Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 547 The Power of Infinity Gauntlet

With the Mind Gem inlaid, Bruston was attracted by this dazzling glove. The yellow gem was like trying to suck in a person's mind. Even Bruce was unable to escape indulging in it, and even felt a strong throbbing surging in his heart.

But after experiencing so many ups and downs, Bruce's mind has been tempered, and he soon wakes up from it, and then directly controls himself not to stare at the Mind Gem, and directly faces himself in the direction of the palm of his hand. , This is better.

After forcibly pulling his mind back, Bruce felt that the Infinity Gauntlet on his opponent had a feeling of being at his disposal. This kind of feeling cannot be said, but there is a real existence. Give him such a belief that with this glove in his hand, he can do a lot, which can be said to be absolutely impossible before. matter.

For example, he can control the minds of all lives in the world. This is like an enhanced version of Charles' Ability. It is not only able to control the minds of people, because the higher the level of animals, the more they have their own will, but The easier it is to control, because the more thoughts they have in their minds.

And after putting on this glove, what it brings is not the will of the primate who controls the mind, but all the things with life characteristics are within the scope of manipulation, not only humans, but also various All kinds of animals, even plants, and even microorganisms are within his control.

Every Infinite Gems has the Ability to completely destroy a planet. This power gem relies on a powerful and irresistible power, and Mind Gem relies on this power of the will to control all life.

Driven by the owner of this gem, it is possible to control the blossoming of flowers and even the division or death of single-celled animals with a single thought. This is not as simple as annihilating a person's consciousness and causing him to brain die, but Completely dying, even the cells in the corpse will die in an instant, completely turning into a pile of corpses without any vitality, or completely inorganic.

Bruce had never thought of something like this. It was simply a weapon of genocide. It made him feel that the Mind Gem embedded in the movie was so weak that Vision was a bit puzzled. That guy really used Mind Gem. Is the power of it?

Zeng Ran Vision can use Mind Gem to shoot rays, but that seems to be an energy form. There is no psychic power that Mind Gem is best at. It controls not only the mind, but even any activity instinct that is not the most primitive energy state. Control range.

This is compared to the power gem directly destroying everything with a powerful force in an instant, it will be even more insidious, because the impact of powerful power is devastating, and it is directly crushed down with great momentum, but the power of this Mind Gem is It's very cryptic, even if you don't notice it, you can get the opponent directly.

Definitely Bruce can also choose not to destroy the opponent’s vitality, but to directly control the opponent. This is like the people Loki controlled the Women’s Federation at the time, and directly planted a seed in their minds so that they can completely understand. Become his own slave.

This is also a feasible strategy, but at this time Bruce is more inclined to destroy all enemies. At this time, he has the confidence to compete with Thanos. It comes from the same Infinity Gauntlet with Infinite Gems as Thanos, and he will have more Infinite Gems inlaid in the future.

Even after Bruce felt the power of Mind Gem embedded on the Infinity Gauntlet, he had the urge to destroy Tesseract and then take out the space stone to inlay it.

When Bruce fixed Infinity Gauntlet, in Asgard, Thor had also brought Loki back. The guy who caused the New York war on the earth, Bruce did not forcefully leave it behind. After all, Bruce was himself. It was a bit unsustainable to be caught in the backlash of Phoenix force, and Jin was still fighting Thanos in the universe, and as a result, no one prevented Brother Hammer from taking Loki away.

At this time Loki returned to Asgard and was accused by Odin. Although he was only an adopted son, Odin still had feelings for Loki. He did not put him to death, but imprisoned him in Asgard's prison.

And once again, Jane, who is alone on earth, has found something she likes once again, and she is definitely a research topic and not another man. She can be regarded as guarding the scumbag like Brother Hammer, and even hopes that Brother Hammer can always live on the earth so that the two can stay together for a long time.

But this is obviously unrealistic. Hammer can't let Asgard's throne because he is the only son of God King Odin. Although he has a relationship with Loki, he knows that Loki is the real life experience of Giants of Jotunheim. After that, he knew why he was Thor, and Loki was just an evil god. Obviously, Odin is weighing all of this, and it is quite successful.

This time, Jane targeted London, the capital of a country that still maintains a strong hostility towards the evolutionary. In order to let herself have no time to think about Hammer, Jane arranged her work full.

So this time she is still like this. A special study was conducted in London. This time the research initiator was her partner, an astronomer with the same name as Erik, who was used by Loki Hypnotic Ability in the film Women’s Federation. . What he found at Stonehenge, definitely and Jane’s own research also showed that something special would happen in London.

As the actual master of the earth, the Evolutionary Alliance has long been instructed by Bruce to keep track of the whereabouts of this female scientist named Jane. If this female scientist arrives in London, he must be notified.

So this time, when Jane had just boarded the plane to London, Bruce was notified by the Evolutionary Alliance. He immediately knew that the story of Thor2 had begun. The Tai, who was hidden by Asgard on a dead planet. particles will appear soon.

So he was ready to go over and cut Hu at any time, and also took the opportunity to test the power of Mind Gem gloves. Testing on the earth is very dangerous. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will break the earth, so he will go to another planet. Proceed better.

Bruce definitely did some small experiments. For example, he conducted a very interesting experiment during this period of time, which was to see if the most powerful psychic Ability evolutionary could resist the power of Mind Gem.

That’s right, I used Charles to make a guinea pig, but unfortunately, the most powerful spiritual ability person on the earth is as fragile as a baby in front of Mind Gem. Bruce easily took part of his consciousness. The concept has been changed. So Charles seemed to lose almost all the compassion he had used to ordinary people. It has become similar to Logan's attitude. The world where evolutionary and ordinary people coexist is not the blind contribution of the evolutionary, but the mutual understanding and tolerance between each other.

The definitely evolutionary uses the protection of ordinary people as a bargaining chip, so if ordinary people hate the evolution, then they are the enemy of the evolution. This is like racial discrimination, but he does not support Erik’s evolutionary being No. 1 in the world. Concept.

So overnight Charles used his Ability to change the attitude of countless people towards the evolutionary. This was something he could never do before. Before these people took action to harm the interests of the evolutionary, Charles would never It was Charles's conception that shot them. But now he took the initiative to stifle these buds in the cradle, and stifled them very thoroughly.

When Bruce learned of this, he didn't feel surprised. This was similar to his thoughts when he first got Charles's Ability. All hostile thoughts were wiped out, so the contradiction between ordinary people and evolutionary people was also Is it solved completely? This is obviously unrealistic. Bruce did such a thing back then, but it didn't work.

Because human nature is always changing, what you think is right now will make you think that your original thoughts are so naive and ridiculous for various reasons, and even full of mistakes. So Bruce gave up this plan after doing it once.

And now Charles repeats his old ways. During this period of time, it is indeed because of his changes that ordinary people no longer have prejudice against evolvers, but evolvers themselves also have certain defects, such as previous discrimination. , It will make them more extreme, and it is inevitable to hurt ordinary people. This will gradually make those people's prejudices grow again and become more entrenched.

But these things Bruce let Charles himself control, he is now waiting for Jane to take him to find the reality stone Tai particles in Infinite Gems. Although this time there may be other ghosts and monsters jumping out, such as the dark elves. But relatively speaking, it will be easier to deal with, because Bruce doesn't have the slightest affection for these dark elves.

He had directly tore off Malekis, the leader of the dark elves during World War II. Now the leader of the remaining dark elves should be the curse that followed Malekis in the first place,-Argo Rim.

As for these dark elves, they are Bruce's second batch of guilds preparing to experiment with Mind Gem gloves. But will things go on according to his ideas?

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