Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 190: Forgiveness of the Aurora

  -272 is fine, leave some leeway.

  Don't make yourself dead.

   I have had two painful experiences, I have grown up.

   A gray fist suddenly appeared in front of me. It did not shoot far away like the previous fist, but slowly drifted away like a balloon that was only slapped.

   There is no more smoke from its body, but its itself is gray and dark, like a light bulb with insufficient power supply and intermittent.

  Also, I felt a force, as if pulling my soul towards this ice fist.

   The dim magic stone in his hand was emitting a dazzling light at this time.

   How much energy is absorbed?

   Anything abnormal is a demon, I quickly teleported far away.

   was ten kilometers away, and stood on a small hill to look over there.

   There seemed to be no movement there. I passed forward one kilometer, as if nothing happened. One kilometer ahead, I felt a pinch-like chill.

   My feet were soft, and I actually sank more than ten centimeters into it. I was so frightened that I hurriedly sent back another kilometer.

   Looking at the feet again, there is a lot of frost on both legs, and they are quickly losing consciousness!

   This coldness is spreading quickly towards my upper body!


   It’s a big game!

   hurriedly teleported again and came hundreds of kilometers away.

   Then quickly cast the above fire magic around me, dozens of fireballs lit up, and flames appeared out of thin air around me, but that was it, there was still no flame beside me that could approach me for half a meter.

   The cold air attacked again, and the body couldn't move.

   There are only a series of silly sounds left in my head...

   I am killing myself?

  The thinking seems to stop here, and I can't think of anything.

   I hung up? End of the show? Can I go back?

   I don’t know how long it has passed, but I slowly regained my ability to think.

   Then I found out that I was actually frozen in a huge block of ice!

   didn't die!

   How long has it passed? Why doesn't this ice melt under the scorching sun? Is the ambient temperature so low?

   There is no sensation in the whole body, but the head is awakened.



  Fire Magic ();


   First, let's have a million small fireballs and bake them.

The surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​fire after a while. Fortunately, the magic fireball seemed to consume no oxygen but only energy. After burning for more than ten minutes, the fire gradually extinguished, and the surrounding temperature rose. I saw that the ice surrounding me was fast. Melted.

   After waiting for three hours, I finally fell from the ice.

   The stiff body still doesn't feel anymore, it can't regenerate the fire, and now it doesn't feel anymore. I don't know if I cook myself later, just wait.

   Athos, why?

   Isn’t it a twenty-two degree difference?

   What is it like the end of the world?

   Is this Glacial’s "forgiveness of the goddess of dawn"?

   This is so terrible before it is absolutely zero, it feels like it has extracted all the atomic energy.

   I'm seven or eight kilometers away, and I can still be frozen into a popsicle dog. What will happen to the center?

   How gloomy the sky is, and the strong wind is still blowing.

   Jia Miao played "The Forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn". With this lethal power, how did Glacier defeat him? The water must be released.

   Why did you get such a bad name? Almost killed the old man. I didn't feel the forgiveness and mercy of the goddess at all. On the contrary, she was full of anger. Is she married?

   Must get a golden saint to come out! This power... Tsk tsk tsk, forbidden curse-like lethality, I don't know if Thanos can take it, but regardless of the enemy or the enemy, the bad rating is 999.

   This trick will later be renamed "The Touch of the Goddess of Dawn"?

   Forget it, it’s more traditional to call it "The Wrath of the Goddess of Dawn", otherwise, they thought I was an unscrupulous male god.

   Is this name longer? If you encounter Pegasus Meteor Fist or Pete's invincible fist, will you kill people before you finish shouting?


   Must get vibrating gold, a lot of vibrating gold, making saint clothing!

   The Aquarius Golden Warrior already possesses the most important combat skills.

   So... look for: baby call dad!

   First build a transmission channel to my "office", then connect to various cities, and start searching for the two keywords "baby calling dad" and "zhenjin".

  Huh? Many people actually know.

  Huh? Isn't this one-eyed marinated egg?

   Right! Did I write it wrong ten thousand times? I only wrote it more than 500 times, why is it so little? How long did it take to write so much...... Oh~~ It turned out to be ashamed, I was writing secretly, no wonder it was so slow, forget it, since I'm sincere, I can wait slowly.

   It turned out that I didn’t call my baby to call my dad. It was called Wakanda. The location was in Africa, but he didn’t know where it was...

  Look again... "Wakanda" (multilingual), "Zhenjin" (multilingual), "Africa" ​​(multilingual)

   found it! Ulysses Crow, a smuggler, once got into Wakanda and stole a batch of vibrato. He still had ten kilograms of vibrato. He was wanted by Wakanda. He was hiding in New York. On a smuggling ship in Hong Kong, the appearance has changed drastically, no wonder it can't be found.

   Fuck! One gram of gold in the black market is 10,000 US dollars! 10 kilograms can't be bought without 100 million? This guy took that piece of vibrato and was sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth! 666.

  Wakanda was originally here. Somalia is a little bit past. The technology is very powerful. King Techaka..., Panther King..., a huge amount of gold...

   Fuck, they have a hill of vibrating gold! This amount! According to ten thousand dollars per gram, the wealth of the entire earth belongs to his family, right? This is the real local tyrant!

   The warrior armed with vibrato... and inhumanity!

   Summarize the vibrating data in the minds of the public...

   vibrating gold can absorb all kinetic energy, potential energy, energy ~ ~ does not conduct heat and kinetic energy, and converts the absorbed energy into shock waves.

  Is this all the information? Too little, right?

   Zhenjin has this kind of property, the doglegs must not be able to do it, have to think of another way?

   Let’s give a courtesy first and then a soldier. I will use Taoyuan Town’s most precious... Philosopher’s Stone for them. Should I call Sherick or Blackhall? The two of them are big businessmen, and bargaining should be worse than mine.

   "Blake, Sherrick, can you two bargain? I plan to go shopping with a bunch of super selfish guys, but their stuff is very expensive. Can you keep the price down?"

   "My god, I need more information."

   Almost the two of them asked the same question. It seems that their way of thinking is the same. When they are such a big boss, they probably have similar ideas.

"There is a kind of metal in the world called Zhenjin. It is very good. I want to use it to make some enchanting equipment. Now its price on the black market has reached the level of 1 gram and 10,000 US dollars. I need about 1 ton. The vibrating gold, but obviously, we don’t have so much money now, but we still have some other rare resources. Recently we have developed a kind of energy stone called the Philosopher’s Stone. This thing seems to be other than me and a few people They are all unusable, or, I haven't worked out a method to use it yet. I want to use this magic stone to exchange vibrating gold with them."


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