Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 832: I can cure my illness and can kill my life.

There was only Barrett and Warwick on the side of Saud, and the two of them were not opponents of Køge, let alone Korge with those four or more wandering beasts.

If Kee takes advantage of Chi Xuan’s words,

I am afraid that Barrett and Walkley can only let him ask for it.

Gu Mengmeng bit his teeth and went straight to go outside.

By Elvis, Elvis grabbed his arm and held it in his arms.

Gu Mengmeng earned two times, and Ervis hugged more tightly. He said with a dumb voice: "Don't move, let me hold for a while, just for a while."

Gu Mengmeng was stuck by Ervis’s words. It was just a nap of sleep. Gu Mengmeng felt that he had left them for a long time.

Ervis's voice resonated from the chest to Gu Mengmeng's ear, deep and introverted. "You are clearly in front of me, but I still want to think about you? I seem to be sick."

Gu Mengmeng’s heart is not soft, but his face is not willing to ease. He only said coldly: “If you are sick, let Laizhi.”

Ervis hooked up Meng Meng's little face and stared at her eyes. He said: "He can cure the trauma, and he is sick and bloody."

Gu Mengmeng turned his head and took back his little face. He said: "I will find a kind person to cure my heart. I think Leia is right. You are intimate and have no secrets. You can open your heart and talk. When the right is psychological counseling, I may have finished talking."

Ervis grabbed Gu Mengmeng and Gu Mengmeng subconsciously put his hand on his neck. He tried to take back his hand and smiled at him. How could Corvus let her close? ? A big hand gently held her back of the head and kissed her lips directly.

For a long time, I love it very much.

"But only you are my medicine, can cure my illness, can kill my life."

Gu Mengmeng’s apex was stunned and her whole chest was resonating.

And Ervis stood in the hole and carefully reflected on an afternoon. After listening to Gu Mengmeng’s sour words, if he didn’t know why Gu Mengmen was so angry that he would pull them out, this first partner would not have to be Going on.

Gently rubbed Gu Meng Meng was kissed by himself like a small mouth that was licked by yellow needles. Ervis said pampered and connived: "You are annoyed that I am always glaring at you, I will not Oh, that's it. Don't be angry, okay?"

Gu Mengmeng licked his mouth, his face eased a little, but he also deliberately pretended to be confused and asked: "Really? Or just yell at me?"

"Every sentence that you say is a promise, and I will not lie to you." Ervis kissed Meng Mengqi into a small face of the buns. She just woke up, her skin was tender and soft. The taste is excellent. "And, you are afraid of affecting your mood. If you feel worse because you don't know, isn't it the end of the game? I won't do it again."

Gu Mengmeng nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Leia with a cool look.

Leia put her tail on her tail and walked to Gu Mengmeng's face like a little daughter-in-law. Her arm was placed on the shoulder of Ervis, and she used a pair of narrow braids to interpret a deep love style.

A man with a rut-bone hand gently touched Gu Mengmeng's left ear, palms holding her little face, and loved pity very much. "I have gone through all the hard work and finally got your approval. I am really afraid. Extremely, you will abandon me. Today, this has long scared my courage, and then dare to marry you again? Not afraid that you directly told me to go out and not to go home?"

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