By the swimming pool, in the palm forest.

Inside the huge insect repellent barrier.

This is an open-air party with a very plant-based pet feature. Dozens of folding long tables are spliced together, and they are filled with wine bottles, red, white, beer, fruit drinks, everything.

Dozens of ice buckets are placed beside the table, and ice cubes of various shapes are piled up to overflowing, emitting freezing cold air.

Of course, there are also some human food on another table, freshly baked toast, caramel pudding, and fruit pies piled into small hills. The main point is to look good, don't ask who will eat it, just look beautiful.

There is another table, with twenty [large] bottles of intermediate energy recovery agent - each bottle is only 50 ml. At first glance, it looks very simple, but in fact it is about the same price as the large amount of wine and drinks combined.

Five robot chefs are urgently grilling meat, three roast beef and two roast chicken. Lamb and pork are too smelly, and the Cretaceous Leopard is picky and doesn't eat these two things.

The Holy King Bird is in hard training and is absent.

Freddy found a random chair and sat down to wait. Seeing that Kitsune and Karachi had changed into their swimsuits, the latter's red eyes seemed to be glued to the former's head. Although he was 1.9 meters tall, his long legs could not walk more than 1.7 meters. His hands were swaying back and forth, always brushing past him, as if he wanted to hold his hand, but was too embarrassed to do so...

Oh, it was really unbearable to watch.

Freddy covered his face, unable to bear to look directly at it. He finally understood the truth behind Karachi's escape, and remembered his grandfather's hysteria.——

‘Do you know how your father pursued your mother? Do you know how humble he was? Do you think it's fun to see an old house on fire? '

To be honest, Karachi, who is over 50 years old, was a devil who was so powerful that everyone ran away when he saw him. Now he has a crush on love and has to put a collar on himself and force the leash into the hands of other girls...

In this comparison, Freddy suddenly felt that he was good again - wasn't it just serving Alice for a long time? Wasn't it just that the bank and financial institutions were calling him? Wasn't it just that Alex invited him to"sit down"?

As long as he didn't fall in love, he was his own god!

At this time, a laugh came from the distance

"Haha, brother Zhou, look what I found~"

Fox Seven ran over quickly, holding a large bag of snacks high in his hand, and threw it forward with force - the expedited production, freshly baked strange beans! Just delivered, still warm.

There are nose boogers, eye boogers, dog poop, all kinds of shit smells. Although it is a pet snack, humans can also try it~

Freddy ducked and let the bag of snacks hit him behind him, but he just rolled his eyes and didn't refute

……I feel so sad... Who understands?

"I just urged you again, but it still doesn't work. You should go to Jinwu Bank to apply for a new bank card. I really can't handle their president. He said he went to an alien planet for a meeting... No one can find him, but I suspect he is drinking tea in his office."

Freddy sighed,"There is no other way. The bank has a retention task. They want you to apply for a card and transfer money within the bank.……"

Yes, the main reason he came this time was because the interbank transfer of more than 4 billion yuan failed and was blocked by the bank.

"This is your money, just keep it, as long as you don't tell Xu Fei, he won't ask you for it."

Fox Seven didn't dare to take the money, she ran to the table to open the wine, and followed the tutorial to DIY wine-flavored juice.

Karachi threw an orange casually, and the next second, the orange was divided into orange juice and orange peel in the air. The slender white fingers touched the air, and the orange-yellow juice bubbles flew up and fell into the glass in Fox Seven's hand.

"What skill is this?" Kitsune asked.

"【Space Transfer】"

After saying this, Karachi's red eyes lit up slightly, and hundreds of bottles of wine emitted a faint light at the same time. The bottle caps"clicked" open, and for a while, crisp sounds were heard. The transparent wine was sucked out of the bottle by an invisible suction force. Red, white, yellow, green, colorful, condensed into small water droplets in the air, and flew straight towards Karachi.

Karachi simply tasted each bottle.

Soon, the wine on the table was divided into two groups - the ones he liked were placed in front, and the ones he didn't like were all poured into the swimming pool. The air was filled with the spiciness of alcohol, charming and intoxicating.

"Oh, so that's how it is... space transfer, moving things from one place to another."

Kitsune Shichi suddenly realized, took a sip of orange juice, and his mind wandered, and he suddenly understood.……"Yes, you can also transfer things like air and nails into blood vessels, or just like you squeezed the orange juice just now, you can crush the things inside through the skin. What a good skill!"

Karachi curled his lips, his hair fell softly, half covering his narrow scarlet eyes, and his thick white eyelashes were slightly raised, obviously very happy.

"It just requires a lot of mental strength, and it's a bit troublesome to operate. Just practice more and it will be fine. I used to like this skill very much... Anyway, there is a healing light wave, just heal them before leaving the court, and the referee can't say anything."

After that, Karachi"popped" and crushed a lot of fruits. The colorful juices floated in the sky like beautiful bubbles, and the discarded peels fell back into the plate, seemingly unharmed, but in fact... it was empty.

"What a delicate operation, so amazing!"

Kitsune Shichi clapped his hands and turned to look at Perfect.

The latter was swallowing the energy recovery liquid, and the bottle and the cap disappeared. There were a few chairs on the road behind it, but now they were gone.

【[Evolution Degree]: 117%

Kitsune Yashichi decided that when Perfection has skills like Space Transfer, she would also learn such a technique... and start by squeezing orange juice!

On the other side, although it was a hot summer day, Freddy felt like he was in an ice cave, shivering, and sitting on pins and needles.

You two... can't just let [Space Transfer] be a displacement skill quietly? You have to crush others through the skin?

For a moment, he recalled his miserable childhood - it was really sad to hear about it and shed tears to see it. Looking at the well-behaved and sensible Cretaceous Leopard beside him, the two main pets felt sympathetic.


Fox Seven jumped into the pool and swam happily.

A few minutes later, Perfect also jumped in with a"plop", flicked its tail, and followed her... flapping.

There was nothing it could do, its tail was too long, and it would reach the end after two flicks, so it couldn't swim at all.

?! Karachi saw something was wrong and jumped into the pool with a"plop". Its big wings were soaked in water and were too heavy, and when it opened its wings - splash! It was as if a water truck passed by, and it fanned out rainbows.

So Fox Seven only felt a black head, and when she looked up again, Karachi's big wings covered half of the sky, and next to it, Perfect also occupied most of the space, filling it up.

This pool is really a bit small.

It can't handle the competition for favor...

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