Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

903 All things exist according to their laws

The sky suddenly became pitch black, as if a huge black hand had blocked all the light.

Everyone looked at the sky in horror, their hearts filled with anxiety and fear.

However, just when they were at a loss, the sky suddenly lit up again, like a bright lamp that was lit in an instant, dazzling.

Zhou Liu, Zhang Bijun, Qian Feng and others stared at the front in amazement, completely stunned by the wonders before their eyes.

They had never seen such a sight, or even heard of it.

This strange and mysterious phenomenon made them fall into deep confusion.

They couldn't imagine what kind of powerful pet or special ability could cause such an amazing vision.

Even the legendary terrifying monsters from the abyss seemed to find it difficult to do this.

This was beyond their cognition and imagination...

"Principal Qian, have you heard of such a strange sight?"

Zhang Bijun cast her eyes on Qian Feng and asked in confusion.

Qian Feng shook his head, "I have been studying beast control for decades, but I have never heard of a pet with such magical abilities."

He showed an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he was confused by what was happening in front of him.

Zhou Liu looked up at the sky in a daze, and suddenly shouted: "Look, what is that thing in the sky?"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and was stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw an extremely huge object appear in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, stretching endlessly, with no end in sight.

Its body seemed to be even larger than the Longyan Mountains, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Zhang Bijun and Qian Feng couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

At this moment, many citizens in Linyuan City also noticed the strange changes between heaven and earth and the huge monster emerging in the sky.


Some people were terrified and blurted out with trembling voices.

Their eyes were full of fear and helplessness, as if they were facing an incomprehensible huge threat.

Others knelt on their knees without hesitation and prayed devoutly.

"God bless you!"

"God has appeared, come and see the gods!"


These words echoed in the air.

In the hearts of these citizens, only the legendary gods have such magical power to manipulate the alternation of day and night.

This unimaginable magical power makes them firmly believe that the mysterious behemoth in front of them must be inextricably linked to the gods.

The gods in their minds are omnipotent and extraordinary, and have the ability to change the world.

Therefore, when this strange phenomenon appeared in front of them, people naturally regarded it as a sign that the gods had come to the world.

Everyone's face was filled with awe, they closed their eyes silently, and prayed to the gods sincerely for peace, health and happiness.

At this moment, the whole city seemed to be shrouded in a sacred atmosphere.

People waited quietly, looking forward to the appearance of the gods, eager to witness this magical scene with their own eyes.


Longyan Mountain Range, with high mountains, dense forests, and clouds and mist.

Li Qingzhou stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the huge peak in front of him.

On the top of the mountain, a giant dragon was hovering.

Zhulong Baiyu!

It exudes a mysterious and powerful aura, which makes people feel awe.

Li Qingzhou stared at the huge Zhulong Baiyu in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

The legendary Zhulong has the magical ability to open his eyes for day and close his eyes for night!

"Is it dawn again?"

Ping An on the side blinked and shook his eight tails, looking sleepy.

Obviously, he was not used to this alternation of day and night.

"Is this made of white jade, controlling day and night?"

Qingyun widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He could never have imagined that the little white snake at the beginning would now grow into such a terrifying and powerful mythical creature.

Moreover, it can control the alternation of day and night. What a miraculous ability!

Several pets were immersed in shock and could not extricate themselves for a long time!

"Bai Yu, you must not blink casually, otherwise, I will not sleep well at night."

Ping An stretched his waist, yawned, and said lazily.

"That's right, your blink just now scared me a lot. I thought the sky was really going to fall." Xuanyuan Sword Spirit also muttered to the side.

On the other side, Mu Yang looked at Bai Yu with an admiring look, muttering: "Brother Bai Yu, you are really amazing..."

Hearing everyone's praise, Bai Yu's dragon whiskers swayed proudly, he grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, and replied with a happy smile: "Don't worry, I won't blink easily! But, Brother Ping An, if you are sleepy and want to sleep now, I can help you turn off the skylight!"

After saying that, Bai Yu couldn't help but feel a strong sense of excitement in his heart, and he couldn't wait to use his special ability.

His originally bright dragon eyes now bloomed with dazzling light, as if to illuminate the whole world.

But at this moment, Li Qingzhou hurriedly stopped him and said, "Bai Yu, don't be naughty. The alternation of day and night has its own rules. Don't change it easily."

Li Qingzhou knew that everything in the world has its own rules to follow, especially the alternation of day and night.

This natural cycle is not only related to the work and rest and survival of the creatures in the world, but also the key to maintaining the balance of the entire ecology.

If Bai Yu disrupts this rule at will on a whim, it is likely to cause a series of unpredictable consequences.

After all, in this vast world, almost all creatures have long been accustomed to and follow the rhythm of day and night to live.

Once this rule is broken, their biological clocks, behavioral patterns and even life activities may be seriously affected.

He understood that although Bai Yu has great power, he should still be in awe of these natural laws. Only by respecting and complying with these laws can we better live in harmony with the world around us.

"Okay, I know."

Bai Yu twisted his huge body like a hill, looking a little uninterested and listless.

Taiping evolved into the legendary Lingming Stone Monkey!

Baiyu also successfully evolved into Zhulong!

In the blink of an eye, two mythical creatures have come to the world!

The two mythical creatures brought Li Qingzhou back, which was equally powerful.

At this moment, he could clearly feel a vast and majestic force nourishing his body continuously, as if it was inexhaustible.

Li Qingzhou subconsciously threw a punch, and saw that wherever the fist wind passed, the hard mountain peak was easily shattered like paper, turning into countless gravel and dust flying everywhere.

This terrifying growth in strength surprised and delighted him.

He had never thought that he could have such a powerful force!

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