Xu Fei finally chose a fire elemental crystal. Under the light, this small crystal column looked like a drop of blood. The energy inside faintly formed a cyclone shape, with ripples.

Because he attached great importance to it, he chose it for a long time, and even considered the aesthetics in addition to practicality. Finally, he decided on this elemental crystal necklace, thinking that when the energy in the elemental crystal is used up, he can take it off and use it as a decoration.……

"Yuanjing is a deep-sea ore that is suitable for all attributes. It is made by alchemists through energy purification. When worn by pets, it can increase the element absorption speed of pets."

The disadvantage is that it is only suitable for primary pets, and the effect varies from pet to pet. It is an icing on the cake.

Fox Seven happily bid.

Total cost: 1.7 million

"Your A-Long will be very cute with it!"

Seeing the next good thing being brought to the table, Fox Seven's attention was instantly seduced away.

On the contrary, Xu Fei suddenly felt something was wrong. It was not until then that he realized belatedly: this was his birthday present, but after choosing for a long time, he actually bought a collar for A-Long, and he had to wait for A-Long to consume all his energy before he could get the Yuan Crystal Pillar...

Why didn't he choose a gift for himself???

The noise from the outside world filled his ears, and Xu Fei was silent, immersed in the emotion of regret, but he couldn't extricate himself.

Because it couldn't be changed.

Although he could afford it himself, the meaning was different!

"White water grass, dual attributes of water and dark, sold in 208 boxes? Isn't this prepared for me?"

Fox Ya Qi smiled happily.

Not all the items at this auction are fine products. Occasionally, some small, inexpensive items will be sold randomly, and these will not be printed in the auction brochure.

For example, this white water grass grows in the deep sea, has abundant energy, is cheap and large, and is a very good feed. However, this kind of water grass runs very fast. Although they have no thoughts, they will emit a special wave with a very long range. Once they identify the enemy, they will pack up and run away in groups, making them difficult to catch.

However, they are all trapped in the nutrient box at this moment, densely packed together.

There are so many, and I don’t know which big guy went to the sea to fish... It’s really troublesome

"Two hundred and eight boxes of white water grass, starting price: 2.69 million!"

Kushiya Qi immediately doubled it... I'm kidding, not really.

"Customer No. 17 bids: 2.7 million!"

Yes, Kitsune Shichi has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. She can handle other numbers, but she can't stand the last digit being nine.

In the end, she only raised the price by 10,000, and she actually won the bid!

"This box is only 10,000 yuan, why doesn't anyone want it?"

Fox Shiba was puzzled.

That white bubble fish cost 8,000 yuan, and this is a whole box of water plants! That box must have at least tens of thousands of them!

"Because the white water grass tastes fishy and salty, a pet will vomit after eating such a large amount a few times."

Xu Fei explained. In fact, he wanted to stop it, but when he thought about someone's pet being a slime, he stopped talking.

The slime race is notoriously not picky about food because it has no sense of taste.

""A'long is very picky about food." Xu Fei said faintly.

He didn't mean anything else, he just suddenly cared a lot.

? Hu Shiqi looked at him strangely, but saw that the young master finally gave up his upright sitting posture, leaning loosely on the back of the sofa, frowning as if he was unhappy.

"It's just a newborn, so it's normal for it to be picky about food. It's good that it doesn't chase you for mother dragon milk."

Speaking of pet education, the miserable novice beast masters are full of grievances, and they can definitely pour out their complaints to each other for three days and three nights without repeating themselves.

Even Kitsune Shichi accidentally made Perfect cry a while ago.

Because a certain slime was in the breeding season at that time, if it wanted, it could split into several small slimes.

To be honest, Kitsune Shichi missed the time when Perfect was a small round ball. It could be applied to the face as a mask, or held in the hand to pretend to be a magician... I just want to coax it to have more children.

Raising one is the same as raising two....

As a result, a certain playboy (?) had a good idea, but Wanmei would rather die than obey. Not only did she resolutely refuse to give birth, but her whole body exploded into fireworks. She cried in the depths of her soul, thinking that she was old and ugly and was about to lose the"favor of the emperor".

Karachi laughed beside her, and seemed to be crazy. People who didn't know would think that it was going to succeed in taking the throne.

Kitsune Shichi:...? ? ?

Anyway, from then on, Kitsune Shichi never took Wanmei to watch palace fighting dramas again, especially those substitute literature. Watching too much is really not conducive to family building.

"You...really don't know? Beastmasters must never contract with pets of the same species, this is a taboo."Xu Fei was embarrassed. Even though he was used to Kitsune's lack of common sense, he was still a little surprised at this moment.

"If you sign a contract with the same race, they will compare and fight with each other. If the conflict is deep, they may even kill each other... These are the bloody lessons left by our predecessors. Don't try it lightly."

"……I just want to pinch them. Different colors bring different feelings when pinching them. The little slimes are more lively, jumping around, and super cute.~"

"Kitsune, your slime is angry"


""It has become a question mark above your head."

In the darkness, a water-colored question mark slowly floated above a certain girl's head. The trembling and struggling look seemed to be enduring unbearable pain...

Xu Fei had a strange expression,"Now it's an exclamation mark."

Fox Seven reached out and touched it: ???

So for the rest of the time, Fox Seven had to comfort Perfect, and use sweet words and earnest words, swearing to the heavens that he would only touch this slime in the future, and even made up a story that other slimes were trash (...), and the touch was so bad that she didn't even bother to touch it...

In short, he barely coaxed Perfect.

……At least I didn't cry this time.

Soon, the auction was over.

Fox Seven cashed the check on the spot.

He still had to pay taxes when he had time...

However, after this round of squandering, Fox Seven still had more than 20 million in his hands. Most of the money was used to buy food for Wanmei, and it was all large quantities of food.

"Excuse me, do you need delivery?"

The service staff of the auction pointed to the various materials in the warehouse and took out the intercom to call a taxi.

Fox Seven shook his head and walked over to circle the part that was not the food - in addition to the black crystal ore, she also bought some beautiful jewelry, which was not expensive, but just a small thought.

People should know how to be grateful... Even friends should give and take, so that friendship can last.

"No, just get out of the way." She said.

So a group of people watched helplessly as the little mermaid above the girl's head - the sparkling little thing that looked like a crystal toy - suddenly turned into a curtain of water, surging up all over the sky.

Before a breath was over, the entire warehouse became empty, without even a speck of dust.

Half a second later, the little mermaid"snapped" and jumped back onto the girl's head, harmless to humans and animals, sparkling and shining.

"Still not full?"

Fox Seven shook his head and opened the system interface to see: Oh, there is indeed another skill.

——【Oxygen production].

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