It was a magical day.

Kitsune Shichi received a pair of king-level rabbit couples. After half an hour of being complimented, she received several gifts, gift cards, and a"super pass" to the rabbit garden.

With this pass, she can visit the rabbit garden for free and take away any pet rabbit.

PS, these two rabbits have no owner. They have been married for more than 200 years and have a good relationship. They have many children and grandchildren. In the end, they couldn't afford to keep them, so they opened a rabbit garden and raised rabbits with the money from selling rabbits. Later, the rabbit garden became famous, and pet rabbits from all over the country began to consign their offspring to the rabbit garden.……

"Because we are in heat frequently, reproduce quickly, and are more likely to produce excellent offspring."

The loli rabbit Sakura Fubuki explained.

It is an extremely beautiful rabbit, with big eyes of pure lake blue, snow-white fur, and soft fur.

"So, if you have a child you like, please take him away."

The gentleman rabbit also took off his hat. He was a brown rabbit. As he spoke, his long beard trembled slightly:

"Our rabbit tribe is slightly disadvantaged in evolution, and no new emperor-level has appeared in recent years, but because of the appearance advantage, many mixed-blood children have been born. After evolution, they have time and space skills, and their combat effectiveness is very good."

In this world, there are many species and diverse aesthetics, but human aesthetics are always the mainstream. Beast pets such as cats, dogs, and rabbits are always the best-selling varieties.

Among them, rabbit beasts are the cheapest.

Because rabbits are in heat frequently, other beast pets learn, and rabbits are making babies. Other beasts learn skills, and rabbits start to give birth... It is common to have 20 babies in one litter. The most important thing is that Blue Star does not advocate sterilization of beast pets, but encourages beast pets to have more children...

Therefore, rabbit beast pets are almost never seen on the field, even though rabbits are gentle in character, beautiful in appearance, and can provide extremely high emotional value... They are also recognized as civilian beast pets, only suitable for ordinary people with average qualifications. However

, does this common sense of the blue star people have anything to do with the earthling Kitsune Shichi...?

——Free, give it away for free!

——It’s just one more mouth to feed!

"No problem, I will definitely go."

Kitsune Shichi smiled, seemingly calm, but in fact, she was blinded, and wanted to do a 720-degree split and spun around.

Although she knew that these two rabbits were looking for her to advertise, but... they are really cute! Whether it is a loli rabbit or a gentleman rabbit, they are only half the height of a human, small and cute, with fluffy ears shaking, and a holy light emanating from their bodies...

How great it is, you can pick any one and get a pet for free!

It's just the last Star Cup, and there is such a good thing?

So when the rabbit couple left, Kitsune Shichi rushed to the bedroom with a"mea ha ha" laugh, quickly packed his luggage, and rushed out like a whirlwind.

Total time: half a minute

"Let's go!" Kitsune held Crusoe in one hand and strode towards Karachi, who didn't react at all.

"Where to go?"Karachi seemed to be rooted in the place.

It's not that he didn't react, but he simply couldn't believe it!

"Let's go see the rabbits!" Kitsuneya Nana smiled.

Thanks to the Internet, the Rabbit Garden is also a tourist attraction, with a lot of guides!

"You... you just said that the two of us are enough, and you are not going to participate in the StarCraft Cup……"

Karachi almost dropped the book in his hand.

He was still trying to figure out how to make her happy, and she was going to run to find the next one? They were clearly making promises just a second ago, how could they change so suddenly! I should not have let those two rabbits in!

""Meh!" Crusoe also nodded wildly.

It stood on the same front with Karachi!

"I didn't say that. I said let the two of you fight to decide who is the third child. Tutu can be the fifth child. Just keep him first.……"

Kitsune Shichi waved his hands, his face full of an unconcealable smile

"Besides, I don’t like dragons. Dragons have no hair, they are bald, and they have bad tempers. I just like rabbits. Who doesn’t like rabbits? Hehehehe……"

Karachi, the bad tempered man:"……"

Bald Crush:"……"

Humans are such scumbags, so scumbags!

There are three thousand beauties in the harem, and they fall out of favor in an instant



An hour and a half later.

Kitsune Shichi, with Perfect on his head, Karachi on his wrist, and Crusoe in his pocket, came to the Rabbit Garden alone (……).

There was a ticket booth at the entrance, and there were many people queuing, mostly families, with young children chattering and running around after leaving the line.

"It's a bit like a zoo."

Kitsune Shichi muttered, took out his super pass, unfolded the electronic map, and walked directly to the special passage.

After entering, there was a spacious green avenue with trees standing on both sides, the leaves swaying in the wind, full of the fragrance of soil and plants.

The Rabbit Garden is also a major attraction in Ning'an Province. There are a total of 18 large rabbit pavilions inside, each of which raises rabbits of different species. The most famous of them is the"short-haired rabbit".

The short-haired rabbit is a rare sexually cold rabbit in the rabbit family, and there is a precedent of evolving to the king level. It is good at melee combat, and its strength can compete with bears, but its personality is more than a little better than that of bears.

So, Kitsune Shichi went directly to the short-haired rabbit pavilion.

There were several people in front of him. , except when Kitsune Shichi swiped her pass, the announcer made a"ding-ling~" sound.

Kitsune Shichi didn't think much about it at first, but when she went in... and looked up, she was stunned.

It was full of rabbits!

Those little white balls, like soldiers waiting for inspection, were neatly lined up in a square formation, all looking up at her. When she walked to the left, they all turned their heads to the left, their colorful eyes full of admiration...

Kitsune Shichi... was under a lot of pressure.

On her wrist, Karachi faintly sneered, but when she looked down, she found that he was still in a state of [pseudo-death], dry and grayish yellow, without a trace of moisture.

This is not Karachi, this is Karachi dry

"They also watch TV and really want to go with you."

The staff of the short-haired rabbit pavilion said with a smile.

So Fox Seven simply found a place to sit down, waved to the little rabbits at the edge, and started to play with them one by one.

Blue panel, blue panel, blue panel... blue panel, blue panel, green panel... gold> red> purple> blue> green> gray> white.

After playing with more than 200 short-haired rabbits in a row, although the feel was particularly good, looking at the system interface, Fox Seven really couldn't convince himself.

There was no choice but to give up the short-haired rabbits.

"Susu, give me a blessing," Kitsune Shichi could only turn to metaphysics,"I don't ask for golden brilliance, red or purple is fine... Thank you."

In the rabbit garden, the second most popular is the Gemini Rabbit Pavilion.

Gemini rabbits, as the name suggests, can split as they evolve, but only occupy one beast space, also known as clone rabbits. They are good at melee combat and are speed-type beast pets.


Fox Seven entered the pavilion.

Just like the short-haired rabbit pavilion, all the twin rabbits lined up neatly, waiting to be petted.

Green panel, green panel, blue panel... green panel, green panel, green panel...

This time it was even worse.

Fox Seven petted the rabbits until he doubted his life. He petted more than 300 rabbits in a row, but only two were blue... The rest could only evolve to advanced……

"Hey, wait, there's another one."

Just as he was about to leave, Kitsune Shichi glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a cream-colored little rabbit curled up in the corner. It looked dirty and did not move with the team.

"Oh, it……"

The staff of the Gemini Rabbit House looked into the corner, frowned with some pity, and looked at

"It is a deformed rabbit, born without a lower body and hind legs. This is not a disease, and there is no cure... It can only be like this."

How pitiful. Fox Seven looked at the little rabbit again. He was about to leave, and he had already walked out of the museum, but suddenly he felt something was wrong - why did the glance just now look so much like an inspiration when doing a question...?

Could it be that Su Su's blessing worked?

Thinking of this, Fox Seven quickly turned around and rushed back, and floated directly into the innermost part of the rabbit nest, and put his hand on the little yellow rabbit - golden light flashed.

God-level talent, but no skills?

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