"……Me, god-level?"

After a while, Karachi seemed to wake up from a dream.

"It seems that your recent tutoring has been effective, especially psychology... When I was a kid, I really wanted to be a god."

The moon had already set, the sky was pitch black, and the cold wind was like a sawtooth knife, drilling into the bones along the skirt, more like a devil than the devil.

Kitsune Shichi resisted stamping her feet. With a slight wave of her hand, Perfect turned into a small ball again and jumped into her palm. After being pinched twice by her, it was taken back into the beast control space, and she also lost the windshield, and instantly became colder.

She missed her pants so much at this moment.

Isn't this summer?

"Yes, yes, let's go back to the hotel first... Then I'll explain to you, what I said is actually true, whether you believe it or not... Do you have a [Mirror Reversal]? You probably haven't told anyone, but I can see it."

——She must be mentally retarded. She came to the cliff top bare-legged to chat in the middle of the night. Why not find a place at the foot of the mountain?

Karachi also stood up and took two steps forward. With a"crash", the huge wings spread out from behind, folded inward gracefully, and formed a natural wind shelter.

Seeing this, Fox Seven's eyes lit up and he immediately got in.

Who cares about the difference between men and women at this time!

But she was soon stunned, because Karachi's arm was raised, and the gap and the angle seemed to be inviting her... to hold him.

? ? ?

Fox Seven was in a dilemma for a moment, and she didn't dare to look up at Karachi's expression for a while. Now she had no psychological pressure to ravage Perfection, and it didn't matter if she slept with him in her arms, but Karachi... wait, why does it feel lower?

At that moment, the deterrence of a certain irritable plant returned to his brain, and Fox Seven - a man of insight is a hero! He hugged Karachi's arm and hung on it tightly.

The slightly cool body temperature was transmitted through a thin layer of gauze. Because the distance was too close, she could even hear the subtle beating of the heart, the sound of"thump, thump".

So, it already has a heart...?

Kitsuneya Qi's eyes were stiff. She remembered... when he was a general, Karachi had no heartbeat.

No pupils either.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but looked up and met Karachi's gaze.

Those red eyes reflected her face, staring at her intently, and the dark red pupils slowly expanded, as if the calm sea level was stirred by a hurricane, and the waves surged.

Kitsuneya Qi seemed to have pressed the pause button. For a moment, she found that the Karachi in front of her... was different from before.

The long silver hair brushed his face, half covering his peach-like eyes and high nose bridge.

The corners of his mouth curled up, as if smiling.

"They all said... the energy in this world is thin, no one has reached the God level, the Emperor level is the limit of the world. But this is what they said, just like they said... King level is my limit"

"They farted." Kitsune Shichi muttered softly, rolled his eyes, and frowned,"I am your master, you have to listen to me."

The silence lasted for a few seconds.

Karachi's smile grew bigger and bigger, and finally he had to restrain his chin and control his expression.

"Yes, I only listen to you."



It was a really long night.

When he returned to the hotel, it was already four in the morning.

Kitsune Qi rushed to the bed, kicked off his shoes quickly, and stuffed himself into the quilt, rolling around and shouting:

"Karachi, hot water!"

After drinking the hot water, Kitsune Shichi lost the strength to wash himself. He pretended to move twice, but he couldn't get up. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. The lights were still on in the room.

Someone was holding a mobile phone with the screen on.

Next to the pillow, Crusoe had just woken up and was waving his tentacles energetically, jumping wildly, but its owner knew nothing about it and was as still as a zombie.



He just went out to connect the computer to the power supply. In just five minutes, she fell asleep?

Shouldn't he strike while the iron is hot and review the preliminaries?

Just like that, the lonely king of the exam stood alone at the door of the bedroom, and finally had to... turn off the lights, close the door, and return to the living room alone.

It doesn't matter.

There is still a long time...

Karachi looked deep, turned on the computer, created three new folders, first updated a long training plan for himself, and prepared a long list of tutors for a certain unlucky time traveler, which was scheduled for three months in the future.

Finally, he began to search for books on educating people (?)

《A good pet is better than a good teacher》

《I really hope my master reads this book》

《The Language of the Beastmaster》

《My master loves me too much. What should I do?》

《Don’t Be a Dodder: SSS Loves Me Alone》



Karachi read ten lines at a glance, and scanned the bookstore with a cold face.

These are all too simple, but... anyway, reading more books will never hurt.

Seeing that the library of the Blue Star LAN has been searched through, he entered the interstellar network and continued to scan. At the same time, his eyes fell on the banned books area on Blue Star.

The first on the banned book list is the latest work of a famous interstellar Y Dragon.——

《You are the best toy for your master♂》

Author: Sanyao Giant Stone Dragon (Emperor Level)


If you are gifted, then your master is blessed! What humans need most is a mature beast pet! Maturity lies in the mind, not in combat power! What they really value is the happy time with you! They need company, happiness, and even more, they need to spend happiness with you! Believe me, no human can resist the temptation of tentacles and outsiders!


In the middle of the night, Karachi landed on the street and took out his new cell phone.

"Hello, order BT20094, Interstellar Express, payable on delivery. I have space skills, so I can pick up the goods in person."

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