Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1444: 848 breaks through the blood of the Beastmaster and is just around the corner.

The beastly ambassador's family recruited new males, which is a big event for the whole beast.

Moreover, it was originally intended to be collected for everyone to receive the Graham, naturally there is no quiet truth.

So, Laiya prepared to prepare for it. Three days later, a grand bonfire party was held. The name was to send the beast to the beast.

In general, Gu Mengmeng has a cold season in Sio, and after he has hosted the first hunting ritual, he will leave for other places, or go back to St. Naze, or go to Zakaray, or go back to the Snake Valley. In short, it will not stay in Syed for two consecutive seasons. But this year, because of the dry season, I have to go to the Moto Mountain Range. In addition, the Beastmaster of Elvis has just come to the world. Many wolves have not had time to arrive at Syed before they entered the cold last year, so Gu Mengmeng stayed for a while. time.

Now that the heavy rain season is over halfway, Gu Mengmeng and his entourage naturally want to leave and go to the Moto Mountains.

Because Aoliting and Xiaoyan have to follow, it is not feasible to let Gree take the empty road. If you take the land, the time consumption will naturally be longer. After all, you can't go straight.

And this bonfire party, in addition to sending off to Gu Mengmeng, is to introduce Gree to everyone. Tell everyone that the beastly messenger’s home has added a new male this year, with wings and flying.

Therefore, when everyone was seated by the campfire, the main fire place was only sitting in Ervis and Leia, and there was a place in the middle. The Gu Mengmen who sat there did not see anyone.

The Sandy family next to the main campfire is also here, Gu Mengmeng is not there.

Then the people underneath began to whisper, indicating that it was sent to the beastly messenger, how did the protagonist disappear? Just as everyone was puzzled, there was a loud bird song in the night sky. When everyone looked up, they saw a huge coffin hovering in the sky. After two or three laps, they landed steadily. In front of the main bonfire, Gu Mengmeng jumped from the back of the scorpion, and then the scorpion became a human being, and the distance between Gu Meng and the next step was also placed on the main fire.

Gu Mengmeng sits in the middle of Ervis and Leia, Ao Ting is sitting next to Leia, and Lingbi Gree is sitting on the side of Ervis.


The hunting sounds of even the wind and the bonfire are particularly obvious.

The first person who responded turned out to be Køge.

When he came forward, he looked at Gu Mengmeng and placed his right hand on his left chest. He said: "Congratulations to the master and the couple."

Gu Mengmeng wants to swear a little bit of your ass? ! But she did not speak, one was too lazy to waste her saliva with Kee, and the other was that she promised Leia, and the matter of Kee was handed over to Leia.

So, Gu Mengmeng just entered the arms of Ervis, and even a white eye did not give alms to Køge.

Leia was satisfied with Gu Mengmeng's disregard of Khee, but her face was pretending to be awkward and shook her head. She stood up and cuddled at Khee. "The fox king has a heart, a guardian beast." However, I can’t talk about the couple."

Keer blinked and looked at Leia's gaze in danger. The breath of the breath between the breath was cold. The smile was smeared with the sorrow: "Is the nine brothers upgraded? Oh, congratulations. Ah, buy five. With the help of A Gu, I must have broken through the blood of the Beastmaster, and it is just around the corner."

Laia laughed and didn't answer, but she looked at Gu Mengmeng with affection.

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