A huge blue shockwave was pushed out from the hands of the turtle immortals, and a dazzling blue light overshadowed the brightness of the sun.

The shock wave hit the clown shell, and the turtle immortal controlled the direction of the qigong wave to push the shell, piercing through the clouds and flying into the distant sky behind the clouds.

Tens of seconds later, a dazzling light first came from the sky.

Then a huge explosion resounded in the sky, and the impact of the explosion instantly disappeared the dark clouds in the entire sky.

Kate opened her mouth wide, surprised and silent, her body was stiff in the ring, and her head was blank.

"This..." Kate came to her senses, and at this point he was sure that the violent explosion just now was definitely not caused by his own fanatical clown's pursuers.

"That power and impact!" Kate remembered the deterrent weapon loved by small dictatorships, "The Rose of the Poor!"

In fact, the turtle immortals also realized that the strength of this shock wave was not well controlled, mainly because the special training had not fully adapted to the power after becoming stronger.

The last time a trick like Shockwave was used was when the moon was blown up at the First Martial Arts Meeting in the world.

The turtle immortal fell from the air and patted the dust on his body, signaling that this battle was over.

Looking at the surprised Kate, she said, "Your ability is too unreliable from a certain angle, and it won't give you time to switch and choose during the battle."

"What was that just now!" Kate was sweating with fright, that kind of weapon, no, maybe ability, was not at all what humans could have on their own.

"That kind of power can't be emitted by you, even if you are strong, it can't be! Is it pronounced? No, that's not like the ability to read, what the hell did you just do! "Kate has completely gaffed at this point.

"It's just an ordinary qigong wave," the turtle immortal said as he picked his nose and said indifferently. This performance is to make young people relax.

But Kate's eyes are different, the attack just like that is not a must-kill!

"Qigong wave?" Qigong?

Qigong used to be a popular system in the circle of martial arts practitioners hundreds of years ago, and when President Nitro was young, he also encountered some strong people who practiced qigong.

However, according to the literature, qigong is the understanding of people when the early thinking ability has not been fully developed, and it is impossible to have the power just now.

"Yes, Qigong Bo, advanced application of your Qigong"

Kate was about to ask again.

Lance jumped down from the tree and came to the side of the ring.

Regardless of Kate's mood, he said in a joking tone

: "It's too much, Teacher Wutian, do you want to blow up the moon again, it's really not light or heavy."

"Young Master Lance said and smiled, the old man also loves to appreciate the moon, how could he do such a thing,"

"Wutian" Kate silently wrote down the name.

Of course, the moon of the hunter world is not something that can be blown up, and the power system and laws of each world are different.

Turtle Immortal Qigong Wave blowing up the moon may not happen in this world.

The appearance of Lance calmed Kate down.

Now Kate just wants to know why there are such terrible masters on this humble island.

"Tired, tired to go home, I'll make you something delicious" Lance deliberately interrupted Kate's questioning, because he knew that Kate was behind the entire hunter organization.

If there was no qigong wave in the battle just now, it would be good to say that the turtle immortal was just a top powerhouse hidden in the world for hunters like Kate.

But qigong waves are indeed beyond common sense for humans like Kate who are native to the hunter world.

Such destructive power, and seemingly unconstrained release conditions. It is absolutely incredible in the eyes of any normal human being.

If it is in the hands of bad people with bad intentions, it is a threat to the whole world. In fact, Kate also thinks so at this moment, although the mysterious old man in front of him looks like a kind ordinary old man.

From the rescue of wild animals from the first appearance, the doting of grandchildren, the etiquette of guests, and the care for younger generations, it does not look like a wicked person from any point of view.

But the world is never as simple as it seems, and for Kate, at least his personality doesn't allow him to be careless about the two people in front of him.

On an unknown island, there is a top super powerhouse, and as a mature hunter, he has never heard of this figure in the world.

Also, this restaurant owner named Lance, who is far beyond the culinary skills of food hunters, superb knife skills, and any kind of skill, should not be unknown in this world.

Now he wanted to pass on the news to President Nitro, which he thought was very necessary.

But if you think about it, maybe you will know about such an existence for a long time?

This battle made Kate have more desire to explore this world, a hidden powerhouse, an unknown secret treasure, and a legendary rare beast. All this makes Kate proud and happy to be a hunter again.

It is precisely Kate, who has such a desire to explore the world, that is so strict with her own requirements.

It's just that he lost this battle completely.

But, he, Kate, is definitely a qualified hunter.

At least Lance is very convinced, and Kate's strength is also recognized by the turtle immortals.

On the way back to the Turtle Fairy House, Kate also asked about the relationship between the two, and the Turtle Immortal and Lance did not shy away from explaining the identities of the two.

But as strange as it sounds, Lance calls the Turtle Immortal Wutian Teacher, and Wutian Teacher explains that he is Lance's entourage.

Kate looked at Lance and began to fantasize again

, "Could it be the young master of some hidden family?"

Chatting along the way, Kate got a lot of information.

Back at the Turtle Fairy House, Lance was ready to entertain the guest and prepare a big meal tonight, so he called Xiaojie by phone.

As for Mitt and Grandma Lance not intending to let them contact Kate, an important reason for this is that in the original book, Mitt has a noticeable blush when he looks at Kate, and anyone can see that Kate is the type that Mitt likes.

Although Mitt is now his girlfriend, Lance is a careful guy in this regard.

But Lance will not have the slightest prejudice or hatred for Kate, who is very clear and is a man worthy of admiration.

So he also took out the Asgard Immortal Palace special wine he had drawn before, and prepared to entertain Kate well in the evening.

The Turtle Immortal and Kate exchanged martial arts experiences in front of the Turtle Immortal House, although it was an exchange, but basically the Turtle Immortal was guiding Kate.

He pointed out Kate's weaknesses and shortcomings one by one, and gave the relevant training methods, the way of the turtle fairy flow is not suitable for everyone, but the technique and experience can be taught.

Kate listened carefully to Teacher Wutian's teaching, although she was already a master in the world of hunters and the world of those who could read abilities

, but at this moment, many suggestions given by the turtle immortals in the martial arts had benefited Kate a lot.

"Teacher Wu Tian, what an excellent master."

Compared with his own master Jin, to some extent, it is really much better, and people like Jin who are afraid of trouble will not have the patience to teach apprentices.

But Kate also knew that King had his own philosophy.

At dinner, Lance showed another wave of cooking, everyone was conquered again, and

the power of Asgard's wine was so powerful that the three adults were almost hugged together, toasting glass after cup.

At Lance's request, Kate told several people about her years as a hunter.

Huge ancient creatures, urban legends of psychic killers, cursed horror items, a variety of psychic beings, and the underworld compete with each other.

Most of them are things that Lance has not seen in his previous life anime, and the turtle fairy is also interested in listening to these stories.

Xiaojie's whole person was completely boiling, it turned out that those magical things in Uncle Lance's story had a similar existence in the real world!

After Kate drunk and said her master Jin Fulix again in front of Xiaojie

, "Kim, still alive? He is also a hunter? Xiaojie never thought that his father was still alive

, looking at Xiaojie's face and hairstyle, Kate reacted, so it was, she didn't realize it at the beginning.

"Jay, your father is still alive, he is a great hunter"

Lance looked at this scene, and sure enough, the timeline would correct something. The turtle immortal did not speak, looking at Xiaojie.

He is waiting for Xiaojie to respond, if Xiaojie decides to become a hunter, the turtle immortal will train him in the future, according to Kate, the hunter's world is indeed full of charm, but it is also extremely dangerous.

"I decided, I'm going to be a hunter too,"

neither Lance nor the Turtle Immortal stopped. On the contrary, congratulations to Xiaojie for finding his goal.

"Then you have to strengthen your training, there is no weak little devil like you among the hunters" Lance teased

, Kate looked at Xiaojie, although the trip did not find Jin, but accidentally guided Jin's son to embark on the path of hunters.

What a wonderful fate

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