The so-called [Moon Alliance] means: under the moonlight, the attack power and recovery power are improved. The specific effect varies from pet to pet. The essence of [Mirror Flip] is to confuse cognition. In human terms, it means: hit the left cheek, and the right cheek hurts.

Coupled with those skills that are too powerful and inconvenient to show, and the characteristic positioning of"healing pet", this set of combined punches is really too dark...

Fox Seven couldn't help but sigh, alas.

For example, assuming a team battle in the future - if the opponent gives an order:"Go to that nurse first!", and then rushes to Karachi collectively - that would be too exciting.

Can't be killed, can't be killed at all.

Fox Seven pinched his chin and held back his smile.

In the meeting room, the rustling sound of the pen tip finally stopped. Except for Ji Yan who was sitting firmly in the center, the other two people and one rabbit turned their heads and looked at each other, their eyes staggered.

Xue Gao Gao urged with his eyes:"You say it."

The nameless man refused with his eyes:"I won't say it."

The recorder Yu Xin pretended to be dead:"I'm busy to death." '

Just as they were blaming each other, Kitsune Yashichi thought again���Minutes later, I decided to ask:

"Ms. Ji Yan, the Interstellar Cup... I saw that people under 55 years old can sign up, and the preliminaries for each planet are in the next few days. Can king-level beast pets participate?"

Ji Yan was stunned again, looking up and down at the thin body and tender face of the girl opposite. Even though she didn't like to meddle in other people's business, she couldn't help but dissuade her:

"Yes, you can, but you should practice in the high school league and the college league first. The StarCraft Cup is quite intense and not suitable for people of your age."

No, who would jump to participate in the competition?!

Can you follow the rules?!

Looking at the entire StarCraft, there are a lot of SSSs, at least a dozen, do you think you can beat everyone? At that moment, Ji Yan's heart was thundering, and there was only one thought left: Sure enough, the thinking of the genius SSS is incomprehensible to ordinary people? Could it be that he thinks he is invincible and must find some setbacks for himself, and he will have no sense of existence if he does not suffer?

What kind of life realm is this... Help, she also wants to experience it...

However, on the surface, Ji Yan just picked up the tea and took a sip, solemnly unchanged.

"But I'm afraid that Karachi will evolve too fast. If he is promoted to the emperor level, he won't be able to participate in the Star Cup."

Fox Yaqi... also took a sip of the teacup, and smiled shyly and embarrassedly.

The main reason is that she happened to have money this summer vacation.

It doesn't matter if she loses in the first round of the competition. The important thing is to take this opportunity to go out and have a look. Maybe she will die one day. She has a lot of money in her hand, but she doesn't travel the stars. She will definitely die with regrets!

Besides, if she goes out to play, she can get up at five o'clock! Even at four in the morning!

On the starship, the second-year online classes are even more attractive!

Fox Yaqi's little abacus is"crackling".

What if the King of Curls is contracted? It doesn't matter, just let it roll! Support it with all your strength!

This is like the sky wants to rain and the mother wants to get married. Karachi wants to make progress, which is equivalent to the earth's revolution. No one can stop the King of Curls from rolling, and she... travels 80,000 miles a day on the ground, shouting"Come on", supporting it to roll to death!

Anyway, it won't die (crossed out)

——Charge! Strangle!!!

For a moment, Kitsuneya Nana almost couldn't stop smiling, but fortunately she reacted quickly and stretched out her hand to cover it, which made her look a little uneasy and embarrassed.

"It has never participated in the StarCraft Cup before, and wants to go and see it... But I found the registration entrance on the official website, but I can't sign up... It's summer vacation, so I want to take them out to see the outside world.……"

Huh? Ji Yan's expression was distorted.

But soon, she returned to normal.

——Yes, there is no need. The other party is only 15 years old. He has always been a genius. He must be invincible among his peers. His life is too smooth. He has everything he needs, except a beating.

"Normally, it won’t be that fast for a king to be promoted to an emperor. The accumulation of energy is a gradual process, so don’t rush it."

And in the entire galaxy, since the emergence of the beastmaster profession, there has been no Xiao Xiangyu who has evolved to the emperor level. To advance to the emperor level in a short period of time… Hehe, in fact, you don’t have to think too much.

But this can’t be said directly. Anyone with a brain would not say to a high-risk beast pet that has just been promoted to the king level:

‘Honey, you're done. '

It can blow your ancestors' graves to the end of the stars

"As for the fact that you can't sign up, it should be that the system is still going through the procedures. I looked at your information. You are a newly registered one-star beastmaster, and it has not been entered into the database yet. According to the regulations, it takes fourteen working days. I will go back and help you check it. You can try again in the afternoon."

Ji Yan persuaded her again, but this time he was shaken and his tone was obviously gentle.

Anyone with a dream is great. Although the reality is cruel, there is no need to undermine the self-confidence of young people.

Then, Ji Yan raised his eyes and looked across.

Under the light, the girl's face was delicate, her fair skin exuded a faint soft light, and her half-long hair was tied into a small braid, which was soft and smart.

Ji Yan thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone.

"Mr. Kitsune, please add your contact information. I work in the association and am responsible for the assessment of beast pets above level 1. If you have any related questions, you can contact me at any time."


Registration is over.

On the street, Kitsune Shichi walked to a deserted place. Seeing that there was no one around, he reached out to grab the back of his head and rubbed the tender little white seedling on his hair.

The little white seedling seemed to be dead and did not move.


Fox Seven stretched hard, pulling the little white seedling straight

"My sister just said that hair is the root, and asked us to be careful of the impact outside... What does that mean?"

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Silence is an unforgettable night.

After a long time, Xiao Baimiao spoke up, answering a question that was not asked:


The slime is also on your head, why don't you take care of it? And you are a human, why do you bother with me?���It moved in an instant, and then jumped back to the end of Kitsune Yashichi's hair, where it remained intact, tightly tangled into a ball, like a circle of hair flowers, and faintly let out a satisfied sigh.

Kitsune Yashichi:...

She was silent for a while, took out her phone and searched——

#What does it mean when a plant-type beast pet is entangled with roots?

Netizen 1: Oh...

Netizen 2: Just... that's it...

Netizen 3: Just like when we lie on the bed, holding hands, telling stories, you are in me, I am in you... cough cough cough... That's about the same

Netizen 4: You are a bunch of beasts! You don't even let plants go! Can you be a clean human being!!!

Netizen 5: Upstairs, why are you so anxious?

Netizen 6: Look at his homepage, it's all plant-type

Netizen 7: 5th floor, be careful of the flowers

Netizen 8: Hahaha, be careful +1


Netizen 29: Tsk, a bunch of idiots

Netizen 30: The guy above is so confident that humans are so scary. Even if you kill me, I can't open it. I can't open it at all.

Netizen 31: Humans are really narcissistic……



My heart was filled with excitement and I felt chilled.

Kitsune made a phone call right on the spot:

"Hello, is this the bookstore owner? I want a complete set of plant psychology and plant physiology!!! Urgent! Very urgent! Transfer to me immediately and pay me! Wait here!"

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