Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

902 Close your eyes for night, open your eyes for day

"Is this the Candle Dragon?"

Li Qingzhou looked up at the huge body of the Candle Dragon, his eyes full of excitement and shock.

His hands trembled slightly, as if he was still feeling the powerful force he had just released.

The creature in mythology actually reappeared in the world in his hands. This was simply the glory and achievement of his life.

"So big........."

Mu Yang stood beside Li Qingzhou, looking up, his face full of surprise.

The body of the Candle Dragon seemed to stretch endlessly, passing through the clouds and the sky, and there was no end to it.

The whole sky seemed to be occupied by its huge body, as if it was the master of this world.

Xuanyuan Sword Spirit couldn't help but exclaimed at this time: "My goodness, is this the mythical creature Candle Dragon? My sword feels like it can't cut its scales."

His voice was full of awe, as if in front of this Candle Dragon, his proud swordsmanship seemed insignificant.

Qingyun was also shocked at this time. He looked at Zhulong and muttered to himself: "Is this still little Baiyu... How did it become so big..."

Li Qingzhou looked at Baiyu expectantly. He knew that the power of this newly evolved Zhulong was extraordinary.

He took a deep breath and said loudly: "Baiyu, let me see your ability!"

Baiyu's huge dragon eyes stared at Li Qingzhou. Those eyes seemed to contain an endless universe, deep and mysterious.

He nodded slightly, as if responding to Li Qingzhou's call.

Suddenly, Baiyu closed his eyes, and the light in his eyes that was like a flame also went out.

Then, the originally clear sky suddenly became pitch black, as if covered by a huge black cloth.

The darkness was so thorough that no light could penetrate it. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a bottomless darkness.

"It's so dark..."

Mu Yang felt the darkness around him and was a little scared. He shouted in a low voice, and the sound echoed in the darkness, which seemed a little empty and weird.

Ping An seemed to be indifferent to the sudden darkness. He opened his eyes and looked at the dim surroundings. He just yawned, as if saying: "What happened, is it dark? Then I'll sleep a little longer."

After that, he closed his eyes again and continued his dream.

This is the magical power of Zhulong-closed eyes for night, open eyes for day.

He can control the alternation of day and night at will, as if the laws of heaven and earth are in his control.

Suddenly, Zhulong Baiyu's tightly closed dragon eyes suddenly opened, as if two huge gems were lit.

At the same time, the sky seemed to be opened by a mysterious force, and the sun instantly filled the earth, and the whole world suddenly became bright.

It was dawn.

This scene shocked everyone present.

Zhulong just opened and closed his eyes, and the world was about to change for this.

It was as if he was the master of this world, holding the power of day and night.

The huge white jade body danced in the air, and every movement of it was full of power and majesty.

The body tumbled and circled in the air, as if to smash the entire sky.

Every breath of it was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, shaking everything around.

And another magical power awakened by Zhulong - eternal immortality, is even more amazing.

Zhulong does not drink, eat, or rest, and has endless life and energy.

No matter how the years change, how the world changes, Zhulong always exists and is eternal.

This eternal immortality makes Zhulong a true mythical creature.

It transcends the boundaries of life and death, has the same lifespan as the world, and shines with the sun and the moon.

No matter how the world changes, Zhulong will always exist and guard this world.


Linyuan City, this prosperous city, is always full of vitality and bustle on weekdays.

However, today, an abnormal atmosphere quietly permeated.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be shrouded by a mysterious force and became completely dark.

The originally clear blue sky was blocked by thick clouds in an instant, the sun was ruthlessly swallowed, and the night fell without warning.

Citizens were stunned by this sudden change, and they stopped and looked up at the strange sky.

"What happened? Who turned off my light?"

A citizen touched his head in confusion, looked around, and found that the surrounding lights seemed to have lost their function, and the whole city fell into darkness.

"Why is it dark? I'm so scared!"

A little girl hugged her mother's legs tightly, with fear in her voice.

"Oh my god, what happened, I can't see anything."

A young man fumbled in his pocket, trying to find his mobile phone to turn on the flashlight, but found that his mobile phone had lost signal.

Pedestrians on the street began to panic, some tried to find shelter, and some stood there at a loss.

Vehicles also stopped because of the obstruction of vision, and the sound of horns came one after another, and the whole city fell into chaos.

"What is this? Why is the world so unusual today?"

An old man looked at the sky, his eyes full of doubt and worry.

On the city hall building.

Zhang Bijun, Zhou Liu, Qian Feng and others were originally concentrating on looking at the Longyan Mountains in the distance.

The towering mountain was like a giant dragon, quietly entrenched on the edge of the city.

However, just as they were observing carefully, everything in front of them suddenly became pitch black, as if covered by a huge black curtain in an instant.

All the colors, lights and mountains in the distance disappeared without a trace, leaving only a bottomless darkness.

Qian Feng was the first to react. He widened his eyes and shouted in horror: "What happened? Why is it suddenly dark?"

His voice echoed in the empty top floor, with a hint of uneasiness and panic.

Zhang Bijun tightly grasped the railing beside her, trying to find a ray of light in the darkness.

He shouted in a trembling voice: "The sky, it's the sky, it's suddenly dark!"

There was a hint of trembling and panic in his voice.

In contrast, Zhou Liu seemed much calmer.

He quickly came to his senses and calmly ordered: "Don't panic, turn on the light!"

Just as the subordinates next to him were about to turn on the light, the sky suddenly brightened again!

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