"Is it important?"

Loya's whole person's momentum changed, and he suddenly became fierce. He stood in the center of the crowd, his black hair fluttered in the wind, the lightning in his eyes skyrocketed, and the thunder light made him look like a god descending.

"The warm-up is over, and it's time to enter the main show. However, let's end the battle here before that person arrives. You guys, you should have no opinion."

"Ten seconds should be enough!"

Yes, Loya is ready to move faster.

He sensed with Observation Haki that there were many powerful breaths approaching, and quickly surrounded them in a surrounding manner.

Marine's official troops arrived, and one of them was approaching fast with a vast and surging breath of life.

He teleported more than ten meters away in almost a breath, and realized that it was just that the other party was on his way normally, not moving at full speed, otherwise Loya would be able to see the person coming in just a few seconds.

Even so, Loya predicts that the other party will only need ten seconds at most to get here.

With such a strong aura and such a fast speed, who else can be except Uncle Kizaru?

The other three supernovas don't want to think about it for the time being. Anyway, there is time to 'collect stamps' and unlock achievements.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone looked incredulously, the battle was over in ten seconds?

Do you really think of them as soft persimmons?

But Loya's breath is out, which gives people a very dangerous feeling. Even Zoro in the distance is shivering.

"first of all……"

Loya's words made everyone's heart tighten, and the next moment Loya, who was still standing there, mysteriously disappeared in place.

The war broke out in an instant!


The strange monk's breath stagnated, and he felt a chill in his chest for a moment, but before he could react, he felt a storm-like oppression in front of him.

Loya's figure was like a streamer, breaking through the void in an instant, appearing so abruptly and quickly!

Although thunder and lightning are not as fast as light, they are not far behind.

At this time, a huge and sharp sound of breaking the air came.

A cloud-like white ring appeared behind Loya.


The thunder exploded, and the void exploded.

This giant, who absorbed damage through karma and strengthened himself, was nearly eight meters tall and was kicked in the abdomen by Loya.

The huge figure flew out like a meteor, smashing through more than a dozen buildings one after another, flying wildly all the way.

The ground was full of smoke and dust, huge cracks spread, many people were thrown off, and many people screamed in surprise.

The power of a single blow is so terrifying!

As Uncle Kizaru said - speed is weight!

"You can be considered resistant, but... my strength seems to exceed your ability."


The audience was silent, Loya's attack was too abrupt, and the extremely resistant monk Urouge couldn't stand up again this time, and his body gradually shrank back to his original normal size.

He has finally reached his limit!

[Defeat one of the eleven supernovas, the strange monk Urouge, reward: strength +10, spirit +10, blood +10, source energy +50. 】

And when the sound of the system sounded, Loya was eyeing the second...

"Your ability should be able to transfer damage, so how many times can you transfer? Two times? Three times?"

As soon as Loya's voice fell, Hawkins naturally didn't want to sit still and wanted to resist, but Loya crossed it almost in half a snap of his fingers at a distance of tens of meters.

Loya's fist, before Hawkins could react, was punched.

The surging lightning energy exploded wantonly, like a cannonball exploding inside.

Chest, abdomen, hands, neck...

All burst.

One straw doll, two, three, all destroyed!

All the damage was transferred to Hawkins' crew.

But the number of people and dolls is limited, and in the end, only Hawkins' body is left...

No matter how strange Hawkins' ability is and how he can recover, he can't resist repeated fatal injuries.

Loya's fist with golden thunder light smashed his body abruptly, and his whole body was directly blown away by an invisible force, like a broken kite, directly hitting the roots of the Alchiman mangrove tree, smashing it. A deep hole emerged.

boom! !

Amidst the dust, another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Hawkins, who had changed back to his original appearance, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the figure chasing after X Drake in disbelief.

It turned out that the gap between them is so big, like a gulf!

In the end, he rolled his eyes unwillingly and fell down.

[Defeat one of the eleven supernovas, Basil Hawkins, reward: strength +10, spirit +10, blood +10, source energy +50. 】

"too strong."

"Why do I think he is a real humanoid dragon!"

Bonney forgot to shoot, App was speechless and sighed.

In particular, Zoro couldn't help but be in a trance, feeling as if he had returned to Sky Island and met the self-proclaimed god who swept all directions, the mighty Haki.

But at that time, the other party completely relied on the ability of the fruit!

And this one...

More in its own power!

Although Zoro's strength has long since changed, he can clearly recognize that he and this person are not on the same level.

Just like facing the first big swordsman Hawkeye, it gives people an endless sense of oppression, and feels that he is as small as an ant.


X·Drake transformed into an Allosaurus. He gathered up his strength and rushed forward. Every step he took was to smash the ground, and the sound of bang, bang, bang sounded.

As a behemoth, X·Drake has always won by the hugeness of his body. He steps down and bites down, no matter what it is, it will be crushed by him and crushed by him.

Weight is power!

However, in the face of such an attack, Loya stood still, only sticking out a hand.

Then he grabbed the Allosaurus-shaped Drake's tail with a bang, and with a terrifying force, he couldn't break free, and then the wheel turned violently and smashed to the ground with a bang.

Cracks and cracks spread across the ground, Drake smashed into the soil and stone, spasmed all over, coughed up blood, and smoke rushed up.

Zoro and the others were petrified. No one thought this would happen. Obviously, the size and weight are not proportional, but Loya just fell to the ground like a chicken.

Too violent, too scary!


Drake let out a growl of anger, mixed with a low growl of pain, and almost turned his back.

Yes, Zoan's abilities are all powerful, and his ancient species is even more tyrannical.

But he couldn't help being so tossed, the power that came back from the shock also made him feel severe pain, blood spurted from his mouth, and he wanted to struggle.

However, Loya grabbed his tail and turned it around again, hitting the roots of the Alchiman mangrove with a bang, just like Hawkins.

With a swipe, Loya rushed over, thunder and lightning filled the sky, shrouding the front, and Drake, who had been severely injured, naturally couldn't resist, especially when he was now in a state of four feet in the sky.

With a bang, Drake was blown away again. The powerful electric current made him scorched black, plumes of white smoke appeared, and he fell to the ground and twitched, unable to stand up again.

Loya threw Drake, who had changed back into his body, like garbage, lying side by side with Hawkins, both of them were badly injured and could not stand up.

Then, Huo Ran turned around...

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