Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 548 Tai particles appear

London, this is an ancient European city. It was the largest city on the British Isles for centuries AD. When the sun never set, the empire was shining on the whole world, this city was the center of the whole world. .

But now this city seems to have lost the prosperity and excitement of an international metropolis, because after the disaster a dozen years ago, the entire British Isles was left with only one country, England, and Ireland has been completely Became a province in the British Isles. It's like an administrative unit like Scotland and Wales.

If that disaster only brought about this impact, then the whole of London might become a sea of ​​joy, but that time, the British royal family was directly served in a pot, and now there are only two or three big cats and kittens left. The city has become very subtle.

It took more than ten years for Britain to recover from the situation that the cabinet of the definitely term was directly killed. This is why they hate the evolvers, because the catastrophe in the UK was caused by the evolvers, and this is an area where evolvers are hostile.

But now Jane is already looking for her discovery. It has been several days since she came to London. At last she has some clues. Now her signal receiver has received a set of wonderful signal sources. In this case, she only I saw it once, in New Mexico.

At the moment, seeing it for the second time, suddenly reminded her of the story with that tall and mighty man again, her face was a little red, and she was ready to calm down.

On the other side, Bruce is also ready to go. He has mastered Jane’s current position through his absolute control, but he did not act directly, but needs to wait for her to reach the intersection of the space where the Tai particles are and the earth. The time will pass.

In fact, Bruce definitely can scan the entire London directly through absolute control, and then find out the intersection, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he chose to wait at this time, because he was not going to directly control the Tai particles, because he broke The protective layer on the outer layer of Tai particles is not as easy as Mind Gem.

The protective layer of Mind Gem is a layer to isolate the leakage of Mind Gem's Ability. There is no ability to attack and defend at all. It only limits Mind Gem, while Tai particles are a powerful offensive weapon. So unblocking on the earth would do too much damage to the earth, so Bruce was going to unblock it in Wattheim.

Either this will only destroy the dark elves, this race that has already taken over the hatred at the beginning, although Malekis has been dead for a long time, and his number one thug, Algorim, is likely to take his place. It can also unblock the Stone of Reality and solve an enemy, as long as the Stone of Reality is finally brought back.

When Jane came to the overlapping area that connected the space where Tai particles were and the earth, Bruce was ready. He would witness the birth of Tai particles and then go to Asgard along the established orbit.

After all, it is Jane who will attract Thor, others can't. The world has changed a lot, and mistakes are possible, and the main reason is that if he goes there, Wattheim doesn’t know where he is. The only one who knows how to get to Wattheim is Loki. Now Loki is in Ass. Guardian.

So everything is good to follow the established trajectory. As for afterwards, the entire nine kingdoms will overlap and gather together, and then the entire universe will turn into darkness. Please, when doing such things, have you ever thought about those Level Universes and other things? The feeling of the strong? If the dark elves are really that powerful, will Asgard be ruined and have to flee to the dark realm?

So it should be true that the nine kingdoms are shrouded in darkness and become the most suitable environment for the dark elves to live in. When we first watched the movie, because foreigners’ languages ​​were really lacking, they also called the star regions where the nine kingdoms are located. universe. At this point, Bruce had to admit that China has a unique advantage, any combination of galaxies, galaxies, star fields, and galaxy groups.

When Jane came to the place that looked like an abandoned factory, Bruce knew the place, and then he appeared directly in the factory. Without wearing a combat uniform, Bruce rarely fights in these years, so the combat uniform has basically been shelved.

Standing on the rooftop of this abandoned factory, Bruce found the patio, where a group of people will throw all kinds of things to play with. And Bruce At the moment, standing on the edge of this place, suddenly felt an obscure spatial fluctuation, as if constantly passing on, passing the things in this space to other spaces in an instant.

This is the impact brought about by the aggregation of the nine kingdoms, directly transmitted, even random, chaotic, or even taking away half of it. Therefore, you need to be extra careful. If you miss the space thing, it is also a big killer. The sharpness of the space is sharper than any sword.

Inside the abandoned factory, Jane, her assistant Daisy, and assistant Ian appeared here, and when they walked in, they found several children inside. The first discoverer of this place was the group of children. They discovered the gravity anomaly here. A person can lift a car with two fingers and make a circle in the air.

This discovery made these children regard this place as a playground, and spontaneously kept secret the peculiarities here, so that they could play for a long time. These kids definitely don't know what kind of serious situation all this represents, they just think it's fun.

After a black kid demonstrated the peculiarities here, Jane knew the key to it in an instant. This was the kind of astronomical miracle she had been looking for. This kind of miracle is very rare in the universe. At least in Asgard, Thor completely calmed down the turmoil after the destruction of the nine kingdoms because of Bifrost, and he came to Heimdall at the celebration banquet to talk about it. .

"This is something that has never happened since I took charge of Bifrost, and it is the second time I know it. The last time was during the turmoil of the dark elves. At that time, the current God King had not yet ascended the throne." Heimdall said.

"The nine kingdoms are about to coincide, forming a peculiar scene of the nine-star aggregation, and your girlfriend is extraordinary. Although she herself didn't know that she was studying the phenomenon of the nine kingdoms overlapping, she really Some results have been researched." Heimdall said.

"Really? Is she okay now?" Thor asked.

"I don't dare to look at it at this time. You know there is someone on Midgard who hates others to watch him." Heimdall said.

"You mean Jane is with that person? Damn..." Thor said, and instantly he wanted to go to the earth to find his earth girlfriend. If you want to say who is the most dangerous on earth, Thor will say that it is Bruce 100%. It's not even a piano with a complete Phoenix force, because at least the piano won't be casually shot, but Bruce, as long as he's in a bad mood, will be willing to shot it, and it's not a good feeling of guilt.

"What are you going to do?" Heimdall felt Thor's change and asked immediately.

"I'm going to Midgard, and Jane is by the most dangerous person on earth now. I will never rest assured of this." Thor said.

"Relax, that person should have no interest in your girlfriend, otherwise he will not be inactive until now, knowing that you have been in a relationship with her for so long. And that guy is at least a strong person. Let a woman do it!" Heimdall said.

"Anyway, you can't be careless, I'm going to Midgard, go now! Thor said to Heimdall.

"Well, as you wish!" What else can Heimdall do besides agreeing? If this guy goes crazy, it is not something ordinary people can stop. With the exception of Odin God King, it is still unknown whether the definitely Odin God King can do it now. From the last time he took the shot to deprive Thor of the god position. After that, Odin's condition was very bad, and it seemed that he could fall into deep sleep at any time, or even die permanently.

Bifrost was activated, and Heimdall set the coordinates far away from Bruce’s location. Although Thor would take a lot of wrong roads, it was better than letting the terrifying guy think that he was attacking him. Much.

When Thor's figure jumped directly into Bifrost, a colorful beam of light suddenly shot out from Asgard and leaped towards the earth, like a beam of light falling from the sky, shining directly from the sky. On the edge of the Thames.

"Tor, if you go a little bit more, I don't dare to tease that terrifying strong man." Heimdall said.

But At the moment, Bruce had already felt Bifrost's fluctuations. He knew Thor was coming, but this time he didn’t make any moves, but waited quietly. Below, Jane was throwing a shabby one with the group of children. The can is particularly delighted.

When Bruce saw Jane walking to the side with that one, he immediately knew that the highlight was coming, and this was the moment when Jane found the place where Tai particles existed. Suddenly he watched Jane studying the old instrument with the paint off the shell along the way. On the other side, he was constantly walking upstairs until the top of the stairs on the upper floor. Suddenly a gust of wind blew over, blowing countless fallen leaves on the ground towards the corner ahead.

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