Freddy had a hard night.

First, he maxed out his credit card and cashed out 220 million yuan, hoping to create a love-brained + prodigal personality and scare away all the blind date candidates.

As a result, Kitsune Shichi beat Alice and made her cry.

And Alice burst into tears after she stepped down, shocking the staff.

Because she was provoked by Kitsune Shichi, she took out all her pocket money and bet on herself... and ended up losing everything.

The key is that Alice's father runs a casino. As a young lady, Alice used her authority to check while crying:

Wow, Kitsune Shichi made a net profit of 60 million! Freddy made a net profit of 5 billion! These two were the only ones who made money in the whole venue!

And Alice, she lost more than 3 billion!

——Who made her always beat others in the past? When everyone saw her on stage, they thought this round was a sure thing.

Suddenly, Alice cried even louder.

As the initiator of the competition, Freddy had to bear the pressure and comfort Alice.

No, it should be to comfort Alex.

Alex, an eight-star boss, rich as a star, over five hundred years old, only has one daughter, his wife is unknown, and the latest character setting is: a 24-year-old daughter slave, a perfect father



Freddy rushed into the studio in a hurry, striding forward with great impatience.

This is the largest, most luxurious and most expensive photography base in Liuheng City.

A professional photography team is busy. The chief planner is leading people to set up the scene according to the script, while communicating with the collocation artist, makeup artist and prop master to change the plan on the spot. The two sides are discussing and are about to fight.


Freddy covered his forehead with one hand, and was accidentally blinded by the spotlight. His temples were throbbing, but he saw that the guy he named... just ignored him, as if he didn't hear him. He kept changing his movements according to the instructions, twisting his waist, raising his hands and legs, and his little face was raised up, lowered and tilted to one side, his eyes opened and closed...

There were two people, one white and one blue, following him, with fluttering clothes, not wearing too much, and hanging jewelry chains...

What is this?

What are you doing?

"……Kitsune Shichi, you……"

Freddy closed his eyes tightly. He had good eyesight and saw the tablet in the planner's hand at a glance. It said - Act 3: The goddess came to the world, and all the beasts followed.


Freddy sighed deeply, found a big box and sat down,"Sister Kitsuneya... your brother, I am very painful and helpless now, do you know?"

"How did you get in? Where is the security guard?"

Seeing Freddy rushing in, a tiger-headed sturdy man put down his equipment and glanced over coldly, his snow-white beard trembling.

Freddy made a seal with one hand, and a blue light flashed. A black leopard more than five meters long landed nimbly, with three slender tails raised high, almost poking the top of the studio.

It opened its bloody mouth, its snow-white teeth flashed cold light, and it was about to roar out - a terrifying and violent breath pressed down, the ice-blue pupils of the Cretaceous Leopard shrank, and a huge and extremely terrifying eyeball suddenly appeared in his mind, scarlet and almost black, deep and unfathomable, as if it came from the eyes of Shura from hell.

Wait, what is this familiar feeling???

Yamete!! It's Karachi!!!

The shadow of childhood came, and the Cretaceous Leopard immediately stretched out its claws, closed its mouth that had just opened wide gracefully, squatted down obediently, looked left and right, but didn't look in the direction of the curtain.

Ying, it's a well-behaved kitten, meow~


Ten minutes later, Fox Seven finally finished the third scene, slowly descended from the sky, took a bottle of water, and gulped down a few mouthfuls.

While the staff was preparing for the next scene, Fox Seven walked towards Freddy.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, why are you here?"

She smiled attentively, and almost stepped on the ribbon accidentally, so she had to float up and fly all the way.

It's impossible not to be attentive. She blew up someone's father's island and kidnapped someone's father's pet... Alas, this sin is too big to compensate for, and can only be compensated by acting.

"What are you doing?"

Freddy looked up, looking sad.

"Take a family photo."

As expected, to celebrate Karachi's joining, Kitsune Yachi carefully selected a team of Internet celebrities. After half a morning of hard work, they have finished shooting"Vampire Nobles","Warlord Uniforms", and"Ancient Style Cultivation". There are also"Star Stage" and"Pure Love School" series. There will be a private party in the evening. The venue is being set up.

"Your slime has grown legs?"

"It's not difficult to change its legs"

"The White-haired Girl……?"

""Eh? That's Karachi, didn't your father tell you?"

Fox Seven blinked, unable to believe it.

Freddy was stunned for a moment, and their eyes met. He also couldn't believe it and almost jumped up:

"Is that Karachi...? My mother said... Karachi left last night, but……"

Freddy's pupils shrank, and then he reacted, stood up and asked loudly:"Family portrait?"

Fox Seven rubbed his buzzing ears and took a step back.

Alas, didn't I just take away your god-level talent general-level beast pet? Why are you yelling? You didn't want insisted on following me, how could I refuse it?

"Last night, the Holy Lord... cough, went to the island in front of your face. After this and that, your island was gone, and only a layer of land was left."

Fox Seven described briefly, she did not lie.

To be honest, this island was blown up by Karachi, but Karachi had not yet left the Zhou family and was still Zhou Yuye's pet, which was equivalent to Zhou Yuye blowing up his own island.

——Yes, this logic is correct.

"……Holy Lord."

Hearing this name, Freddy's head hurt even more.

Well, since the Holy Lord is here, there's nothing we can do. No ghost can do anything to that old man.

Turning around, Karachi had changed his clothes. She was a big-breasted female Bodhisattva with fluttering sleeves just now, but now she has changed into men's clothes again, with her fluttering white hair tied into a high ponytail, black leather jacket, black leather pants, black boots, a circle around her neck, and a long chain hanging from it... The other end of the chain was stuffed into the pocket of her shirt, and the metal pull ring was half exposed.

What kind of dress is this?

Freddy suspected that he was crazy. The

Blue Star Encyclopedia said that Karachi likes quietness.

But it was noisy here, with assistants running around, people shouting loudly, and camera equipment dragging on the ground.

Karachi was carrying a bass and was testing the sound, as if he was very interested in the instrument.

The only normal one was Slime.

Standing alone under the curtain with his eyes closed to rest, his face expressionless, exuding a low pressure that kept strangers away

"Miss Fox Seven! Come and take Mr. Slime to change clothes! Our assistant doesn't dare to go over there!"

Someone outside the venue urged loudly.

So Fox Seven smiled embarrassedly.

"I'll go first, and it'll be over soon."

Freddy waved his hand and said weakly,"Go ahead, finish the filming quickly, and we'll talk about it after it's over."

Then he waited... until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Kitsuneya Nana finished the film, very satisfied, and in high spirits, he waved his hand, in stark contrast to the half-dead Freddy:

"Let's go, Brother Zhou! I'll treat you. There's a party tonight. What do you want to eat? We need to fill our stomachs."

"Eat shit"


"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Kitsuneya Shichi - don’t let your Karachi come over! I was just talking nonsense - I really was talking nonsense! Aaaaaaaaah!!!"

Freddy, dead.

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