Li Qingzhou's figure stood in the night, like an unshakable solitary peak. His eyes were deep and cold, as if he could see into the essence of everything in the world.

As the once glorious body of the beautiful President of the United States fell to the ground helplessly, it not only marked the fall of a political giant, but also dropped a shock bomb on the global political stage, causing ripples at all levels.

All around, the area of ​​the White House that was originally heavily guarded and brightly lit fell into deathly silence. Only the sound of sirens coming from the distance gradually approached, but it seemed so weak and slow.

Li Qingzhou's move was undoubtedly a ruthless mockery of the security system of the beautiful country. In an almost mythical way, he passed through many layers of protection and virtually strangled the supreme leader who symbolized national power.

Shen Xingchen stood not far away, watching all this with complex eyes.

He knew very well that what Li Qingzhou showed was not only the pinnacle of personal force, but also the victory of wisdom and strategy.

From careful planning to perfect execution, every step reveals extraordinary calmness and determination.

This kind of power has gone beyond what mortals can understand, and Shen Xingchen can't help but wonder whether there is really anything in this world that can compete with it.

There is a depressing and heavy atmosphere in the surrounding air. The legendary beast masters who once fought side by side with the president of the beautiful country are also lying on the ground at this moment. Their pet spirit beasts are either wailing or silent, and they are lost. The agility and majesty of the past.

This scene was a spiritual shock to all who witnessed it. It made people realize that in the face of absolute power, even the most powerful organization and the most brilliant achievements are nothing but fleeting smoke.

Shen Xingchen's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He never imagined that Li Qingzhou would actually dare to attack the president of the beautiful country and kill him!

You know, this is the capital of a beautiful country, with strong protective power, but Li Qingzhou easily broke through all the defense lines and directly killed the president as if he was in an uninhabited land.

Such strength is really terrifying, it is simply invincible.

"There should be no one in this world who can stop his attack, right?"

Shen Xingchen murmured to himself, staring at the tragically dead President of the Beautiful Country and the legendary beastmasters below.

These people were once extremely powerful beings, but now they have become so fragile in front of Li Qingzhou and were easily defeated.

He couldn't help but sigh that Li Qingzhou's strength had reached an unprecedented height, probably beyond everyone's imagination.

Remembering that he had fought against Li Qingzhou before, Shen Xingchen felt a deep sense of awe in his heart.

Although he was also a powerful beast master at that time, facing Li Qingzhou now, he knew that he was far inferior to him.

And now, Li Qingzhou has shown unparalleled strength, shocking the whole world.

Shen Xingchen secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he chose to stand on the same front as Li Qingzhou and became his friend.

Otherwise, if the two become enemies, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, he decided to practice harder and improve his strength so as not to hinder Li Qingzhou in the future.

At the same time, he also hopes that Li Qingzhou can continue to maintain this invincible posture and lead them to a more glorious future.

Complex emotions surged in Shen Xingchen's heart, including awe of Li Qingzhou's strength and worries about future changes in the world structure.

He understands that with the passing of the president of the beautiful country, the global political landscape will face a reshuffle, and Li Qingzhou's name will be forever engraved in the long river of history and become a legend that will be praised or feared by future generations.

The night wind blew away, taking away some of the blood and anxiety, but Li Qingzhou's figure was still upright, and his eyes had been set on the farther future.

"Go and let the world remember this moment!"

Li Qingzhou's voice echoed in the night sky, carrying unquestionable majesty and determination.

The wave of his hand was not only an order to the beasts, but also a declaration of destiny, indicating that what was about to happen would be an unprecedented change.

Following his instructions, several pet beasts seemed to respond to the call of the ancient gods. Their eyes shone with a strange light, which was the awakening of power originating from the depths of the mythical creatures.

They were no longer just companions, but transformed into messengers of destruction and rebirth. With thunderous momentum, they broke through the silence of the night and went straight to the core military base of the beautiful country.

Their actions are like violent storms, leaving destruction and shock wherever they pass.

The terrifying energy of the mythical creature rages across the vast land of the beautiful country. Every blow is accompanied by a deafening roar, turning solid defenses into powder and destroying advanced weapon systems invisible.

The lights of the military base were extinguished one by one in the darkness, like falling stars in the night sky, heralding the end of an era.

At this moment, the beautiful country is no longer the superpower that once was extremely powerful and dominated the world. It has become fragile and helpless, like a piece of white paper that has been invaded by wind and rain, allowing the giant hand of fate to ravage wantonly.

The once proud military power seemed so small and vulnerable in front of the mythical creatures.

When Li Qingzhou's figure finally disappeared into the night, what was left behind was a beautiful country full of devastation and ruins.

The prosperity and glory of the past have been devoured by the ruthless flames of war, leaving only the dust of history and endless sighs.

This sudden disaster is not only a heavy blow to the United States, but also a profound impact on the global pattern.

It makes people realize that in this world full of unknowns and variables, there is no eternal strong and no absolute security.

And Li Qingzhou, the mysterious figure who subverted the fate of a great country with his own strength, is destined to be remembered forever by history and become a legend and myth in the mouths of future generations.

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