Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 833: You are my world, where can I go?

Gu Mengmeng also knows that today he has made things very serious.

In fact, she can tell them her thoughts in a more gentle way and wording, but she can't control her temper at the moment.

Perhaps it was because of the **** tragedy caused by the hidden things between Natalie and Biddle that her heart was upset. She was really upset, very scared and very confused.

If Ervis and Leia made her a habit, will there be a day in the future, these things that were originally finely mined, piled up a huge monster, and then crushed all the trust between them?

I don't say, you don't understand. This is the initial state of the gap in the relationship.

But now that Ervis and Leia have promised that she will not be holding her again in the future, she will naturally not be ruthless.

After all, people with mental ages are more than a thousand years old, and their waywardness is limited.

Lowering his head, Gu Mengmeng twisted his fingers and said, "I have a bad tone today, and I have a lot of heavy words to say sorry."

Ervis and Leia are on the side of each other, and they are on the face of Gu Mengmeng. The two styles are so perfect that they have the same favor. Junce does not speak, Leia is holding A small hand from Gu Mengmeng kissed her on the lips and said, "You know that we prefer to hear your confession than to apologize."

Gu Mengmeng's face is red and red, and it is more sultry and soft in the moonlight. The tone is soft. He said, "I won't say anything about it later. You are my most important person. I just slept for a nap. I feel so lonely that if you really go, I don’t know who to cry for.

"A fool." Ervis tightened her hand on her waist and smiled at her apologetic eyes. "Unless I die, I won't leave you." Gu Mengmeng put his forehead on Ervis’s forehead and asked softly, “Why don’t you leave?”

Ervis took a kiss with her little mouth and replied with a low-alcohol voice: "You are my world, where can I go?"

Gu Mengmeng didn't say anything more, just a sweet smile.

Leia came up with a large bowl of potato paste, saying: "Can you eat now? Is it here to eat, or is it to Natalie and eat with her?"

Gu Mengmeng thought for a moment and said, "Go and eat with Natalie. I will say goodbye to her by the way."

"Want to go to Theodor?" Ervis hugged Gu Mengmeng and asked while walking towards Natalie's cave.

Gu Mengmeng nodded and said: "I don't trust Barrett and Walkley, and Chi Xuan is also"

Ervis stopped and looked at Gu Mengmeng quietly.

Gu Mengmeng gimmicks and asks: "What happened?"

Ervis took a sigh of relief and wanted to suppress the discomfort in his heart. He thought that he had just promised Gu Mengmeng not to glare at her. After all, he swallowed the words no more and ran into a sentence in his throat. "Barrett is your pursuer and even confessed to you earlier than Leia. Are you worried that he wants to accept him as the third child of our family?"

Gu Mengmeng groaned, then smiled, and did not answer: "I also mentioned Walkley, do you want to accept him as the fourth child of our family?"

Ervis did not laugh, only said: "Walley is not qualified to challenge me and Leia."

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