Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$949 In the blink of an eye, everything was gone

Under the sky dyed red by gunpowder and fire, Li Qingzhou's figure seemed to be beyond the mortal world. He stood tall and straight, with fluttering clothes, standing proudly in the sky full of artillery fire.

That calmness was a contemptuous response to all threats in the world.

The rumbling of the artillery was deafening. Every shell carried the power of destruction and whistled towards the seemingly thin beastmaster, but in his eyes, all this was just the struggle of ants, not worth mentioning.

Shen Xingchen stood not far away, his eyes full of shock and worry.

He had just escaped from a thrilling baptism of artillery fire. The smell of gunpowder on his skin and the lingering fear in his heart made him more deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

He knew that these weapons were the latest scientific and technological achievements developed by the United States, designed specifically to fight against powerful beastmasters and their pets. Their power was strong enough to make any top strong man feel afraid.

However, Li Qingzhou used his actions to interpret what a truly powerful person is.

He had a faint smile on his lips, which showed both contempt for the enemy and absolute confidence in his own strength.

As he waved his sleeves lightly, an invisible force erupted instantly, as if the wind and clouds between heaven and earth changed color.

Under the impact of this force, the approaching shells were like being gently touched by an invisible hand, deviating from their tracks, turning into streams of light and disappearing into the sky.

What was even more amazing was that the dense artillery fire seemed to encounter an invisible barrier around Li Qingzhou, and even a strand of his hair could not be hurt.

This scene moved everyone present. They had never seen such an extraordinary power, as if Li Qingzhou had transcended the boundaries of mortals and became a legendary existence.

Then, an even more shocking scene took place.

Li Qingzhou waved his right hand, and an ancient and mysterious long sword appeared in his hand out of thin air. A faint purple light flowed on the sword body, revealing a heart-pounding chill.

This is the mythical creature, the Zhuxian Sword!

With a sword in hand, you can cut everything in the world, and its power is enough to shake the world.

With a clear whistle, Li Qingzhou held the Zhuxian Sword, moved his body, turned into a purple lightning, and slashed at the artillery fire.

Wherever the sword light passed, the artillery fire was like fragile paper paste, and was instantly split in two. Even the weapons that fired the artillery fire were also destroyed by this devastating sword energy.

The entire battlefield seemed to be still at this moment, leaving only Li Qingzhou's lonely figure, which complemented the Zhuxian Sword in his hand and became the most dazzling existence between heaven and earth.

"How is this possible?"

Arthur Grayson's exclamation echoed on the empty sea, his eyes wide open, and his pupils were full of unbelievable light.

The crowd around, whether soldiers or bystanders, all showed horror on their faces, as if they had witnessed the most incredible scene in the world.

One person, relying on his own strength, could single-handedly fight against the fierce firepower of many warships, and with a wave of his hand, he turned those high-tech weapons that could destroy the city into nothingness.

This is not only a display of strength, but also a complete subversion of conventional cognition, which makes people wonder whether this is within human power or a god descending to earth?

Shen Xingchen stood not far away, his face as pale as paper, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He had just escaped from the artillery fire by chance, and was in a mess, while Li Qingzhou easily resolved all crises as if he was strolling in the garden. The contrast between the two made him feel deeply insignificant and powerless.

In this ocean of shock and shock, the power of nature seemed to be touched by this incredible feat and began to show its wild side.

The waves suddenly became turbulent, as if driven by some invisible force, surging wildly.

Then, a shocking scene appeared before everyone's eyes.

A huge and slender figure tumbled out from the turbulent sea. It was Zhulong Baiyu!

He was surrounded by violent storms, as if he was a god who could control wind, rain, thunder and lightning.


With a deafening roar, Zhulong Baiyu completely emerged from the sea water. Its huge body almost covered half of the sky, and the surging storm around it rolled up the surrounding sea water into huge waves tens of meters high.

These huge waves were like roaring beasts, ruthlessly hitting the ships of the United States and Japan, overturning them one by one and capsizing them in the waves.

At this moment, the entire sea surface seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth, with artillery fire and waves intertwined into a chaotic picture.

The sea surface was no longer peaceful, but turned into a boiling furnace, with countless lives struggling and wailing in this purgatory...

The warships of the United States and Japan, those steel behemoths that once roamed the sea without restraint, were now like fragile toys, swallowed up mercilessly by the huge waves, sinking to the bottom of the sea one after another, taking away the dreams and hopes of countless soldiers.

The wreckage and cries for help floating on the sea surface formed a heartbreaking picture.

At the moment of life and death when the hull capsized, Arthur Grayson relied on his extraordinary martial arts and extraordinary will to forcibly stabilize his body, flew up, and hovered in the air, staring at the chaotic ocean below.

There was both shock and confusion in his eyes, and a trace of fear that was difficult to conceal.

The huge creature in the sea - Zhulong Baiyu, was a completely unknown existence to him.

It possesses an ancient and mysterious power. Just a simple movement is enough to cause the entire fleet to collapse and disintegrate.

The huge body, majestic aura, and the storm surrounding it all made Arthur Grayson feel his insignificance and powerlessness.

"What kind of creature is this?"

He murmured to himself, his heart full of confusion and awe.

He realized that he was no longer facing an ordinary enemy, but a being from an ancient legend, a powerful creature that could change the situation and subvert human cognition.

At this moment, Arthur Grayson deeply realized his insignificance.

Compared with this behemoth, the army he led was simply vulnerable.

No matter how technology develops or how advanced weapons are, this world is ultimately the world of beastmasters.

In front of powerful beasts, humans still seem so fragile and powerless.

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