Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1823 The gray wife (1)

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao turned to look at him, only to realize that his expression was extremely serious.

She was silent for a few seconds, and then asked: "Brother Xu, are you really serious?"

Duan Xu didn't answer, but the look in her eyes showed that he couldn't be more serious.

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little uneasy: "But we are still young, and you don't know how to cook. How can we celebrate the New Year?"

"Don't go back tonight." Duan Xu said

"???" Ruan Jiaojiao.

Originally, according to the previous itinerary, after they returned to Hengya's house, they packed up and returned to the Ruan family villa, but in fact, an hour later, the two of them came to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at the crowded vegetable market in front of her and hesitated: "Brother Xu, can you cook?"

She has never seen him cook anything since she was a child. As for her, she rarely even goes to the kitchen. Now are they going to cook? Don't burn down the kitchen, right?

"It's easy. I've read the book." Duan Xu looked confident, because he had memorized the content in the book once he read it. He remembered all the steps clearly and there would be absolutely no mistakes. , even if she wanted to, he felt that he could make it.

Duan Xu said and led Ruan Jiaojiao into the vegetable market.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at his confident look and thought there was still a big gap between this kind of thing and practice, right? But when she turned around and looked at his confident look, she felt that maybe she was too inexperienced. Her brother Xu was so good, he was a genius in other aspects, and maybe he was also a genius in cooking.

Because it is winter, even though there are many people in the market, the smell is not very strong. Ruan Jiaojiao occasionally buys vegetables with Ruan Lin, so she is quite used to it.

Duan Xu first led her through the crowd. Both of them looked as good-looking as stars on TV, so they attracted a lot of people's attention along the way.

Among them, two opposing vendors greeted each other warmly. The old man on the left waving his hand said, "Oh, boy, do you want cabbage? It's so sweet."

"Young man, my cabbage is very juicy. Look, it's just like your little one. If you buy it home and eat it, you won't get a refund." The eldest sister on the right winked. Her eyes were better than the uncle's because Ruan Jiaojiao He and Duan Xu are both good-looking. From the moment the two of them came into view, they paid special attention to them for a while. They were also from that age, so they quickly determined their relationship.

Especially the young man, from the moment he entered the vegetable market, he protected the little girl as if he were protecting his eyes, and his eyes were as sweet as honey. Based on her more than forty years of life experience, she affirmed that these two people Definitely not brother and sister.

When Ruan Lin used to buy vegetables, she liked to do business for the elderly, especially the kind that had no stalls and were sold with a load. Ruan Jiaojiao looked at the old man and subconsciously wanted to walk over, but was pulled by Duan Xu. Living.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him doubtfully, and Duan Xu explained: "The one here looks fresh."

"Really?" Ruan Jiaojiao was confused, why she looked so similar.

However, she always believed everything Duan Xu said and had no doubts, so she was led by him to buy it from the eldest sister. The eldest sister was really enthusiastic. When she saw the two coming over, she enthusiastically promoted her dishes and took a bite. A small object popped out, and Duan Xu was coaxed into buying seven or eight kinds of vegetables.

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