Kate's three days on the island.

It was rare to encounter such a high finger point, he did not miss this opportunity, and he spent almost all the time consulting Wutian teacher about martial arts.

At the request of Teacher Wutian, Lance has been training with Kate almost every day for the past three days.

The physical fitness of the two is not very different, and Lance's strength and speed and reaction power are indeed higher than Kate's, but almost every fight is not advantageous.

The turtle immortal is also to let Lance find his own shortcomings in actual combat, and he knows that Lance will be strong in the future, stronger than he understands.

Therefore, there has been no mandatory requirement for Lance, but despite this, in just half a year, Lance's strength has increased every day, thanks to the tenfold potential and understanding obtained in the original rookie package.

Perhaps this body originally has quite good potential, and the result after re-strengthening is so amazing. Now, in terms of potential, Lance is arguably one of the top in the world.

Although the tenfold potential cannot be measured as specific data, as far as the current performance is concerned, Lance is much higher than Kate in terms of potential, and Lance has only practiced for about a year.

It took about ten years for Kate to have the current strength, so Kate was shocked.

From having a powerful body in the air three days ago, to now he can easily fight back and forth with himself, which in itself shows that this is an absolute super genius.

Such a talent, Kate has never seen before, so in less than a week, she will definitely be easily defeated by Lance.

There is absolutely no mistake in his judgment, Lance will definitely be a top powerhouse in the future

, Kate knows that this is not her destination, there are still many things to complete, she still has tasks to do, and Kim's final trial will continue.

After receiving considerable guidance, Kate knew that her path of cultivation would need to be explored by herself. So, he hurriedly said goodbye to Whale Island and Lance's group.

Three months later, Lance's strength has improved a lot, but he still trains leisurely as always, and two hours a day is his stubbornness.

Because of his confidence, after three months of cultivation, his current strength can easily defeat Kate.

For Lance, strength is not so important, and his current life, talking about love every day, drawing comics, practicing with Wutian teacher, studying and studying food, this kind of life is already his dream day.

The practice of the Lance Buddha line made the turtle immortal feel helpless, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with this, the important thing was that Lance's strength had been slowly growing these days.

Even the restaurant is only open for two hours at noon on Saturdays and Sundays, but many of the customers who come to the store now are admiring food critics and food hunters.

The rest of the time is mostly spent falling in love and drawing comics.

After traveling for a year and a half, after unremitting efforts, he finally completed the East China Sea chapter of Naruto's first 100 rounds of One Piece.

This is thanks to the credit of the prize "Manga Master", plus the prize "Jump Works Collection" with a reference to the original work, plus his own drawing skills.

Let the original great work have a charm far beyond the previous life.

This is the world's Internet has gradually matured in recent years, although it has not yet reached the era of mobile Internet in the previous life, but this is the explosive period of Internet development.

The express delivery system of Whale Island is also relatively backward, and the computer purchased through TV advertisements a month ago has only been received now, and it took a huge amount of effort to solve the network problem, and the signal is still intermittent.

After surfing the Internet for a week, to Lance's surprise, the world's manga and anime and games are still quite developed.

This can also make sense, otherwise why is the Mi Ji who beat up the enemy Hakka so obsessed with this way.

After in-depth understanding, comic magazines, film companies, and entertainment groups in this world are basically concentrated in Youxin City.

"Isn't the most famous auction in Youkexin City in the impression" Lance couldn't understand, after all, this is a real world, not as simple and normal as shown in the comics.

However, it is not difficult to understand that cash cows like ACG, especially in the past few years of the rise of the Internet, have shown her amazing ability to absorb money. It didn't take long for the strength of the gangster to infiltrate the field.

Although it does not interfere with the creator, there is basically very little left for the creator in terms of revenue.

It seems that I don't have many options now, and I haven't even published my first comic, so it's too early to think about it.

But hastily handing over such a great work to a company that you don't trust is also completely unacceptable.

However, everything is now learned on the Internet, and it is better to go to the company to understand the specific situation.

If it is trustworthy, it does not seem unacceptable to give the work to a trusted group.

My goal is simple, to make a great painting and the whole world remember it.

Although the two works in hand are not their own originals.

I believe that my strength should also be able to protect myself, not to mention that with the Turtle Immortal Teacher by his side to protect himself, Lance now does not know how strong the strength of the Turtle Immortal is.

It's just that in the chat, you can often feel the confidence of Teacher Wutian, and he said that his current self can defeat the Great Demon King Vic in an instant.

After comprehensive consideration.

Lance then decided to go to Youxin City to take a look.

As for why the first stop is Youkexin City, instead of the literary capital Leonardo da Vinci, the film and television city of Norland,

the main reason is because Lance wants to see the charm of the city, and auctions two goods by the way in exchange for some liquidity. Although I think about making some money from cooking.

In the past year and a half, I have basically bought a lot of good things. The remaining money is basically only enough for a person's daily expenses.

But fortunately, there is a lottery system, and a lot of good things have been drawn after crossing so long, and some of them are treasures that can be taken out and auctioned in this world.

At night, Mitt lay in Lance's arms.

"If you really want to go, this trip is probably going to take a long time," Mitt grumbled.

"Why, are you afraid that I won't come back,"

"No, I'm just worried about your safety, I heard that Youkexin is full of black forces, I'm afraid that you will meet bad people

" "There is Teacher Wutian to accompany me, what are you afraid of, you have also seen Teacher Wutian's skills, and there is no problem with the general danger "Mitt knew that Teacher Wutian's

strength was very strong, and before Xiaojie wanted to become a hunter, Mitt tried to stop it, and Xiaojie went to live in the Turtle Immortal House for a week.

In the end, Mitt relented, and on the way to the Turtle Immortal House, he passed by the training ground and saw the amazing skills of Teacher Wutian who was undergoing special training, only to know that this old man was a hidden master.

"Then you have to come back early" Lance

nodded, his strength plus Teacher Wutian should not be too dangerous.

After coming to this world, he also often learned about information from all over the world on the Internet, and crime in this world is indeed common in the world, but ordinary people will not be affected too much in most cases.

Many times, it is a dispute between the great forces and the underground world and some people with abilities.

In any case, he definitely can't stay huddled on this tiny whale island, although he loves life here.

The next day, early in the morning.

The Turtle Immortal had already packed his luggage and was waiting for Lance in the port.

Although there is a universal glue that can fit a lot of luggage, the turtle fairy still chooses to bring a hand-carrying suitcase, which is his style, matching it with a black suit and bowler hat.

This outfit is exactly the same as the outfit he had when he accompanied Goku and Klin to participate in the world's first martial arts meeting, and Lance was also curious when Wutian Teacher secretly customized this outfit himself.

Lance and Kate held hands and slowly came to the port, and the two were reluctant.

"It's not a parting of life and death, there is no need to engage in such a sense of drama" Under the gaze of the turtle immortal and Xiaojie, Lance was stuck to Mitt like this, and he was also a little embarrassed.

Mitt said a little uneasily. It's because of the shadow that Kim guy left on him.

"You must come back

" "Didn't you set up a flag for me" Lance was a little crying.

Mitt didn't respond to his mischievousness, she put Lance's hand on her abdomen and stared into Lance's eyes.

"Mitte.... You, I have a baby?

Mitte nodded.

Lance understood that he was going to be a father.

He didn't make any extra promises, just hugged him and kissed Mitt deeply, and the two were now in unison.

Mitt knew that this was Lance's agreement with himself.

"When I get back, we'll get married," Lance

will come back no matter what happens during this trip!

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