Kitsune had a dream.

In the dream, there were two Karachis, one male and one female, playing ball.


They swung their tennis rackets, destroying the world.

Wait! Why is that ball aqua blue? It looks so much like... her Perfect?


Kitsune was startled and opened his eyes suddenly.

The sky was dimly lit, and the floating clouds were gilded. It was dawn, and the sun had not yet fully risen.

There was no big tail in his arms, which was rare.

"……I won't drink anymore.……"

Kitsune Shichi got up from the ground. His arms and shoulders didn’t hurt. He lay on the ground all night and didn’t get a stiff neck.

Behind him… his eyes were burning and full of resentment.

Kitsune Shichi froze for no reason, recalling the unspeakable behaviors he had done after getting drunk— no, no, no, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, etc., these biological knowledge… were too scientific. This world doesn’t follow science at all. It’s impossible, absolutely impossible…

Ahhh! She was so cruel to the flowers!!!

She took advantage of Karachi’s evolution and couldn’t move, and poked and rubbed the flower buds crazily!!! She rubbed Karachi until he cried!!!

"Karachi... Chankara……"

What needs to be faced must be faced. Kitsune Qi slowly turned his head and was about to say hello, but suddenly stopped.

Because sitting opposite was a white-haired, red-eyed beauty, with a towel draped over her body, her narrow phoenix eyes slightly raised, her eyebrows slightly raised, and it was hard to tell whether she was male or female, playing with sand in her hands.

Behind this person, there was a pair of huge white wings, but a closer look revealed that they were not feathers, but leaves.

""Yukara, why aren't you upside down?"

Kitsune Shichi tried to hold it in for a long time, but still couldn't help it.

Countless questions were like bubbles in boiling water, churning wildly, and she didn't know which one to ask...

Karachi's mouth froze,"Just call me Karachi, I don't want to change my name according to your human rules." He has been called this name for more than 50 years, and he really doesn't want to change it. Why does he have to change his name every time he evolves? It's really annoying.

Kitsune Shichi stared at Karachi's broad shoulders, then looked down...abdominal muscles, tight and full of power, thin waist and narrow - narrower than a certain mermaid!

‘The King of Chu had a thin waist, and many people in the palace starved to death.

The next person who wants to surpass this can only be a bee or an ant.

"Oh, yes, you just mentioned hanging upside down.……"

Karachi tilted his head, not caring."Didn't I tell you that the previous image was a simulation? My hair is my roots. I don't like my roots pointing upwards, so I left them hanging." At that moment, the only thing left in Kitsune's mind was [roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds……】But soon, she remembered the important matter, her expression became serious, and her brows knitted tightly.

"By the way, you cut off the contract forcefully, is that okay?"

Theoretically it should be okay, he's still playing with sand.

Kitsune Shichi looked around again. She had just woken up and didn't react because of the stench and Karachi's broken limbs were gone.

Karachi blinked,"This is a long story.……"

"Please keep your long story short." Fox Seven interrupted him.

Karachi's mouth twitched.

"Nothing happened - that's strange. Actually, there was something wrong, but because of some coincidences, it's okay now."

So Kitsune Shichi heard an incredible story.

The gist of the first half is:

Karachi was drunk, and someone rubbed his flowers madly (...), he was too excited, thinking of the past, he was in pain and aggrieved but - here, he didn't say"but" what, he just said twice in a row"Who asked you to pinch my flowers? I just let you see!"——In short, he was very angry and just wanted to cut off all ties with the Zhou family, to get rid of this broken life as soon as possible, and to be a pure and beautiful flower in the next life (?)

"This... this is not my fault!"

Kitsune Shichi cried out in injustice, she had made a strategy!

In order to get along well with Karachi, she looked up countless information,"Little Xiangyu also likes to stick to others! Tulip vine also likes to rub against others! Everyone can touch flowers! Other little Xiangyu will take the initiative to use their flower buds to rub against the palm of their owner's hand!"

Hehe, other little Xiangyu? Karachi sneered silently, his scarlet eyes narrowed

"You humans can touch your baby randomly when you are bathing him, but when you are in your twenties or thirties, can you still let others touch you randomly like that?"

"You insisted on showing it to me, but I didn't know it. I only got 100 points in eight subjects, and I only took online courses up to the second grade. I haven't learned the chapter on plant physiology yet.……"

Kitsune Shichi was desperate about this unreasonable world.

This broken world, where magic was mixed with pseudoscience, the law of the jungle was mixed with fake rule of law... Now even her beautiful hermaphroditic sister was molested by her and turned into a man...

Kitsune Shichi stared at her hand.

This hand, or else, I'd better chop it off.

"……Don't get excited. Why think so much? I didn't say anything to you... cough."

Karachi glanced around and finally fixed his eyes on the ground in the distance, as if he had a great interest in the ruins next to him. Finally, he coughed and cleared his throat.

"……It should stay like this for the next two days. You don't have to worry about it. Different species, humans don't care about meat or vegetables... all kinds of changes... anyway, it's normal for me."

"Can it be changed back?" Kitsune Yachi was stunned.

"For you, it's [changing back], but for me, I'm just like this, there's no such thing as changing or not changing."

Karachi was surprisingly patient

"Theoretically, I am the same as slime, I can only be in heat with myself and reproduce myself. That's what I mean."

Kitsune Shichi reluctantly expressed his understanding and decided to study online courses like crazy. Even if he couldn't immediately wash away his past worldview, he had to fill his brain with the basic common sense of the new world...

This is really much more difficult than learning a language from scratch.

"So you cut the contract and evolved successfully?"

"No, I was... not thinking straight at that time, I just took all the damage at once, it was really easy for that idiot Zhou Yuye……"

Karachi said with a cold face.

Kitsuneya Qi could faintly hear the sound of him grinding his teeth.

However, the second half of Karachi's words was even more magical:

"I originally thought that if I died, I would die. It was my own fault that I evolved wrongly. There was nothing anyone could do about it. That idiot just wanted a healing system, and I couldn't stand it. So I had to leave. After all, not everyone can be as lucky as your slime. I... okay, it's my bad luck."

"So, is it wrong for me to want a comfort before I die? And you made me flowery again! And you even touched my...! Forget it, forget it, I know you didn't mean it... But, anyway, you pissed me off……"

Kitsuneya Nana sat upright, almost swearing to the heavens:

"I mean no harm, really, Karachi, you must believe me, because your flowers are beautiful, I want to touch them, that's all"

""Hmph." Karachi rolled his eyes. Even though he made such a vulgar gesture, his eyes were still charming and beautiful.

"As for then……"

As he was talking, Karachi suddenly fell silent, because then, he also felt it was outrageous.

Logically speaking, although he was emotional at the time and had accumulated enough energy for evolution, the evolution conditions of [Yukara] had not been met, even if he used the severance contract to achieve the"severe injury""……Zhou Yuye was also alive and well, and there was no such thing as"pet owners and beast owners advance and retreat together".

Therefore, he originally thought that he would fail to evolve, his mental power would be damaged and he would become an idiot, so he could give his body to the slime to replenish his body. Although the latter was a cold-blooded and ruthless fool, no one could deny its loyalty. And Kitsune Shichi... although he was not very motivated, he was... okay.

Karachi pursed his lips.

Anyway, he didn't want her to die.

"So… Fortunately, you touched me so hard that I threw you too far away in anger. As a result, you, a careless bastard, actually fell asleep on the beach… How did you fall asleep?"

Speaking of this, Karachi was very angry. Not only did he hammer the ground with his hands, he also stretched out his wings and slapped the ground wildly, raising a cloud of dust.

"Isn't it normal to fall asleep after getting drunk?"

Kitsune Yachi's eyes widened. Could she be blamed for this?

"You are drunk and lying on the beach. There is no shelter around you. The sea is so cold. Do you remember that you are a human? You will die!"

Karachi shouted with suppressed anger, but the depths of his scarlet eyes seemed to be burning.

"Do you know how I felt at that time?"

"I want to save you! Can you at least call Slime up to sleep?! But when I called you, you couldn't hear me at all!"

Fox Seven was silent.

"sorry……"she says

""It's okay. I don't blame you. I shouldn't have dragged you to drink. That wine is not for a one-star beastmaster."

Karachi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He also ignored that although humans can drink Moon Shadow, when the beast pet evolves to the emperor level, the corresponding beastmaster will have been fed back into a non-human...

The body of a one-star beastmaster can't bear that stimulation at all, and his healing light wave is only basic.��� in the final analysis, this is fate.

However, this kind of fate is not bad.

After a few minutes of rest, Karachi retracted his wings, glanced to the side again, and snorted softly, as if he was very reluctant.

"Anyway, I was… no matter what, we had reached the condition of ‘living and dying together’, and at that time, there was no enemy, no battle, I just wanted to save you. The direction of evolution was distorted again."

After saying that, Karachi frowned, but the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, like a cluster of sparks blooming on a cold ice field, staring straight at the person who caused his evolution to be distorted.——【The culprit].

At this moment, he was so proud.

"That's right, because of you, I am useless. Half of my attack skills are gone, and they have all turned into broken healing skills. From now on, I can't take care of myself! Kitsuneya Nana, you must be responsible for me!!!"

Kitsuneya Nana:"……?"

She rubbed her eyes and a smile returned to her face.

Whatever the messy process, the result sounded good.

Amazing, amazing, this shouldn't be a dream.

"No problem! I swear to God! Even if you degenerate back to a seed! I will be responsible for you!"

"But you can't make a contract with me now."

Karachi said again stiffly. This time, without Kitsune's questioning, he continued on his own:

"Because you need to repay, by contracting with me, you will lose 4 opportunities to repay"

"That's okay, I don't care.……"

Fox Seven waved her hand, although she had���There is a god-level mineral mother, but compared with Karachi, it is a small problem.

When you are in the underworld, the most important thing is friendship.

"No!!! I don't accept it!!! You have to cheer up and stand up for me!!! My master of Karachi must...get up at 7 o'clock in the morning at the latest!!! I want to go to the Star Cup to win the championship! Kill them all!!!"

Kitsune Shichi:"……"

The sky is so blue, the clouds are so white.

She slowly typed a question mark

——My Lord, are you really a healer?

"Uh... okay, okay... I will definitely take you there……"

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