Li Boxue still doesn't know that this big gamble not only won him, but also brought him a completely different life experience.

Li Boxue agreed, and he agreed so readily that the Ruan family was a little overwhelmed.

But the procedure went through very quickly, because there was no one in Bo Li's home, and his mother had already gone to who knows where, and she couldn't find anyone at all, so the adoption procedure went through very smoothly. First, the team signed the signature, and then It's the town, and finally the city.

The Ruan family has long had a reputation in Yuansu, and the adoption procedures were completed in two days.

During this period, the Ruan family wanted him to move to a building temporarily, but Li Boxue did not come. Except for eating three meals a day at the Ruan family, he spent the rest of the time at his own home.

Shu Wei is usually very straightforward. Except for Ruan Jiaojiao and a few nephews, she rarely bothers. When they were still studying, she would send them some clothes and some exercise books. Now it's the holidays. Just wrap a red envelope and forget about it.

Now I feel really tied up with my newly appointed son, and I don't know how to treat him well.

And the most important thing is that the child is no longer young and she is not easy to get close to, so this matter falls on Qin Qing.

But for Qin Qing, this is not an embarrassment. His parents gave him a stick education, and he was not good at raising children.

In the end, it was Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu who took on the task of familiarizing Li Boxue.

Li Boxue is beautiful, especially his eyes. There are many boys in the Ruan family, but there are no clothes suitable for him. After Ruan Jiaojiao returned to the city, she and Duan Xu happily took him to the mall. I bought several outfits from head to toe.

The Li family's conditions are not good, but when Li Shu was still alive, Li Bo was very happy. Although he was not rich, his grandparents loved him, and his parents were also very good to him. They would give him a gift every New Year and his birthday. He would buy new clothes and buy him a big cake. At that time, he had no idea that one day his father would die. He had not even gotten over the pain of losing his father before he stepped into to hell.

Li Boxue was led through the mall by Ruan Jiaojiao, watching her smiling and talking to him, and from time to time, she would show her new clothes and shoes on him.

Li Boxue, who was still young, couldn't understand why these people were so kind to him for no reason.

He longed for these warmth, but... he was also afraid.

Therefore, the Ruan family's overtures were often met with silence, as if they were using this silence to form a protective shell to protect his last little hope.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't care about his coldness.

Watching him become more and more beautiful in her hands, she felt a sense of silent pride. It was an indescribable feeling.

She brought the brand-new Li Boxue to Shu Wei and asked proudly: "Auntie, look, does the one I match look particularly good?"

Shu Wei's eyes really lit up, and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be quite good at it. I knew you should have studied as a designer, so you could come to the factory and help me."

Ruan Jiaojiao felt a little embarrassed when she praised her seriously.

While Ruan Jiaojiao and Li Boxue were shopping in the front, Qin Qing was paying the bill along the way with his wallet in the back.

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