Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1822 Divorce in the end (8)

In the end, Wu Le signed the agreement, and the twisted marriage of more than three years ended completely.

Because of Ruan Feng's help, Wu Le and Ruan Jianmin's divorce went smoothly. As soon as the divorce agreement was signed, the two went to get the divorce certificate on the working day.

However, it was not so easy for Ruan Jianguo and Shu Jie.

When Ruan Jianguo chased Shu Jie, he was shameless and circled around her.

He doesn't want to get divorced now, but he is still like this. No matter what Shu Jie says, no matter how coldly the Shu family treats him, he just won't let go or sign the divorce agreement.

Even if Shu Jie said she wanted to appeal for divorce, he was still unwilling.

With him cheating like this, Shu Jie was helpless and couldn't really appeal for divorce. Then everyone would know about the trouble. The Ruan family was still on the rise, and there were so many people in Beidu staring at their family, and Ruan Jiao had been watching it some time ago. Jiaocai was engaged to Duan Xu. If everyone knew at this time that she and Ruan Jianguo were going to file for divorce, it would not have a good impact on her.

This matter can only be delayed like this.

This delay lasted for a month or two.

Ruan Jiaojiao took winter vacation in early February. She had previously said that she wanted to spend the New Year with Duan Qianyang, but later she forgot about it because of Ruan Jianguo and Shu Jie's affairs.

It wasn't until she followed Li Que to the dormitory to pack her things on the day of the holiday, and heard Li Que say that she would not be in Beidu for the New Year this year, but would go to her mother's hometown to celebrate the New Year, that she remembered this matter.

Ruan Jiaojiao put the few books she had packed into her schoolbag and said goodbye to the three people in the dormitory one by one. When she got downstairs, she had another conversation with the dormitory aunt before leaving the dormitory.

There were many people coming and going outside the dormitory, most of them carrying luggage, large and small, but Duan Xu standing among them stood out the most. Ruan Jiaojiao saw him at a glance and ran over immediately.

Duan Xu took her schoolbag and carried it on his back. He rubbed her little hands and asked her if she was cold. He then took out the hand warmer from his coat and handed it to her after receiving hot water from the dormitory aunt.

Ruan Jiaojiao sighed comfortably under the hand warmer, and walked out step by step, while saying to him: "Brother Xu, you said this year's Chinese New Year, how will we celebrate it?"

After Shu Jie decided to divorce, she moved back to the Shu family and rarely returned to the Ruan family.

Ruan Jiaojiao took a day off and basically ran on both sides.

It took a month or two to settle down, and she slowly accepted this reality. She no longer felt as sad just thinking about it as she did at first, but this year's Chinese New Year was indeed a problem.

What she had thought before was that her family generally liked to spend their old age, so she wanted to go to Duan's house with Duan Xu to spend time with Duan Qianyang at noon, and then come back to spend time with the family in the evening.

But now, this obviously doesn't work.

She couldn't just go to the Shu family, the Duan family, and the Ruan family three times in the morning, noon, and evening. The distance between the three families was still far, and the round trip would take at least three or four hours. If she really had to go to the three families, she would probably not be able to do anything else besides eating. All the time is in the car!

"No need to run, we are engaged, we will spend time at our own home." Duan Xu said.

"???" Ruan Jiaojiao.

Their own home? where?

Duan Xu raised his hand and pointed in a direction. Ruan Jiaojiao looked along and realized that he was referring to Hengya.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

"Brother Xu, please stop making trouble, I'm serious."

"Me too." No one else, just the two of them, how nice.

Remember to vote for Kaka, there will be an update in March, okay?

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