The next day, the sun rose as usual.

The warm sunlight shone through the glass and sprinkled on the green plants by the window, and the light and shadows swayed.

Kitsuneya Nana ate lunch while watching the game replay, and was amazed that she survived to the end and won the game, especially the scene where she hid underground. It didn't seem like she was afraid of fighting at all, but rather it seemed like she was mocking,"You mortals are not worthy of being my enemies."……

This is a big mistake.

Fox Seven looked through the comments and found that the"civilian god of war" was referring to herself. She didn't expect that the class antagonism on Blue Star was so serious. Although from her perspective as an earthling, the human beings in this world have achieved common prosperity……

"Oh, by the way, I plan to give up the official competition."

Kitsune Yashichi suddenly remembered this and turned around and said


There were birds singing outside the window. Karachi was floating by the window, reading a book with his legs crossed. Bookmarks and a water cup were floating beside him. He looked up when he heard the words, but his peripheral vision was still glued to the pages of the book. At the same time, he turned a new page with his slender fingers. A beautiful woman reading is really pleasing to the eyes...

Fox Seven also smiled, thinking that this scene was pleasing to the eyes. Although Karachi was reading alien literature, she could not understand a word.……

"Because you and Crusoe are already in line, there is no need for a fourth one for now."

"Can you have a little more confidence in yourself?"

Karachi raised his lips slightly.

"It's only been two weeks and you've gone from level 11 to level 15. If you work harder, you can sign me this year."

Huh? Kitsune Yashichi felt a chill on his back.

There are still five months left in this year, and you've leveled up 3 times in one month? Is this crazy? Who has less common sense?

"The rapid upgrades in the past two days are due to the feedback. Perfection cannot be upgraded in the short term, and the breath can only increase a little bit every day... Well, how about this, Susu."

Fox Yashichi put down the tableware and wiped her mouth.

She took the Crusu that was on the table as a decoration. The latter looked up cutely and was about to stick to him happily, but saw that his master narrowed his eyes, and the devil whispered:

"Look, we are all family, I can't be too partial, how about you and your brother Karachi... have a fight? Whoever wins will sign the contract first, how about that?……"

""Meh? Meh? Meh?"

Crusoe was stunned.

After a few seconds, it quickly pinched a pair of black cat ears for itself, and the upper part of its body split open. From the two eye-like slits, two streams of black liquid spurted out.


"Hey, Susu, aren't you a stone? Why are you shedding tears? This black thing, is it ink?"

How could Kitsune not see that it was acting? He held Krush in his hand while joking, turning it over and over to check it. It actually grew ears, like a kitten seal.……

"Okay, your race is called Kitten Seal, rounding up, I have a cat too……"


Crush jumped wildly, instantly retracted his fake ears, crossed his tentacles, and expressed his refusal.

"Then I call you... Meow Meow Chapter?"

Kitsune continued to tease it and found that this little guy was very resistant to the attribute of"cute"... and he could understand the meaning of a certain word just by talking to it.


"Oh, I don’t want to. Then what do you want to be called?"


"What kind of species is it?"

Seeing the happy atmosphere over there, Karachi also glanced over. Of course, he couldn't argue with the newborn, he was just curious.

"Does it also have [God-level] qualifications?"

"Yes, but it's not quite the same."

Kitsuneya Nana also answered casually, although it was all her guess.

"Susu... I guess it was a god in its previous life, and it must have left a way out for itself before it died... Maybe it can even recover its memories from its previous life."


It was so shocked that it forgot to say"Baa""……

"Then why do you still want to contract it?" Karachi was puzzled, his eyes became sharp,"What if it recovers its memory and doesn't obey orders, and runs away soon?……"


Krusu jumped up instantly, wishing he could give the bad plant who made such sarcastic remarks a violent octopus punch.

"It doesn't matter, just respect species diversity."

Fox Seven didn't care much, just pretended to laugh sinisterly, pinched Cthulhu's thin tentacles with two fingers, lifted it up, and shook it vigorously.

"Su Su, you are my slave that I bought with great money, and you must work like a slave for me... Did you hear me?"

"Meow~~"Crush pretended to be pitiful, stretching out its tentacles and trying to climb up along its master's fingers...

Kitsuneya Nana summoned Perfection as well, so there was a black ball in her left hand and a ball of silver liquid in her right hand. Just as she was about to use her hands to let these two little guys, who seemed to be of the same species (?), get close to each other, Crush exploded, jumped up with a"pop", spun around, and shrank behind her hand.

"Perfect, this is Susu, the third child. You wanted to eat it before, but you can’t eat it now."

Kitsune Yashichi forced Crush out again.


It tried to think about it, but couldn't remember.

"Right, right, right," Fox Seven was very relieved,"Susu is that big black stone, you can't eat it."

Perfectly condensed himself into a circle

"Don't waste your energy, darkness cannot be communicated with."

Karachi glanced over. After a close observation, he was now 80% sure that the slime had indeed evolved into that not-so-good thing.

"Except for you, everything is food in its eyes. Just like the glass of water in front of me, I drink it. What's the difference between the first sip and the second sip?"

After Karachi said this, he actually picked up the floating glass next to him and drank a sip of water.

"Impossible."Kushinichi would never believe it.

"Don't fool yourself." Karachi was speechless.

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Kitsune Shichi subconsciously glanced at his watch and thought it was the hotel's cleaning staff. It was only when he sent out his spiritual sense that he realized something was wrong.

There were two rabbits standing at the door, one with a loli body and a rabbit head, and the other with an adult male body and a rabbit head, and they were carrying large and small bags in their hands, which seemed to be gifts.


Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but widen his eyes and turned to look at Karachi.

Karachi curled his lips, as if to say,"You did it yourself, why are you looking at me?", and then slowly turned a page of the book.


In this day and age, even rabbits want their children to be successful?

Kitsune Shichi was speechless. If she had known that the Star Cup was actually a platform like that, she would not have gone.

But it was not an option to let people wait at the door.

She had no choice but to get up and open the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw the little rabbit holding up the hem of her skirt with her left hand, bending her knees slightly, and performing a lady's greeting.

"Hello, Ms. Kitsuneya, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm the person in charge of the Rabbit Garden, Sakura Fubuki."

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