【Charm】, 100 Tech Skills Introduction:

Chance to slow down the target's thinking and increase favorability.

Netizen Notes: 1. Only effective for the opposite sex.

Netizen Notes: 2. A despicable courtship technique, mostly produced by male individuals with inferior appearance.

Kitsune Shichi:"……"

But how could Xu Fei look like a"disadvantage in appearance"?

So, what if the target is hermaphrodite? Ineffective or effective? Or half the effect?

With all kinds of doubts, Kitsune Shichi resolutely said goodbye to Xu Fei, resolutely not letting the latter send her, and stood alone in the teleportation array.

"I will definitely close the door to your house, don't worry!"

"You don't have to be so scared, low-level skills only last for two or three seconds"

"No, I just suddenly remembered...Karachi might still be waiting for me at your house. We agreed to go back in the morning."

Kitsune Shichi looked miserable. She was not pretending. She actually forgot about Karachi.

Xu Fei's face also froze. He thought of Karachi who was full of murderous aura and the extremely unhappy look when the latter looked at him.……

"Karachi is a dangerous pet."

Xu Fei said sternly,"If it wants to evolve into Yuekala, the beastmaster and Karachi need to face a life-and-death crisis together, so that it can evolve near death." Kitsune Shichi was about to kick the teleportation switch, but when he heard this, he paused, turned his head and looked at Xu Fei, pretending to be curious and slightly widening his eyes, asking knowingly:

"Have you also heard of Zhou’s Karachi?"

"You don't need to hear about it, Karachi is very famous."

Xu Fei did not deny it, and frowned.

He could see that Hu Shiqi had a good relationship with Karachi, so he would not be so tactless as to say bad things about Karachi, but……

"Zhou Yuye is a four-star beastmaster, but his fifth pet, [Double-petaled Tulip King], has lived with the Zhou family for many years."

Kohisagi was stunned,"Xiao Xiangyu again?"

Didn't they say that you can't contract with the same kind? She opened her eyes wide, this time she really wasn't pretending, and why... what did"already lived with the Zhou family for many years" mean?"?

"Yes, [Double Tulip King] is the best evolution direction for Xiao Xiangyu, and it is already king-level."

After all, it is someone else's family matter, and the Zhou family and the Xu family have a good relationship. Xu Fei could only stop there. But he hesitated for two seconds, and still couldn't help but say more:

"Karachi is the twisted evolution of Xiao Xiangyu, which deviates from the original intention of the healing system... You have to be careful, you are SSS-level, and it is trying to get close to you, it is very likely that it has its eyes on your contract position."

Ha, it is targeting my contract position? Kitsune Shichi was in a daze, she actually had such an honor...

Others don't know, but she knows that Karachi has a gold panel, this kind of qualification is one in a million, sorry, even dragons can only look on with envy.

Not to mention the distant ones, just say Xu Fei's Noli Flying Dragon - it looks cool, right? But it also has a red panel, and the end point of the evolutionary path is the emperor level.

And Karachi's evolutionary end point is the god level.

Although Kitsune Shichi is a newcomer to this world, she can listen, see and think, just like Perfect, it is a slime with god-level talent, it has only evolved to the intermediate level, but in the eyes of the auction house employees, it is already worth hundreds of millions.……

——The auction house employees deal with rare treasures every day and have a sharp eye, so their words are very valuable for reference.

"Is there a possibility... that it takes a very high talent to evolve into Karachi? It's not some twisted evolution."

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but want to defend herself, mainly because - damn, Karachi is so miserable! It also had to evolve in battle! No wonder it... had that expression at the time.

Kitsune Shichi still remembered that when they watched Karachi's battle video on the island, especially the one where it evolved into the"Bloodthirsty Violent Vine". Although it had won, Karachi had a gloomy expression, as if it was very unhappy.

Maybe, if there hadn't been that battle... there would be no Karachi, and it would have become the [Double-petaled Tulip King], and it wouldn't have to stay alone on the island...

Thinking of this, Kitsune Shichi became even more depressed, because she really didn't expect it, and she also instigated Perfect to play crazy memes in front of Karachi,"strangling" and"strangling" all the time.",""Strangulation"

"The Zhou family has been funding the research on the [Contract Release Array]."

Xu Fei revealed a little more, frowning even more tightly.

"What happens after the contract is terminated?" Fox Seven asked again."Freddy also said... he originally wanted to take Karachi back."

"Impossible," Xu Fei shook his head,"When a pet reaches the general level, its intelligence is no different from that of an adult human. If you were Karachi, would you enter the Zhou family again?"

Fox Seven stared at a corner in the air and smiled bitterly.

Of course not.

If it enters the Zhou family again, it will only stage:"Bloody Return, I Tear the King of Turmeric to pieces: Karachi's Revenge".

That guy really holds a grudge...


The house suddenly became cold.

The sun was shining brightly, but Fox Seven shuddered suddenly and raised his head in horror:"So I didn't keep my promise to go back in the morning-how should I make amends? You are a top student, you must have a way, right?"

Xu Fei:"……A sincere apology?"



Thirty minutes later, a flash of light appeared, and Hu Shiqi returned to Xu Fei's small house in Liuheng City.

Of course, this smallness was compared to his main house.

The house was quiet and silent.

Hu Shiqi sneaked out of the door and looked into the living room: Great, no one is sitting on the sofa.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly choked because she felt a faint wind blowing above her head.……


Kitsuneya Nana calmed down for two seconds, looked up, and saw a...quite cold, beautiful face.

Karachi was hanging upside down in the air, his feet on the ceiling, his hands clasped in front of his chest, his hair hanging down, his eyes staring at her.


Fox Seven quickly put on a bright smile, grabbed the schoolbag behind him, and took out Xu Fei's friendly reminder, she quickly placed an order, and the legendary plant-type beast pet's favorite 'Moon Shadow Honey Wine’——In fact, it is a very strong liquor.

There is also a set of jewelry and some hair accessories produced by the Silver Moon Auction.

All raised high, respectfully presented

"Gift! Take a quick look. Do you like it?"

Karachi rolled his eyes and jumped down from the top of the house. His figure was like a ghost. He reached out and took the bottle of wine. He turned the label to look at it and shook it again.

In the brown glass bottle, there was a viscous green liquid.

"Why did you buy such an expensive thing?"

It frowned and looked surprised.

It seemed that it liked it. Kitsune Shichi breathed a sigh of relief. Although this world was not scientific, she still couldn't understand why someone would take out a bottle of wine that was six centuries old and give it to someone else.

Six hundred years, would it really not expire? The wine inside was so thick that it couldn't flow!

"……Anyway, I got rich for no apparent reason, so I'll take you to enjoy it together."

Fox Seven waved his hand,"It was collected by the supplier of the Xu family. He just wanted to sell it, so he gave it to me."

Karachi stood there without moving.

"Did the kid from the Xu family tell you everything?"

"What did you say?" Fox Seven pretended to be stupid.

Karachi didn't answer immediately. He held the bottle of wine and looked at it for a few more times, his thin lips slightly curled

"Why did you give me this? A 600-year-old Moon Shadow is quite rare. People use this to celebrate when they are promoted from King to Emperor.

"Just take it if I give it to you. They are what they are, and you are what you are. Don't compare yourself to those mediocre women."

Kitsune Shichi coughed. In fact, she also felt that it was expensive, because it was just an ordinary bottle of wine. Even if it had a little special effect, it wouldn't make people feel so bad.

However, this bottle of wine really didn't have any special effects. It was just a very delicious wine that was widely loved by plant-type beasts, that's all.

"Let's go, let's go home... Oh, I mean, I think Freddy should agree to let me stay for a few more days."

Kitsune felt something was wrong halfway through her words, but after changing her words, she was confused again.

Maybe she really needed to buy an island, on the one hand, for perfect upgrades, there is plenty of food in the sea; on the other hand, the surroundings are open, and it is convenient to practice skills

"I don't know if it's expensive to build an island from land reclamation. I think the floating island in Jinwu Upper City is not bad... When we have money in the future, we can be neighbors.……"

Karachi also collected the pile of colorful jewelry and took a look at it in his hand. Although he still couldn't understand why humans liked boring decorations, this time, he pursed his lips and didn't say anything to criticize him.

"If you want, you can just buy Zhou Yuye's island. I don't think he dares to bargain with you."

Karachi said, and he randomly grabbed a hairpin and put it on his head, and put the rest in his pocket, so that he wouldn't seem too perfunctory, at least his actions showed that he liked it."

"This is the industry he built in the early days, and I contributed at least 1/2 of it... You don't think I've been eating for free, do you?"

Karachi stared at him with a stern face and asked

"How is that possible?" Fox Seven wanted to shake his head. Between the beast pet and the master, can that be called eating free food?

���You fight, it becomes your strength, it fights for you worldly power and honor...

Even your own children may not see you off to the end, but some beast pets will not only see you off to the end, but will also work hard to fulfill their owner's last wishes!

For example, the white tiger head teacher - not only did it insist on being a teacher for most of the semester, it even held meetings and conducted open classes normally. It is said that it can even write lesson plans by hand!

Kitsune Shichi has no doubt about it. She knows that even if she has nothing now and can only throw Perfection into the sea to find food on its own, it will not run away with a richer beastmaster.

Therefore, abandoning a beast pet is really too much.

Even if the direction of evolution is crooked, it can't be like this.

However, Kitsune Shichi sighed. She couldn't say this to Karachi. It would be bad if it irritated it.

"……Humph, all right," Karachi replied reluctantly, stretching out his hand to signal Fox Seven to hold him, and spoke quickly,"Anyway, this island is also very dilapidated. If you have money, go buy a new one. It's up to you."

Fox Seven was about to answer when he felt that he was being pulled up, the world was spinning, and he felt the familiar dizziness again.——

【Space Transfer】


The surrounding scenery changed, and Fox Seven quickly floated up to avoid being top-heavy and almost falling down.

When he looked up again, he smelled cigarette smoke. In the empty island villa, there was only a snow-white sofa in the middle, and all the other furniture had fallen down.

Freddy was sitting on the sofa, leaning against the back of the chair, with a cigarette butt in his hand, which had already burned out.

He didn't look up when he heard the noise. His dark eyes looked at the ashtray on the sofa calmly, and he pressed it lightly.

Fox Seven vaguely felt a little strange

"Oh, that money!"

She reacted and rubbed her aching temple. This space transfer made her feel dizzy every time. She really needed to exercise.……

"You don't have to give it to me, I don't want it even if you give it to me. Of course, I know I'm talking nonsense, but I'm just telling you."

"Large cash transactions need to be approved by the provincial bank, and the procedures will be slower."Freddy said, without lighting up a cigarette. The smile was still on his lips, but not in his eyes.

That look made people feel strangely familiar.

Kitsune was stunned for a moment. It felt that the room was too quiet, even the sound of the waves disappeared.

She turned her head sharply: Where is Karachi?!

However, the room was empty. Except for the three large glass windows and the unchanging scenery outside, where was the shadow of other people?

"It's you... it's you!"

It's the Holy Lord! Jiuxing! Kitsune Shichi quickly changed his words, his stomach seemed to be churning with acid, his fingers clenched

"Yes, it's me. To save trouble, I'm borrowing this guy's face for a while."

‘Freddy replied, but he had no intention of changing back. Then, a snow-white sofa slowly rose up from the empty space in front of him.

"Please take a seat."He said.

Kitsune Shichi dared not refuse.

"Kitsune Shichi, I am very satisfied with you." The Holy Lord said with the face of 'Freddy',"So I plan to make you my successor. What do you think?"

Kitsune Shichi choked:"Inherit your enemy?"

The corners of the Holy Lord's eyes curved slightly.���bend

"Power comes from strength, not blood. Status comes from violence, not from the rules of society that teach you who is superior and who is inferior."

"So, how can I have enemies? Looking around the world, everyone is my friend. No matter when I knock on the door, they will take out fine wine and treat me with courtesy."

The Holy Lord laughed softly, and he really thought it was funny. His dark eyes swept across the girl's tense face.

"You are cute, and your ideas are cute. However, I trust my judgment, and you will not have any enemies."


Kitsune Yashichi could only agree ambiguously. The key point was, did she have the right to refuse?

""Then what do you need me to do?" she asked.

The Holy Lord replied:"Do everything you want to do, everything."

This time, Kitsune Shichi was really stunned, his eyes widened,"Who issues tasks like this, what do you want me to do, what should the heir do, you should give me a hint!" What if she goes in the wrong direction and gets killed?

The Holy Lord was also silent, but after a few minutes, he found that Kitsune Shichi was not joking.

He had to explain patiently:"What I want is an heir, not a subordinate, so you can do whatever you want - literally, do you understand?"

"A truly strong person cannot hide his edge." After saying that

, he laughed again.


She was confused and dazed.

She didn't understand, she didn't understand, she didn't understand at all! She was pushed into the depths of the secret realm by the enemy and almost died, but how come this person said it so easily, as if he had received a great gift?

No, Kitsune Shichi forced herself to calm down. She couldn't complain at this time, she had to do her business.……

"Karachi is your...helper?"


The Holy Lord raised his hand, and the next moment, a black screen appeared in front of Fox Seven's eyes, occasionally interspersed with red light, and occasionally revealing the familiar... ocean and sky?

Fox Seven stared for a long time before he vaguely realized that this might be Karachi's skill [Blood Flash], which was too dense.

"Oh, by the way, do you want something?"

The Holy Lord asked again,"Just ask boldly, whatever you want is easy for me to get."

"Yes. Lord Saint, I really want the list of the personnel of Shengxu and Zhongyong, including official members and undercover members, and it would be better to mark them in detail, such as what beast pets they have and what skills they have awakened."

Kitsune Shichi turned her eyes away from the screen. At this moment, she really calmed down and said with a smile on her face:

"Of course, I have no other intentions, I just want to get to know you in advance.……‘friends’"

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