The atmosphere in the spacious room was frozen and quiet.

The man with Freddy's face finally curved his eyes.

"The list needs to be sorted out and will be given within this week. I will ask A Luo to deliver it then... If you still want to touch it, you can go buy some mango rice, but I can't guarantee success."

After the words fell, the Holy Lord stretched out his hand and waved. A crack appeared in the place where his right hand passed, and it rotated and spread into a huge space door.

Huh? Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment before she matched"A Luo" with the black kitten on the bus. Just as she was about to twitch her mouth, she saw a black unknown object flying towards her, scaring her so much that she tilted her head to avoid it.

The thing rolled into the gap of the sofa with a"gurgle"

"Take it, you might be useful."

After saying this, the man's figure sank into the crack. At the same moment, Kitsune's heart tightened. She heard crisp"cracks" from all directions at the same time, as if a huge glass cover had cracked and was swaying above her head.


Can you do something human???

The summoning array suddenly lit up, Kitsune's Seven Lightning Seal, while cursing the Holy Lord for being an idiot in her heart, she grabbed the things on the sofa - she didn't even have time to look at it, she was wrapped in perfection and drilled into the ground like lightning!


The barrier cracked, and the sound of wind and waves poured in at the same time. A terrifying black light shot down instantly, destroying and tearing everything apart at lightning speed, piercing through the ground, and melting the rocks with a"hiss".

Soon, the ground was empty, even the land was flattened, with potholes everywhere and thick yellow fog.

Above the dilapidated island, there was only a dark green thorn ball suspended, with countless vines hanging down, and the black thorns shining with a cold luster in the sun.

Like a drunk traveler, it floated aimlessly, swaying quietly in the sky.

The sea breeze blew"woooo", like someone's cry.

"Ahem, ouch… Ahem… Stop hitting me, stop hitting me… It’s me……"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the ground. Karachi in the sky paused, and quickly turned into a human form and flew down. However, its mental power did not sense the breath of any living creature.

But it saw it.

In the dusty yellow fog, two figures, one big and one small, gradually became clear. Accompanied by a violent cough, the big one suddenly swelled up and quickly swallowed up the nearby dust.

"Ahem... ahem, Jiuxing, you dare……"

Kitsune Shichi wiped her face and her mouth at the same time. Her palms were stained with red. Then she coughed violently, and she bent over with coughing. Blood-red water came out of her nose.

Instantly, pink rays of light fell, and Kitsune Shichi's body relaxed. Her body became warm, and her aching stomach got better...

Karachi ran all the way, almost jumping all the way over, forgetting that he could teleport. As soon as he arrived in front of her, he grabbed Kitsune Shichi's sleeve tightly, and saw the blood on her face...

He pursed his lips, dared not speak, and used healing light waves frantically.

After evolving into the bloodthirsty violent vine, all of its healing skills mutated, leaving only one healing light wave, because this is the most basic racial talent and will not mutate.

But it never practiced it later, and [Healing Light Wave] has remained at the Grandmaster level, and it is still far from the ultimate.

"No, no healing light waves are needed! I ate dragon fruit for lunch today. I just fell down and got hit in the stomach by my own knee... cough cough!"

Kitsune Yashichi was almost healed, but when she looked up and saw Karachi's expression, she was choked by her saliva again. When she opened her mouth, her teeth were all bloodshot.

The key point was that it happened suddenly... Who had time to adjust their posture?

That knee hit really killed her.

""Ahem, I will never eat dragon fruit again!"

Karachi curled his lips, as if he was about to cry, but he stopped abruptly, and his eyebrows stood up fiercely.

That kind of fear was indescribable.

He just loosened his hand, and in just a moment, the person was gone, disappeared in front of him.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't break through the barrier.

"……I'm really weak……"

Its voice choked for a moment, but its emerald eyes suddenly calmed down, as if asking, or making a judgment.

"Even if it evolves, it's useless.……"

"No, no, no, you are very strong. He is a nine-star old monster who has lived for thousands of years. We are still babies. We can't compare with him... Oh, he is such a complete idiot."

Kitsune Shichi groaned again. Although her body had been healed, she began to feel scared again. Her heart seemed to have just reacted and began to beat wildly.

The sea breeze was howling, and the slime that had finished hunting dust returned with a"clatter", landing behind Kitsune Shichi and recasting the mermaid's body from bottom to top.

Karachi also looked over subconsciously and saw the slime's face, which was gathering very slowly. After half a day, only half of it was reshaped. The outline of the face was familiar and unfamiliar.

Suddenly, Karachi's pupils shrank.

Why did the slime... become like it?

Surrounded by water, the half-water-colored and transparent face slowly opened its mouth, and the smile became even more intense.

Karachi stood in the wind and suddenly understood.

That's right... Anyway, it... has no meaning...

This elemental life... must have felt its despair and knew that by eating it, it would become stronger... It has only been two weeks, and it has already evolved to a higher level.

【Become fodder】

【This is your final value.】

"Let's have a drink together." Karachi said.

It was three or four in the afternoon. The sun was not so strong. The waves were roaring and hitting the shore.

Karachi took out the bottle of wine hidden in his body. The ordinary brown bottle suddenly became very heavy, and his arms could not hold it up.

"Is it here?"

Kitsune looked around and saw that the island was already ruined... not to mention the houses, even the towers and the hills were blown flat.

Uh... this must be blamed on the Holy Lord. Anyway, everyone said that he liked to bomb randomly, and they were afraid that he would blow up Liuheng. It was normal to destroy an island casually... It was in line with the character of the Holy Lord.

"We can also go to the beach."

Karachi returned to normal, flew up into the air, and took a look at the beach.

As a result, the pink beach had almost melted due to the bombardment, but there was still a small piece left.

"Wow, there is only a heart-shaped beach left!" Kitsune Yashichi followed and flew over. The surroundings were bald except for a pink heart-shaped beach, which was particularly eye-catching.


Kitsune turned and called out to Perfect, only to find that he was looking toward the ocean. His soul was restless, he was hungry, and he was yearning for food. He wanted to dive into the sea.

"Okay, then you go ahead.……"

Before he could finish his words, Wan Mei disappeared from the spot, bouncing into the water like a cannonball.

"That's fine, so you can drink more."

Fox Seven touched her head, feeling a little embarrassed, and glanced at the black ring on her left thumb. Because the size was too big, she could only wear it on her thumb, and it was still a little loose.

Isn't this the strange ring of the Holy Lord? At first, she couldn't see the pattern clearly, but now she looks closely, it's just an ordinary wide ring, without any pattern at all... The most outrageous thing is that this thing can't be put into the space, and in theory it can't be thrown around, so it can only be carried like this.

Fox Seven felt sympathetic. It was the first time in her life that a man gave her a ring, and it turned out to be like this. It was really too unlucky.……

"Are you going to drink in the sky?"

Karachi had already fallen down, and two small wooden cups appeared from nowhere, and he looked up at the sky and shouted

"Here it comes!"

Kitsune Yachi hurried down

……I hope that after drinking this cup of wine which is six hundred years old, she can still be alive and well and not die on the spot... May the gods and Buddhas in heaven bless her, Amitabha, Amen.

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