"Huh?" Yang Hong didn't react for a moment and said ah.

"Brown sugar, red dates." Duan Xu.

"Ah, um, there shouldn't be...nothing at home." Yang Hong stood up a little embarrassed and said after looking for a few cabinets. They had just moved in a few days ago and had not purchased many things.

Duan Xu frowned, turned around and walked out. Before leaving, he said, "Don't touch the ginger."

"Oh, okay." Yang Hong.

When Duan Xu came out of the kitchen, there was a series of quiet inquiries coming from outside. After the sound of closing the door, Yang Hongcai asked Ruan Lei in a low voice: "Brother Lei, what does Brother Xu want with these?"

Ruan Lei was not surprised: "Jiaojiao got a little cold today, let him cook her some brown sugar ginger water to go away the cold."

There has always been a tradition in the Ruan family. Anyone who gets caught in the rain or cold will be given a bowl of brown sugar and ginger water by Ruan Lin. Now that Ruan Lin is away, it is not surprising that Duan Xu cooks it.

Yang Hong stared in surprise, and then said after a while: "Their relationship is really good."

"That's right, wouldn't it be nice to grow up together? Xiaohong, your sister..." Ruan Lei calmly began to change the topic, and then the two of them began to chat around Yang Yu.

About twenty minutes later, Ruan Jiaojiao stared at the large bowl of brown sugar and ginger water that Duan Xu brought in front of her, her face full of resistance.

"Brother Xu, if I drink this bowl, I won't be able to eat. Otherwise, Xiaoxiao, each of us will get half..."

"Don't worry, I don't want to drink this stuff, and I don't catch a cold. I'm going to see how their food is doing..." With that, Yang Yu quickly fled the scene.

Ruan Jiaojiao's little face fell before half a bowl was distributed.

"Drink as much as you can." Duan Xu coaxed her.

Ruan Jiaojiao puffed up her cheeks and was reluctant to part with the fruits of his hard work. She took a small sip with his hand, but it was too much. After drinking less than half a bowl, her belly felt full.

Duan Xu coaxed her for a few more words and felt that it was almost done, so he drank the rest of her drink in one gulp.

Duan Xu returned the bowl to the kitchen. When he came back, he saw Ruan Jiaojiao counting her fingers and thinking about something. He sat down next to her, pulled her little hand over and touched it. After making sure it was warm, he asked her: "What are you counting?"

Ruan Jiaojiao glanced at him: "It's all your fault, we have to settle the matter again."

She lowered her eyelids and curled one finger each time she read a title: "Dad, mom, milk, eldest brother, second brother, grandpa, little potato, godmother, Qin Li..."

At the end of the count, all ten fingers were curled up, and his eyes narrowed into a thin slit in joy, and he said to himself: "Fortunately, it's still enough."

She told Duan Xu what she had just planned: "Brother Xu, didn't I get a thousand yuan? If I don't think it's enough to buy things, I might as well give each person a hundred yuan. Look, In addition to the six of us, plus grandpa, godmother, uncle and aunt, we can just give it to Xiaodou and Qin Li, which is exactly ten portions, do you think it’s okay?”

No, very bad!

"Didn't you say you bought me a gift?" Duan Xu looked ugly.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

Her lowered eyelashes trembled with guilt. She was too excited at the time and wanted to please, so she spoke without thinking. Later, while sitting in the car, she thought about it. If she used all of it to buy gifts for Duan Xu, she might offend him. Everyone else.

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