Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$950 Beat the United States with ease!

The fighter plane that was whistling in the sky suddenly crashed to the ground.

A gust of wind rose for no reason. Then the whole sky darkened.

A huge roc suddenly appeared in the sky, with its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

Arthur Grayson, the experienced air force commander, was like a child who had just seen the world, with disbelief and shock in his eyes.

He stood on the temporary command tower, surrounded by his equally stunned comrades, whose eyes were intertwined with fear, curiosity and a trace of indescribable awe.

The originally orderly battle sequence in the air seemed to be completely disrupted by an invisible hand at that moment, leaving only those fighter planes that had lost control, drifting and falling helplessly like autumn leaves, cutting through the sky, leaving a series of shocking trails.

The wind suddenly rose without any sign, and it raged on the battlefield with a wildness and unruliness from ancient times.

This force seemed to be so strong that even the strongest alloy material could not resist it. The fuselage of the fighter plane was twisted and deformed in the strong wind, and finally it could only hug the earth helplessly, making a heavy roar, and dust and debris splashed everywhere. The scene was both tragic and shocking.

Then, the skyline seemed to be torn apart, and an unprecedented giant beast slowly revealed its true appearance - it was the mythical beast Kunpeng, a legendary existence, now so realistically displayed in front of the world.

Its body was so huge that it was difficult to describe it in words. Its wings spread out like two huge dark clouds, instantly blocking the sun's light and shrouding the whole world in darkness.

Each feather shone with a metallic luster, but it also contained the rhythm of life, as if it was the most perfect masterpiece of nature.

The appearance of Kunpeng made the entire battlefield fall into silence, and all the gunfire and shouts disappeared without a trace at this moment.

It just flapped its wings gently, and it caused such a huge storm. Those prides that once soared in the sky - human fighter planes, seemed so small and fragile in front of it, as if they were a drop of water in the sea, a grain of sand in the desert.

"Is this... is this the legendary mythical creature?"

Arthur Grayson murmured to himself, with a tremor in his voice.

He knew that he was witnessing an unprecedented miracle, an existence that exceeded the limits of human cognition.

At this moment, he felt his own insignificance, and also experienced the greatness and irresistible power of nature.

The soldiers around him also began to talk about it. Some marveled at the majesty of Kunpeng, while others worried about the impact of this sudden change on the war situation.

But in any case, they all understood that at this moment, they were no longer the masters on the battlefield, but became tiny witnesses in this magnificent epic.

In these few short breaths, the situation above the sea level changed drastically.

The combined naval and air forces of the United States and Japan should have dominated this sea area, but now they are like fallen leaves swept by a storm, withering one after another.

The roar of the crashing fighter plane and the loud noise of the capsized ship are intertwined, forming a tragic elegy.

The sea water quickly swallowed the struggling soldiers, their eyes were full of desire for life and fear of death, but they could not escape the shackles of fate.

In this abyss of despair, Arthur Grayson stood like a beacon, his eyes flashing with determination and unyielding.

He knew that as a commander, every move he made would affect morale and even the direction of the entire battle.

Therefore, he quickly adjusted his mentality and conveyed hope to the army of beastmasters behind him in a steady and powerful voice: "Hold on! We are the chosen warriors who have the ability to communicate with the power of nature. As long as we unite, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome and no enemies that cannot be defeated!"

Li Qingzhou smiled contemptuously, "Do you really think you have a chance? What a joke, then let me show you what real despair is."

As soon as the voice fell, a fox with nine tails slowly emerged in the sky. Every blink of its eyes seemed to carry the most ancient power between heaven and earth, which made people feel awe.

The mythical creature Nine-tailed Sky Fox, with its unparalleled spiritual power, launched an attack on everyone on the battlefield.

Its eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, and its spiritual thoughts were like a raging wind and huge waves, sweeping the entire battlefield in an instant.

The beastmasters of the United States and Japan were the first to bear the brunt. They felt not only physical pain, but also mental destruction.

Those hellish scenes kept replaying in their minds, and fear and despair spread rapidly like a plague, causing them to lose the will to resist.

The fall of the beast masters meant that the spiritual connection between them and their pets was also cut off. The pets that lost control were like wild horses running away in the chaos, and some even fell directly into the sea.

The entire battlefield became even more chaotic.

Although Arthur Grayson also felt the powerful spiritual impact of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, he relied on the tenacity and perseverance unique to the legendary beast masters to resist this force.

Fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his eyes were closed, as if he was engaged in a silent contest.

However, even so, he could not completely resist the shock from the depths of his soul, and his consciousness fell into chaos several times, as if it would collapse at any time.

But he knew that he could not fall down, because he was the leader of these warriors and their hope.

Arthur Grayson slowly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him was as cruel and real as a nightmare.

He stood on an empty battlefield, surrounded by the vast sea and the gray sky. An unprecedented loneliness and despair surged like a tide, almost drowning him.

The comrades who once fought side by side, those beastmasters with powerful strength and firm beliefs, were now gone, leaving only him, standing alone on this sea shrouded in death.

His eyes passed through the layers of waves, trying to find even a trace of life, but all he got in response was dead silence and emptiness.

Those once glorious warships and fighter planes have now become sunken ships on the seabed, and those brave soldiers have turned into dead souls in the sea, bidding farewell to this world forever.

Li Qingzhou, the seemingly gentle boy, is now like the god of death walking out of hell, and his every move is accompanied by the disappearance of life.

The Nine-Tailed Fox's mental control not only destroyed the will of the beast masters, but also made them lose control of their lives. Tens of thousands of lives were easily lost in his hands.


Incomparable despair!

Arthur Grayson's heart was filled with anger and unwillingness, but he knew that the situation was irreversible.

Lost, the United States lost!

The United States, a superpower that once stood out from the crowd, was defeated so thoroughly and miserably at this moment.

However, he was powerless to change all this and could only watch the tragedy happen.

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