Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$965 One person's strength is equal to that of a country!

This day is undoubtedly the most shocking and extraordinary day in human history. It is like a sharp blade that cuts through the old order and heralds the dawn of a new era.

The fall of the superpower America is not only a tragedy of a country, but also a dramatic change in the global pattern. Its influence spreads to every corner of the world like ripples.

The death of the president of America symbolizes the collapse of the peak of power. It is the end of an era.

His fall is not only a tragedy of personal destiny, but also the collapse of America's dream of hegemony, which shocked the whole world.

People began to reflect that those authorities and powers that once seemed indestructible were so fragile in the face of real challenges.

In this catastrophe, many legendary beastmasters were not spared. They were once the most dazzling existence in America and even the world, with extraordinary abilities to control nature and control mythical beasts.

However, in front of mythical creatures, even these legendary strong men seemed powerless and eventually fell one after another, leaving endless regrets and regrets.

The army of the United States, those once well-equipped and well-trained warriors, had almost no resistance in the face of the terrifying energy of the mythical creatures.

Almost all military equipment was destroyed and the army was annihilated. This was not only the collapse of the military power of the United States, but also a profound questioning of the modern war model.

People began to realize that in the face of absolute power, technology and weapons may not be omnipotent.

The ruins of the capital are a direct witness to this disaster.

The city that was once brilliant and symbolized the prosperity and strength of the United States has now become a wasteland. Among the broken walls and ruins, the glory of the past and the desolation of today can be vaguely seen.

This is not only a physical destruction, but also a heavy blow to the soul of the people of the United States.

With the fall of the United States, the world fell into unprecedented turmoil.

Governments, media, and non-governmental organizations have been discussing, trying to find answers and inspiration from this sudden disaster.

And the legendary figure who defeated the United States and became the focus of the world-Li Qingzhou, has become a hero and myth sung by people.

His name, as bright as the stars, illuminates the way for mankind to explore the unknown and pursue peace.

People began to discuss his identity, background, ability and the story behind him. Every detail was infinitely magnified and became a hot topic after dinner.


"The United States has fallen!"

These five short words exploded in the ears of the Great Elder of Xia like thunder, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, which was difficult to calm down for a long time.

This old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life and seen the wind and waves could not help but feel shocked and unbelievable at this sudden news.

For a long time, the United States has been like a towering mountain, lying in front of the Xia country. It is both a challenge and an inspiration. Now, this mountain has collapsed overnight. How can it not make people feel deeply moved?

The Great Elder's thoughts are flying, and his mind keeps replaying the various confrontations and confrontations with the United States.

Those military threats, economic sanctions, and cultural infiltration that once kept him awake at night...

Now they have all disappeared with the collapse of the United States.

But the joy of victory was mixed with a trace of uneasiness and worry.

He knew very well that the fall of the United States was not accidental, but was caused by the astonishing power of the mythical beastmaster Li Qingzhou.

"The mythical beastmaster actually has the ability to easily destroy a country!"

The elder muttered to himself, his tone full of shock and awe.

This kind of power has far exceeded the scope of human technology, as if it were an existence in myths and legends.

He realized that with the rise of Li Qingzhou, the whole world will usher in unprecedented changes.

Zhou Liu was also shocked by this amazing news.

He took over the topic and added: "According to the detailed information sent back by Shen Xingchen, all the cutting-edge weapons and solid defenses of the United States are like paper in front of Li Qingzhou, and they are easily torn apart. He is alone, but he is like a huge army, invincible, and swept across the entire United States. Such strength is simply unbelievable!"

The two looked at each other and saw the same emotion in each other's eyes-both shocked by Li Qingzhou's powerful strength and deeply worried about the future situation.

They knew that if the United States was so fragile, which country in the world could withstand Li Qingzhou's edge?

This power was both a blessing and a potential threat to the Xia Kingdom.

"We must do our best to please Li Shenhua and not be negligent."

The elder's voice was low and firm, revealing an unquestionable determination.

He understood that in this era where the strong are respected, only by forming an alliance with the strong can the safety and prosperity of the Xia Kingdom be ensured.

And Li Qingzhou is undoubtedly one of the most powerful beings in the world today.

Joy surged in his heart, because Li Qingzhou was a Xia countryman, and his strength meant that the status of the Xia Kingdom on the international stage would be greatly improved.

But fear also followed. Li Qingzhou's unpredictable power made the elder worry. If this power got out of control, where would the Xia Kingdom go?

With such complex emotions intertwined, the elder and Zhou Liu began to discuss how to establish a closer relationship with Li Qingzhou and how to use this power to seek the greatest benefits for the Xia Kingdom in the future international situation.

They know that this will be a road full of challenges and opportunities, but they are ready to face the coming new era.

In Japan, the newly established political power is like a new bud, swaying in the wind and rain, appearing extremely fragile and unstable.

Every corner of the country is filled with a tense and uneasy atmosphere. People and officials are carefully exploring the way forward, trying to rebuild their homes and order on the ruins.

However, at this critical moment, a shocking news was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shattering all the peace in Japan - the beautiful country, the superpower that once stood firm and dominated the world, has fallen!

The news spread quickly to every corner of Japan like wildfire, causing a huge sensation and endless speculation.

The new emperor sat in the splendid palace, his brows furrowed, his eyes full of doubts and uneasiness.

He was well aware of the strength and status of the beautiful country, and felt unbelievable at the sudden collapse of such a behemoth.

"Who can defeat the Beautiful Country? Could it be that the Xia Kingdom started a war with it?" He murmured to himself, with a bit of trembling in his voice.

A minister knelt on the ground with a solemn expression and presented the latest information.

"Your Majesty, it was not the Xia Kingdom that went to war with the Beautiful Country, but... it was Li Qingzhou who defeated the entire Beautiful Country with one person."

The minister's voice was low and powerful, and every word struck the emperor's heart like a heavy hammer.

When the emperor heard this, his face instantly turned as pale as paper, and his body trembled involuntarily.

He recalled the devastating power that Li Qingzhou showed on Japanese territory a few days ago, and his heart was filled with fear and despair.

The young and mysterious mythical beast master seemed to be a messenger sent by God to judge the world. Any force that stood in front of him seemed so small and powerless.

"If you come, please immediately send someone to prepare generous gifts and go to the Xia Kingdom to meet with the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom and Li Shinhwa to express our Japan's most sincere goodwill and respect."

There was a hint of panic and pleading in the emperor's voice. He knew very well that in this era where the strong were respected, only by being with the strong could the security and stability of the country be ensured.

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