'How can this person be so strong? The three supernovas are not rivals when they join forces? ’

After the Celestial Dragons incident on Island 21, a lot of eyes were drawn to this place. Although they were all hiding in the corner and did not dare to approach, they still paid attention to them at all times.

At this time, countless eyes were focused on the figure in the distance.

His eyes were full of awe, fear, shock, and respect.

No matter which world is the most respectful of the strong.

And Loya, without a doubt, is the strongest of the strong.

In the blink of an eye, facing the siege of the three supernovas, Loya easily defeated them with a crushing momentum.

No, plus a Capone Bege who went off first.

Thinking of this, many people couldn't help but glance at the three supernovas on the other side, Pirate Hunter, Big Stomach Girl, and Haiming.

Although each of them is a famous pirate and is very strong, in this situation, no one will be optimistic that they can compete with Loya.

"I'm here to fight you!"

Zoro took a deep breath, straightened his back, and assumed a fighting stance, his eyes sharp.

He didn't choose the time when a few people joined forces to attack Loya, but he did it now.

It's not that he couldn't see the situation clearly and was forced to take action, but as a swordsman, he was not allowed to do such a thing.

Even if he saw Loya easily defeated, the supernovas of the same level as him knew the difference in strength between them.

But he still chooses one-on-one!

Pride in the chest burst out!

Before he finished speaking, he had already made a move!

"Three Swords Flow · Hundred and Eight Troubled Phoenix!"

With a high-speed sword swing, a "sword wave-like" slash, whose power is like a cannon, is known as a "flying slash".

The origin of its name is "annoyance" and "cannon". Its original meaning is the six human faculties, that is, the so-called "eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind", plus "good, evil, and peace", each of which has tranquility and pollution.

The so-called thirty-six troubles in one lifetime!

(The pronunciation of "annoyance" in Japanese is "Bonnō" similar to the British unit of weight "Pound" (pound), so "36 trouble phoenix" can actually be "36 pound gun".)

Yes, the original book is actually troubled phoenix, not troubled wind.

The three swords Slash Wave united, splitting the sky, forming a larger phoenix-like sword wave, containing majestic power, surging forward.

The sword wave soars into the sky, which can slay gods and demons!


"Pirate Hunter really lives up to its reputation!"

Everyone exclaimed, but does it really work? There are many powerful and sturdy moves among the supernovas just now, but none of them were easily broken.

"It's so handsome, should I think of a handsome name for my moves?"

Loya couldn't help but sigh.

However, he didn't do anything, just snorted lowly, Zoro's shocking sword wave was already broken, and the rebound spurted out!

However, Zoro's move was originally a tentative starter.

Once the sword wave is broken, the move will turn.

Three Swords Style · Ghost Slash!

At the moment when the sword wave was broken, he stomped his feet violently, and he smashed the whole ground into a pothole. With the help of this force, he immediately rushed up.

Bully approached Loya, holding the knives in his left and right hands in a crossed posture, making a slash that seemed to trap the enemy, and the third knife was used to block the gap for the enemy to escape.

There is no way to avoid it!

Three swords break everything!

"It's amazing, but it's a pity that no matter how high the swordsmanship is, the strength is not enough. If you haven't learned Haki, it's a bit worse after all."

Loya's face was indifferent, unmoved, but sighed softly.

If the most popular manga of One Piece is Straw Hat Crew, the only one who can compete with the protagonist Luffy in popularity is this Lu Chi.

Be strong, never admit defeat, work hard, attach great importance to love and righteousness, keep promises, and be willing to pay for your companions, even if it is life, and give up your dreams.

Always respect Luffy's opinion as the captain, and like Luffy, he likes to go straight, and thinks that what is in front of him just needs to be cut off.

Including after the Celestial Dragons incident, he gave up his self-esteem and asked "Hawkeye" for swordsmanship, just to get the power to protect his companions.

If possible, Loya really wants to subdue such a person as his subordinate.

Unfortunately, this is impossible...


I saw Loya's palm reversed, and it changed in an understatement, actually blocking Zoro's fatal blow.



Then Zoro felt an incomparably vast impact coming.

This power is as vast and boundless as the ocean, and at the same time as indestructible as steel.

In front of this power, any ability is like a boat in front of a huge wave, easily crushed.

The sword light shattered, Zoro's heart trembled, and he flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, but he remembered the name in his heart.

"Yes, if you want to gain a foothold in the New World, you need Master Haki, whether you are a martial artist, a swordsman, or even a capable person."

Hearing Loya's words, many people couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that he came from New World, but after thinking about it, he suddenly felt that it was a matter of course.

Such powerhouses, such monsters, can only appear in places like New World.

"Been taught a lesson!"

Zoro still had Bloodline on the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and he supported his body, reluctantly.

The horror of this young man was beyond his imagination. It is once again, and he will lose faster.

But he's also the only one who can get up with Loya, which is pretty good.

[Defeat one of the eleven supernovas, Roronoa Zoro, reward: strength +20, spirit +20, blood +20, source energy +100. 】


This time the reward has been doubled? !

Is it because he is one of the protagonists?

Loya couldn't help but turn her head to look at Bonney and Apu, and try them both.


At this moment, Loya raised his head with a slightly fixed gaze, staring at something and said, "Are you here?"

Faster than he imagined.

Including Yamato also looked in that direction, he noticed something and looked up.

A small black spot appeared on the horizon. At first, the small black spot was only the size of a thumb, but when Xuan became the size of a basketball, everyone could vaguely see that it turned out to be a person stepping on a cannonball.

Just fly straight in.

Even Loya can't help but praise when he sees it, in terms of coquettishness, it has to be you, Uncle Kizaru.

This kind of force, I am afraid that only Yuzhu Fei's Tao Baibai can fight against it.

Everyone's eardrums roared, and the golden light turned into a human figure and landed lightly.

A wretched face appeared: "Can I disturb you? You are the criminal who offended Celestial Dragons!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, his entire leg turned into a dazzling beam of light, kicking directly towards Loya's head.

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