[Hint: This chapter is still a little strange. If you think too much, you must be thinking too much. The author does not take any responsibility. Please have mercy on the humble author. Thank you. Muah……】


The full moon was in the sky, and the waves were surging.

On the edge of the devastated beach, the red buds trembled and bloomed, and the transparent stamens dripped crystal white beads, mixed with a little blood, slowly sliding down the branches.

The bright moonlight swirled, and strands of energy almost turned into liquid, like sweet rain, being absorbed by the roots that were constantly annihilating and growing.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Kitsune's pupils dilated, and she vaguely remembered what Karachi said to her when Perfect evolved for the first time:

【……Every time we evolve... fate also gives us the opportunity to choose. We can choose to betray, but we have to pay a heavy price! 】

So... it paid a heavy price?

"Why do you do this?"

Can't you just wait a little longer?

Haven't you been waiting for a long time?

Fox Seven didn't understand. Her nose was surrounded by a rotten and muddy smell, which was so strong that it made her breathless.

It was the dead vine of Karachi.

It was injured, seriously injured, but even so seriously, it was trying to stretch its branches and leaves and didn't want to give up.

At this moment, Fox Seven suddenly understood why the beast control team needed a healing system.

The wind was whistling, and a hoarse hum could be heard faintly.

"……Do you need me to touch you?"

Fox Seven understood, but listening to the voice... it always felt wrong, hoarse and coquettish, not like Karachi's past voice.

Like a sick dog, needs the owner to touch it?

With a slightly frowned brow, Fox Seven went to touch Karachi gently again, and the trembling petals were hot. Maybe because she was drunk, her fingers did not control the strength well, and actually passed through the petals, rubbing the thin stamens in the center... crooked.

The red flower shook violently.

At this moment, Fox Seven's eyes went dark, and a huge leaf rolled over and rolled her up directly. First, it threw it hard - as if it wanted to throw her away, but in the end... slowly,"pop", put her on the ground.

Fox Seven:???

She got up from the ground

"Hey, you let me touch you!……"

Not far away, Karachi, who had lost his vines, wrapped himself up in leaves into a ball, airtight, as if to say,"I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen.""……

Kitsuneya Nana glared at it angrily.

Then the beach fell into silence, and the surroundings gradually darkened. This evolution almost absorbed all the moonlight.



Suddenly, Kitsune's head dropped down, she raised her head suddenly and rubbed her ears weakly.

Her thoughts seemed to be disconnected. Maybe she was really drunk. She seemed to hear a man's voice just now.

"I must have drunk too much...……"

Kitsune Shichi nodded again, yawned sleepily, and continued to sit on the ground with her legs hugged, her cold white face was tinged with blush, her eyebrows and eyes were dazed.

She seemed to have just taken a nap.

Not far away, Karachi was still evolving, and the green leaves turned white, but at first glance, it was normal.

Because Yuekala is a white vine.

So the male voice just now...

Kitsune Shichi didn't sense that there were other people nearby.

It shouldn't be Karachi, after all, its daily dress is: a bun, suspenders, shorts, and occasionally a skirt with cherry hairpins...

Thinking about it, Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and inexplicably thought of Freddy again, the latter's twisting figure in a tight skirt... the devilish swaying... lingering.

This Zhou family... may indeed have strange traditions……?


Late at night, everything around me became blurry and distant.

Only the steady heartbeat remained.

Something rolled up and covered me.

Piece by piece, soft and warm.

It said:

"Good night."

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