Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1445: 849, she is also responsible for matching Xiu En love, right?

Sideways sideways, Leia said: "In the past millennium, the Beastmaster is rare. After all, there is only one inside. But now we have two Beastmasters in our family, so we don't think it is expensive, so the beast is not the beastmaster. I am not too concerned about it, as long as I can stay with Meng Meng, I am satisfied."

Kee blinked and said that it was impossible for him to see that Leia was deliberately angering him, but he could not control the burning anger in his chest.

The feather earrings on Gu Mengmeng's right ear are really unsightly.

He should not mind these.

No matter how many males around Gu Mengmeng are, they are just a momentary plaything. When he crosses the door of time and space and rules the world, he will be the only **** in Gu Mengmeng’s eyes.

He will see Gu Mengmeng for abandoning Ervis, abandoning Leia, and licking the mark behind his neck.

She will kill all the pets in order to please him, and then the **** poppies will spread the faint fragrance around him.

However, the area guardian beast, how is it worth his anger? !

But he can't control himself.

He also recognized the existence of Ervis and Leia, after all, it was before he saw her.

But what can a Gree in the Gree district get her favor? ! This sinister fire burned so strong that Leia’s easy-to-follow provocation made Ke’s whole body violent.

The firewood in the bonfire was sizzling, and the scattered Mars came out, but it was swallowed up by the darkness for a moment, and the glimmer was not as bright as the firefly.

Leia chuckled a little and looked at Kew with a look of innocence: "What happened to the Fox King? The beast pressure leaked out of our family. These two guardian beasts are only three levels, but you can't help but scare you." Especially the Gree, just joined the family, our family is very rare, if you are frightened, Meng Meng should feel bad."

Leia’s words were simply throwing a lighter into the nuclear explosion, and then felt that it was not cool enough. He turned to look at Gu Mengmeng and glanced at one eye to Gu Mengmeng, then asked: "Right, Meng Meng."

Gu Mengmeng is as awkward as eating 屎.

She is also responsible for matching Xiu En love, right?

Show to Kie? What is wrong? Did he buy a ticket?

Kleiya’s words have been said, and if Gu Mengmeng does not cooperate, isn’t that the same as the shortness of Laiya?

Gu Mengmeng rushed to Gree to recruit, and Gree naturally went from Ervis to the other side of Gu Mengmeng without a word. Gu Mengmeng handed Laia’s meat to himself. Gree, gentle: "I just took me for a long time, tired? You should eat the nerve disease first, I don't believe who has the ability to hurt you in front of me."

When Gu Mengmeng said the last sentence, his eyes swept coldly toward Køge.

There is no animal pressure, but the arrogance of Køge is crushed out.

Sneijin is a beastmaster who has lived for more than a thousand years. His strength and domineering are not comparable to the new beastmasters of Ervis and Køge. And Gu Mengmeng has the snake daring of Sneijin, so she only needs a black face, and there seems to be a huge snake shadow behind her, which makes people breathless. Plus she dig through the other side of the shore and took his life. So she has a pressure on the wandering beast to fear

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