In the end, Ruan Jiaojiao got excited about shopping and bought two outfits for herself and Duan Xu.

Qin Qing pretended to be angry and said to her: "Jiaojiao, this is called using power for personal gain. You just bought it for yourself, why did you buy it for Xiaoxu?"

Ruan Jiaojiao smiled and held Shu Wei's arm: "Brother Xu and I don't differentiate between you and me, just like you and my aunt." She pretended to stare in surprise: "Do you and your aunt still want to be separated? Is it you, me or him?"

"..." Qin Qing.

This sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but somehow it feels like something is not right.

Ruan Jiaojiao's mouth has always been very sweet and deceptive as long as she wanted to.

So although Qin Qing felt that there was something wrong with what he said, he still paid a lot of money. Duan Xu never liked other men spending money on Ruan Jiaojiao, but Ruan Jiaojiao went out of her way to trick him. He wore There was no psychological pressure at all when I got up.

Shu Wei was completely on Ruan Jiaojiao's side. She glared at Qin Qing and said, "You're so stupid. How much money can Jiaojiao spend on you? If you make money, don't you just spend it on her?"

"I..." Qin Qing felt a little aggrieved: "I... wanted to give you flowers."

"Same, mine is Jiaojiao." Shu Wei.

"..." Qin Qing.

Ruan Jiaojiao immediately kissed Shu Wei on the face with a smile, called her aunt twice affectionately, and then pulled her into a jewelry store.

Li Boxue walked beside Duan Xu, and he remained silent when they talked.

Although the conversation between Qin Qing and Ruan Jiaojiao just now seemed like they were fussing over everything, but for some reason, just listening to it made him feel particularly warm...

The five of them walked around for a whole afternoon and returned to Ruan's house in the evening.

The Ruan family villa has more guest rooms than buildings in the countryside, so Qin Qing and Shu Wei live here instead of in a hotel.

Li Boxue slept in the same room as Ruan Jie, but it was rare for Ruan Jie to take a vacation, and it was even more difficult for Ruan Jie to go back to Yuansu. He often wandered outside and would not come back before twelve o'clock.

Late at night.

Li Boxue lay quietly on his little bed, looking at the moon hanging high outside, thinking about what Ruan Jiaojiao told him today that the person who adopted him wanted to change his name to Qin Li. Li is the homophone of Li. He doesn't know if the new name means that he can really have a new life.

In August, the Ruan family began to prepare to return to Beidu.

This time, like before, the others took the train. Ruan Jianguo and Ruan Jie, the father and son, had to travel day and night with a carload of kids back to Beidu.

The uncle who sold the meat had been working at the Ruan family for almost a month, and finally got Xiaoxue's approval and was willing to give him a cub.

The day before leaving, the meat seller pulled a small cart and brought another cart of meat to pick up the little boy. Knowing what the Ruan family valued, he immediately took his son who was traveling with him and swore: "Don't worry, I just don't care about my son." Okay, it won't be bad for Xiaobao! Starve your son to death, and you won't let Xiaobao miss a bite to eat..." The little cub he adopted is called Xiaobao, and it is exactly the same color as Rourou. Very similar to Rourou when he was a child.

The butcher-seller was so steadfast in his oath that he wanted to show his heart to the Ruan family, but he didn't even notice that his son, who was about to "starve to death" standing next to him, had a dark face.

Ruan Jiaojiao was so amused that she burst out laughing, and the rest of the Ruan family couldn't help but laugh too. Ruan Lin smiled and said, "We believe you."

The butcher uncle breathed a sigh of relief.

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