The monks in the carriage stared in horror at the approaching cliff ahead.

Obviously, this car will not stop, and it will keep hitting it. This is hitting a stone with a pebble.

"Boss Ye is too messy!"

"Don't talk, shut up and hurry up, you're about to hit me, don't bite your own tongue."

"Get down, get down!"

Inside the carriage, everyone was in a mess, their eyes closed tightly, and they were holding on to the fence at hand, not daring to look ahead.

"Wang, boy, don't you want to put it on!" Er Gouzi in the co-pilot saw the situation of the road ahead, and immediately frowned.

Ji Wuqing was also so shocked that her hair stood on end, "No way, no way, are you really going to bump into it?"

"I want to go down, please trouble Brother Ye to open the door."

Yu Sanbian said lightly, and unconsciously grabbed the handle on the side.

"Small problem, just a small hillside, nothing to be afraid of!"

Li Xiaobai stepped on the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel, and the truck crashed into the cliff in a daze.

There was an earth-shattering thunder, and the front of the car sank into the cliff in an instant, and the whole mountain trembled violently. The many monks who were still climbing cautiously on it were suddenly frightened, their hands loosened unconsciously, and from The top fell down.

The trend of heavy trucks continued unabated, and they continued to rush forward. In just a few breaths, the entire body of the truck completely entered the mountain, and a bottomless dark tunnel took shape.

Outside, the monks stared at the huge hole at the bottom of the cliff in dumbfounded. They never dreamed that this test could be passed like this.

What kind of mount is that, it's too fierce, and who is the ruthless person driving the mount?

This is simply a reckless man, everyone is trying every means to get over the cliff, this ruthless brother actually wants to punch a hole from the bottom of the cliff and cross it, this brain circuit is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, Li Xiaobai's opening the way also saved the rest of the monks a lot of effort. The courageous monk decided to give it a go and walked in along the wide opening at the bottom of the cliff.

Theoretically, as long as Li Xiaobai can penetrate the entire mountain, they can go out together, so that they can pass the test in front of the mountain without any effort.

"This mountain will not collapse suddenly, will it?"

"Even if it collapses, I will admit it. I have come to the Holy Demon Sect three times as a further student. If I don't succeed this time, I will be ashamed to see Jiang Dong's father!"

"That's right, give it a go, the bike turns into a motorcycle, that ruthless guy looks very reliable, I trust him!"

"Stop talking, time is running out, let's go!"

The rest of the monks were ruthless and followed in. It was too difficult for them to climb this mountain with their own strength.

It's better to pin your hopes on the ruthless brother. The mount and style of this ruthless brother is a big boss at first glance. The kind that can pass the test 100%, if he drives ahead, everyone has a chance of passing the test very big.

inside the cliff,

At this moment, Li Xiaobai drove a little too fast, and directly took out a few remaining high-grade spirit stones, and stuffed them into the mailbox of the big truck.

The ground was full of smoke and dust, gravel shot out, the truck accelerated crazily, and rushed forward regardless. In front of the hard front, the rock was easily pierced, and almost no resistance was encountered, and the truck galloped all the way.

Everyone in the carriage was terrified, and the truck went deep into the mountains.

On the one hand, they had to be careful of the constantly smashed and splashed rocks in front of them, and on the other hand, they were afraid of the sudden collapse of the mountain above them.

"Wang, boy, let Master Er Gouzi operate it!"

With the protection of the windshield, the cliff will not have the slightest impact. Ergouzi's fear at the beginning slowly turned into excitement.

It found that driving a big truck all the way across the mountains is really cool.

The paw unconsciously grabbed the steering wheel, trying to fight for the right to drive.

Ji Wuqing on the side also came over, curiously looking at the accelerator pedal that Li Xiaobai kept stepping on, his eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Go, go, go, play with your Pudong rooster!" Li Xiaobai drove Er Gouzi away.

"Wang, this broken chicken is useless, it is not a qualified mount at all, Mr. Er Gouzi wants to return the product, and exchange it for a wildly cool mount!"

"Hehe, call me Master Ji!"

Ji Wuqing's eyes were burning, and he pecked at Er Gouzi violently, and there was another jitter in the car.

Yu Sanbian didn't hear what was going on around him, he just wanted to smoke Huazi, sucking sips, with an extremely comfortable expression.

The atmosphere inside the car seemed very strange, the car was dull and fearful, and the front of the car was weird and weird, but none of them hindered Li Xiaobai from driving.

The big truck rushed forward, crashing into layers of rocks, and the impact of the truck that was thrown into the top-grade spirit stone was unimaginable.

The values ​​on the system panel kept jumping.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...

The increase is quite powerful, and the hardness of the rocks is not strong. Being able to achieve such an attribute point is already a super-level performance.

"Brother Ye, what kind of mount is this?" Yu Sanbian asked.


"Do you have a name?"

"Heavy truck."

"There are quite a few monks following behind us, they should come to pick up the leak, brother Ye don't care?"

"Liangchen loves helping others the most in his life. It is a great honor to be able to lead many monks through difficulties together." Li Xiaobai said.

"Wang, yes, this is doing good deeds without leaving your name, boy, you have a heart of justice, Er Gouzi is willing to help you!"

Er Gouzi came up again and pulled the steering wheel, trying to fight for the right to use it.

"Hehe, a group of low-level monks also want to take advantage of it. This deity thinks that this mountain should be demolished immediately, and all those who want to pick up leaks should be buried here!"

Ji Wuqing seemed a little excited, the evil value in its body was about to move.

"My generation of monks walks the rivers and lakes, and what we pay attention to is righteousness. If we hang out outside, we will die if we don't have righteousness."

Li Xiaobai also ordered a Huazi for himself, and said calmly.

"Wang, boy, give Master Er Gouzi a root Huazi!"

"Hehe, give me one too!"

The two of them lit a cigarette at the same time, and the driver's seat once again began to puff.

The speed of the truck is getting faster and faster, the quality of the stone wall in front of him is plummeting, and the attribute points obtained are even rarer.

Attribute point +50...

Attribute point +30...

Apparently, the truck was halfway through the journey, passed through the hardest rock formations, and gradually headed towards the edge.

In the darkness, a few faint rays of light seemed to seep in, and the big truck was about to burst out from the inside of the cliff!

"I'm going out, close your eyes, don't be dazzled by the light!"

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