Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 91 Three Whips Of Northwest Fish

Qin Lan looked at the heavy truck behind Li Xiaobai. Judging by the bloody appearance, he was undoubtedly a ruthless person.

"Under Ye Liangchen."

Li Xiaobai was also in a good mood when he saw that the goddess the monks were talking about came to him. It seemed that his charm was infinite.

"It turns out that it's Brother Ye. It's Qin Lan's first visit to the Holy Demon Sect. She's a bit shy. Why don't you go with me?"

"It's not easy to go up this cliff, what can Miss Qin do?"

Looking at the monk struggling on the cliff, a playful look flashed in his eyes, he took out a piece of silk with his jade hand, and lightly tossed it, it turned into a hundred-foot silk satin, which was blown away by the wind.

"My young lady is the Taoist partner of a true disciple of the Xingtian Sect of Zhongzhou. Naturally, her skills and vision are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"Joining forces with my young lady is enough to sweep this area, you should be grateful."

The maidservant said contemptuously.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up. Fairy Qin seemed to be a master, and she might be able to lie down and win all the way with her.

It is more comfortable to have a big boss to fly than to spend spirit stones in exchange for props.

"Then thank Fairy Qin, why are you still standing there, hurry up!"

Li Xiaobai called everyone to jump on the silk and satin quickly, the opportunity for the boss to lead the flight is really too rare, "Brother Yu, come together, Fairy Qin will take us to fly."

Yu Sanbian grinned at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't move, looking like he was watching a good show.

Qin Lan and the maid were stunned. What was going on with the man in front of him? How could he so casually call a group of trash to her magic weapon?

"Stop it, how can my young lady's magic weapon be used by such a lowly person?"

The servant girl drew the long sword at her waist, and drove away the people mercilessly. The sword light swept across, not caring about the lives of these people at all.

Li Xiaobai's complexion changed, and he stretched out his hand to crush the sword glow.

Attribute point +200...

"Didn't it mean that we joined forces? These are all partners of Liangchen, why can't we go together?" Li Xiaobai frowned.

"My lady values ​​you, not the bunch of trash behind you, understand?" The maidservant looked haughty, also full of displeasure.

"Boss Ye, let's go with Fairy Qin, I'll figure out a way to get there later."

"Yes, Boss Ye, this is your chance, don't miss it."

"Don't worry, Boss Ye, we also have some skills, and we will definitely be able to go up."

The monks in Guyue City said that Boss Ye treated them well, and they didn't want to be a drag.

"It's up to you, what can you do when you go up, go back honestly, don't be a shit-stirring stick here."

The servant girl looked arrogant and spoke even more viciously.

"Wang, if Mr. Er Gouzi stirs up shit sticks, wouldn't you be shit?"

"Hehe, Gouzi, don't get angry with Shi, Shi is not tasty."

A chicken and a dog jumped out of the car window again at some point, as long as someone pretends, they will definitely appear.

"It turns out that Fairy Qin wanted to be alone with Liangchen, but it's a pity that Liangchen never abandons his teammates."

"These are all Liangchen's partners. They came here through all kinds of hardships and vowed to take root in the Holy Demon Sect together. How could Liangchen abandon them for their own selfish desires? Are they still human?"

Li Xiaobai's impassioned words made the blood of many monks behind him burst into excitement.

Boss Ye is so affectionate and righteous, a real man, a real god!

Qin Lan and the maid turned green when they heard this. Isn't this just accusing Sang and Huai of saying that they are selfish, heartless and ruthless people?

"Mr. Ye is affectionate and righteous. Qin Lan admires it. Since that's the case, Qin Lan won't waste everyone's time. Let's take a step first."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lan moved lightly with her lotus steps, and jumped onto the silk and satin. The silk and satin were full of red light, and there was a surge of waves, and she walked against the wind.

A roll of silk and satin billowed in the sky, making this scene both glamorous and domineering.

Qin Lan was like a king, with a calm expression on his face, his hands behind his back, and he floated away. In an instant, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"Master Ye, one day you will know what a great opportunity you missed today!"

The servant girl beside him looked sullen, and waved the fairy sword at her hand, followed by it, turned into a ray of light, and disappeared into the sky.

The monks below looked envious.

"Fairy Qin Lan, you really are a fairy descending to earth..."


Many monks with some means also showed their supernatural powers, and they left together with the magic weapon.

Looking at the two people who disappeared into the sky, Li Xiaobai sighed with emotion. It's a pity that this big guy is a bit squeamish. It's a waste to sit on such a big silk and satin alone.

"Boss Ye, you are a real man!"

"Yes, I targeted you in Gu Yue City before, Boss Ye, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"Boss Ye's heart is higher than the mountains and wider than the sea. It's me who dragged down Boss Ye!"


The monks were overwhelmed with gratitude, and they were grateful to Li Xiaobai. First, they saved their lives in the face of evil cultivators, and now they rejected Fairy Qin's invitation for them. They really don't know how to repay.

In the future, if he succeeds in cultivation, he must travel around with Boss Ye.

"Hehe, you are welcome, get in the car, time is running out, let's set off immediately, and cross this cliff!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, indicating that these are nothing serious.

Pulling the door and sitting in the driver's seat, the cultivators hurriedly followed, turning over and getting into the carriage.

"Hey, Brother Yu, do you want to join me too?"

At some point, Yu Sanbian sat quietly in the co-pilot's seat, and Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing were forcibly stuffed under the seats by him, daring not to speak out.

Both of these guys are masters who bully the weak and fear the strong, and they will immediately be persuaded when they encounter a ruthless person.

"Well, let's get Huazi again." Yu Sanbian said lightly.

Li Xiaobai is speechless, this person is a little bit wrong, exuding an invisible pretending aura all the time, he can pretend better than himself.

He took out a Huazi, stuffed it into Yu Sanbian's mouth, took out the match again and lit it.

The driver's seat was suddenly filled with smoke, and Yu Sanbian leaned comfortably on the passenger seat to swallow the clouds and smoke. In less than half an hour, he felt that he could not do without Hua Zi, "Brother Ye, what is going on with this Hua Zi?" made?"

"Hey, don't say it, don't say it..."

Li Xiaobai started the engine, turned the steering wheel, and the truck suddenly roared like a monster.

The ground trembled suddenly, and many monks who were climbing the cliff were so frightened that they didn't fall directly.

A monk with a high level of cultivation can fly over the walls, and he can run high with a light touch of his feet, while a monk with a low level of cultivation can only climb up honestly.

With one foot on the accelerator, the truck rushed towards the cliff in front of it.

The complexions of the many monks sitting in the carriage changed in an instant. The truck has been accelerating and has no intention of stopping at all.

"Boss Ye, don't you mean to..."

"It's about to hit, hurry up!"

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