whole country. He was stunned and took back his curse words.

In the sun, the beauty's green cat eyes narrowed, looking unapproachable, but the tail of her eyes was a little pink, adding a touch of coquettishness.

The beauty was so tempting that a young man next to her blushed and took out his mobile phone.

"Beauty, may I ask you……"

The friend next to him twisted his thigh hard!

"Pupils!"This must be a beast pet, brother!

So the young man was stunned, took a closer look, and quickly shut up. It was just a short episode. When he turned his eyes to the stage again in embarrassment, he exclaimed in shock,"Ah!"

"Did you attack the wrong person?!"

On the stage, the owner of the Sunshine Slime was burning with a green fire, which burned more and more fiercely, tearing in the wind.

The audience gasped in unison.


Some people reacted quickly and jumped up suddenly!

"What is the therapist still standing there for?!"

"Go and save them!"

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