[Oxygen production].

This should be the characteristic of aquatic plants

……It seems that in order to use the skill, one must devour creatures with energy, and must devour in large quantities.

Kitsune thought briefly, then picked up the black crystal ore from the box. As soon as his fingers touched the surface of the jagged raw stone, a golden light flashed before his eyes, and the light screen unfolded.

This time it was even more exaggerated. Not only was the system interface golden, but the edges were also rendered with colorful light, and all the fonts were enlarged and bolded, with only a banner marking it.——

【Good stuff! Don't throw it away!!!】

"Can I help you get it?" Xu Fei stretched out his hand.

"No, it's very light." Kitsune Shichi replied.

Then they walked out together as if no one was around, indifferent to the empty warehouse behind them.

A group of auctioneers who were preparing to transport goods were left dumbfounded, staring at the small mermaid above Kitsune Shichi's head with fiery eyes, unable to hide their desire.

After a while, someone whispered

"Isn’t it illegal to trade mermaids?"

"Since they have brought it out, it is definitely not it. It should be a relatively niche sea fairy.……"

"How much does that cost?……"

"It shouldn't be a question of how much money……"

"Hundreds of millions for sure……"

"If I continue working here, my mentality will be broken. What difference does it make if there is one more rich man like me in the world?"


In front of so many people, Kitsune Shichi didn't check the text on the screen carefully, because she already had it.

She closed the system interface calmly and followed Xu Fei with a faint expression. After just a moment, the hall outside became much emptier. Outside the auction house, it was already dark, with no clouds in the sky, and only a full moon hung lonely in the sky. It was not until she was waiting in line to be transferred that Kitsune Shichi opened the system interface again and looked at it absent-mindedly.

【Name]: Black Crystal Ore Mother [Click to wake up]

【[Attribute]: Rock system

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Myth


【Status]: Dormant [Click to wake up], Indestructible (——)

【Evolution level]: 1%

【Evolutionary Path】:——

All in all, this broken system is still its usual style - what you humans don't know, I don't know either.

Fox Shiqi stared at this rather streamlined interface, the words 'click to wake up' continued to flash, but of course she couldn't click here.

Race level: [Mythology].

Passive state: [Indestructible].

If nothing unexpected happens, this is definitely the melee beast pet she wants, and it is the rarest pure defensive type. This type of beast pet has some common features: slow movements, low combat power, and poor brains.

But they also have a huge advantage: a high probability of feeding back life span, extending the life of the beastmaster.

Fox Shiqi was mentally prepared, except for holding the black crystal ore mother in his arms tighter, there was no other reaction.

The light of the teleportation array lit up, and red, green, and gold light emerged in turn, because it took a total of three turns from the Silver Moon Auction House to the main gate of the Xu family. Fox Shiqi was absent-minded just now, and waited until he came out of the teleportation array before finally looking up, but saw that under the reflection of the golden light, Xu Fei's lips turned pale and a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

Xujia Island is like a small town, quaint and charming. At this moment, except for the lights on, there is no one on the street. From a distance, the lights in some houses are also off.

"What's wrong with you?" Fox Seven frowned.

"……It's okay." Xu Fei forced a smile on his face, put his hand on his temple, narrowed his eyes slightly, and involuntarily blocked the light above his head.

"I've been feeling dizzy at night lately, but it was normal during the days I was in the secret place. I went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong with my body. Maybe it's just like you said, I'm overthinking"

……Will you break out in cold sweats if you think too much?

"Then let's hurry back."

Fox Seven always felt something was wrong, but Xu Fei said so herself, and she was not a professional medical worker, so she couldn't give any advice. She could only follow behind with big strides. However, Xu Fei walked faster and faster, and he was completely out of his calmness.

"Do you really not need to go to the hospital?"

"I've been there before, just go back and lie down"

……Could it be anxiety?

Fox Seven frowned and thought, and simply followed Xu Fei to jog all the way, but she didn't expect that when she passed the central fountain, there was a"splash!" and something suddenly broke through the water, which scared her - she really jumped back!

What is it?!

Why didn't I [sense] it?!

Fox Seven was shocked and turned around suddenly, only to see a flesh-colored figure standing out of the water, half naked, revealing a scarred chest and a thin waist.

Under the moonlight, the boy frowned slightly, his hair was bright, and there was a fresh through wound from his shoulder to his waist, which was slowly bleeding.

Fox Seven recognized him. It was the boy she had seen before the auction. Although she didn't see his face at that time, she had seen his eyes through the gap in his sunglasses.

His eyes turned black, and the whites of his eyes were also normal white...

So the previous... were they cosmetic contact lenses?

This person's facial features are 80% similar to Xu Fei. Although his handsome face is smiling, it hides a bit of perverseness.

When it comes to beauties, Kitsune Yachi has never been blind to their faces, but she is a little terrified now because she can now [sense] this person again.

……That means the skill was blocked just now.

Fox Seven pursed her lips, feeling that this new world was full of surprises, but some things were not available online, and she did not dare to ask questions to netizens casually, for fear of revealing her cards.

Xu Fei also had to stop.

"Second Brother"

"How did you bring outsiders in?"

"She is my friend, and today is my birthday."

Under the moonlight, the two brothers, who seemed to be carved from the same mold, had no expression on their faces. Their concise conversation seemed even stranger than strangers.

As a guest, Kitsune Shichi just observed silently. As an ordinary person, he felt the complexity of a large family for the first time... It's better to stay away.

A breeze blew. Although it was summer, the Xu family was located high in the sky. Even with a layer of barrier, there was a hint of chill in the wind.

Unconsciously, Kitsune Shichi's gaze fell on the young man again, gradually sliding along the water droplets on his neck to his injured chest... but he didn't expect the other party to turn his head directly, stare into her eyes, and smile suddenly.

His smile... was actually very friendly, but it was vaguely provocative.

Kitsune Shichi's eyelids twitched wildly, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Xu Yuran, S-. You are Kitsune Shichi. I watched your match this afternoon. You are very strong. I want to fight you."

Xu Yuran rubbed his half-long silver hair, pressed the edge of the fountain, bulged his arm muscles, and jumped out lightly.

"No, I'm cultivating myself lately."

Despite her attractive beauty, Fox Seven refused on the spot.

She couldn't protect herself now, and a beast battle... there was no benefit in fighting, and it was on someone else's territory.

On the Xu family's island, beating up the Xu family's S-?

She's not crazy!

Putting aside other things, the Xu family even had to add their talent level when introducing themselves, which shows how obsessed they are with strength...

Especially the second young master Xu, who was covered in blood and soaked in cold water. Didn't he feel pain? He couldn't be called a madman.

A fighting madman with no sense of pain?!

Fox Seven came to his senses, was shocked, grabbed Xu Fei's sleeve, and ran away without waiting for him to come to his senses.

"Xu Fei is gone! Look at your mouth, it's as white as paper! Do you really not need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine, you can go with my second brother……"

"Just shut up!!!"

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