Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 189: Low temperature

   I took out the dogleg knife again, and it became a lot harder. Sure enough, the research still needs the support of scientists.

   Then now I will figure out a way to lower the temperature.

   I guess among those few parameters that I haven't figured out yet, there must be one that controls the temperature.

   One of these parameters should have a default value when no value is assigned to it, that is, the temperature of these ice products after I cast the spell.

In this way, many parameters are excluded, and the target is much smaller. After following through, I found that one is more consistent. There is a temporary variable in the program, and its initial value is -100 (converted to degrees Celsius, the same below), this temporary variable It will be compared with a passed parameter. If the passed parameter is greater than this value and less than zero, the temporary variable will remain unchanged and participate in the subsequent operations. If the passed parameter is less than this temporary variable, the temporary variable will be assigned to the passed parameter and participate in the following Operation.

   should be this.

The lower limit of temperature is -273.15 degrees, which is a limit value that can freeze all the elementary particles in the microcosm. I asked Banner. Humans cannot achieve such a limit, but some conclusions can be derived. Once this limit is reached, All the kinetic energy of the object will be zeroed out and be in a completely static state. It is currently speculated that this is the temperature of the black hole.

   It seems that ice magic is not weak, but too strong. The three ancestors of Weishandi probably knew about this, so the default temperature of magic was set to minus 100.

   So this experiment needs to be very cautious. You can't use ten to the power of the wave, because chaos will cause terrible consequences.

   I think of Glacier and Jiamiao in the Saint Seiya. The cultivation path of these two people is how to reduce the temperature to the limit.

   Can the temperature drop really have that effect?

   If you really have it, you can have a fighter skill.

   Now try -101 degrees first.

   The condensed dogleg knife seems to have not changed, the difference is one degree, it is not obvious.

   There must be some instrument to detect the actual temperature of the dogleg knife.

   asked Banner, he said that the laboratory has equipment, but to connect to the electricity, you can only try it in the laboratory.

  When I came to the laboratory, the first thing was to mute Nancy. Nancy, who was noisy, was like Annie. Didn't Annie let her take her away? Fortunately, Annie is not here.

   Yo, change your eyes? Lingling, unable to speak eyes are so cute, quack.

  The laboratory's testing equipment is quite abundant. What impressed me is a cryograph called "Rhodium Iron", which is more accurate for low temperature detection above minus 200 degrees.

  The laboratory also has corresponding hardness testers and friability testers, which are used to test the Vickers hardness and fragility of objects.

   Athos, knowing that I don’t understand this old man, he insisted on introducing me.

   In this case, I have to be silent, so that they think I understand.

   The experiment started, Banner told me that until 180 degrees, as long as there is no close contact, this is still a safe temperature.

  The temperature of the test starts from -180 degrees.

   First store a bucket of water in the space. During the casting process, it will automatically fetch water from the space, then shape it as needed, then start the cooling process, and finally send it to the outside and launch it with a shrimp fist.

  Due to the experiment, I stopped using the shrimp punch. Anyway, it was a shame to shoot. I don’t have the skill to shoot a dagger, so I can’t make it point to the front.

   The dogleg knife that appeared on the table was crystal clear, but as soon as it came into contact with the air, it immediately began to chill. The temperature given on the cryostat was -179.7, which was not much different.

   They put on temperature-isolated gloves and put them on the hardness tester and friability tester with wooden clamps to measure the hardness and friability.

   Then it starts to decrease at an interval of 5 degrees.

At -185 degrees, it was not white gas but light blue smoke coming from the knife. Banner said that it was the oxygen in the air that came into contact with it, causing some liquefaction. Fanning the smoke, you can see the knife. Start to condense the lenses.

   measured the hardness and friability, there is not much change.

   But the temperature in the room dropped by two degrees at this time.

   "By the way, bring the magic stone that used light energy last time."

   Licha immediately ran to get it. Before, I always threw the extracted energy back to the address pointing to the dark dimension, and I don’t know if I can recharge it into the Philosopher’s Stone.

   once again condensed a -195 dogleg knife, the magic stone was actually lit again!

   It's just that the light is very dim, but it is visible to the human eye, and it has brightened up again.

   The temperature in the laboratory is getting lower and lower. At this time, it dropped by 1 degree, and it is now 23 degrees.

   After measuring the hardness and friability, it is still the same, only a little bit improved.

   This time it was a bit ruthless, direct -230 degrees.

   A dogleg knife that started to become smoke billowing as soon as it appeared appeared.

   Banner said in horror: "Be careful of the smoke, don't inhale it, it's dangerous! Daddy, throw it outside!"

   I hurriedly transported it to the outside of the laboratory. Once it fell to the ground, after a burst of heavy smoke on the ground, a layer of shiny snow-white crystals formed on the ground, showing a gleaming color under the sun.

   "The kind of smoke just now is a mist of liquefied air. It is very cold. After inhaling the lungs, it will damage the lungs. Daddy, can we learn this magic? We want to use its ultra-low temperature to study some materials."

   "Which material needs low temperature?"

   "Too much, superconductors, quantum Hall effect, condensed matter physics, topological materials..."

   "Not yet, wait for a while. By the way, the material for the hanging ring should be cracked faster. Many magics can't be done without it."

   There is no magic material, what's the use of talking about this. My magic structure has not been completed yet, and it is too early to open magic.

   "Annie took it to study."

   "Annie? Will she ruin it?"

   "Father, I believe her." Cheng Wanli said this. UU Reading www.uukā

   "Well, it seems that this place is not suitable for experimentation now. Let me go to another place. I have materials later, and I will teach you this magic again."

  The test will continue, and I returned to the field, and I started the -250 degree test.

   Since this thing is so dangerous, I don't let it stay by my side any longer, and shoot it out with a shrimp fist as soon as it comes out.

   Looking at the tail smoke it left in the space, I was thinking that this effect is a bit like the Diamond Stardust Fist of Saint Glacier.

   I replaced the dog-leg knife with a shell-shaped fist. When it flew out, it rolled and solidified the head of the fist, leaving the back of the fist hollow. This was a little better, but it was still a bit erratic.

   Find a boulder standing 20 meters away and try it.

After ten punches, there were three hits. The ice fist hit was broken. The speed and momentum of the shrimp fist were very large. The fragility of the ice was not good. The ice fist and the place where the fragments fell froze into a white ground. The cold smoke billowed above, and the surface of the huge boulder that was hit actually made a clicking sound, and after a while, many cracks appeared on the surface.

   This ice magic is still very harmful, and the physical attack power is second. This freezing damages normal human body.

   didn't know what would happen if this fist hit someone.

   Let's try the limit temperature -273.15?


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