Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 834: 238 kills people before the rice has become a smash

Gu Mengmeng was so embarrassed by Ervis: "Why?"

Ervis quietly condensed Gu Mengmeng, and for a long time he spit out a sentence: "Do you like Warwick?"

Gu Mengmeng shook his head without thinking. "I don't like it, but I don't like Barrett. Why is Barrett qualified to challenge?"

Ervis said: "He has been on the penalty platform for you. If you don't know that you are the messenger of the beast, you have proposed to be your reserve food. You have praised him more than once, and you have kissed him. ”

A few Gu Gumeng can recognize the front, but what kind of ghost is he? Why is Gu Mengmeni not having any impression at all?

"How can I kiss him?!"

Ervis looked deep and said: "You have, because you kissed him, so he lived in the gods on the penalty platform, and Leia saw it."

Gu Mengmeng turned to look at Leia, and he saw that he was very reluctant to squint and nodded. He looked at Gu Mengmeng’s little eyes.

Gu Mengmeng carefully thought about it, only to think of it is such a thing, at that time Barrett fainted because of lack of water, in fact, just feed some water can slow down, but Gu Mengmeng tried several times I couldn't feed it. Finally, I had no choice but to give Barrett a water at the mouth of the mouth, and I took it and I was taken away by Ervis.

Gu Mengmeng helped the amount, Khan Yan said: "That is not a kiss, it is only to save him. If you don't feed him to drink some water, he will be caught by Leia to make a specimen, which is scary."

Leia, who has never spoken, faintly said: "If you don't like him, why is he living and living with you?"

This acid Gu Mengmeng did not dare to entangle the past with the two. In their eyes, Gu Mengmeng only needs to look at whoever looks at it. The one that is seen is properly a rival. Didn't run. Even Kie, just because the name appeared in Gu Mengmeng’s mouth is relatively high, they were all filled with the plots of various loves and kills, so that Gu Mengmeng did not dare to be in front of him. Both of them are facing each other.

"I want to go to Seode really because I can't worry, but not because I like Barrett, but because he and Warwick and the Snow Fox people are now my people, I have to be responsible for their lives. I don’t know if they are in danger and ignore it."

Ervis sighed with relief and did not refute Gu Mengmeng.

He did not want to force Gu Mengmeng to admit that she liked him and the males outside Leia, so this dispute was said from the beginning, he is looking forward to Gu Mengmeng's rebuttal.

Now she retorted, and he naturally would not ask more.

just in case

She won’t refute it for a while, what should she do?

Continue to go to Natalie. When I arrived at the hole, Ervis opened his mouth and said, "Xiao Meng, if one day, you really have a male who looks good, be sure to tell me in advance, let me Have a mental preparation"

Gu Mengmeng just wanted to say that he would not recruit men at home any more, but Leia was the first to open his mouth.

"Yes, I must tell me in advance that I am murdering before the rice has become a smash."

Gu Mengmeng stunned and immediately smiled. He photographed Leia’s shoulder and said, “Haha, it’s really dangerous to be liked by me.”

"No?" Leia asked, raising her eyebrows.

Gu Mengmeng shook his head and replied: "No, if I like who I am, I must tell you in advance. If you can't even protect yourself, what qualifications are you to be my male?"

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