She glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and when she saw no one came out, she leaned into Duan Xu's arms, tilted her little head, and said as if I was thinking about you: "Brother Xu, I am thinking about you. Think about it, if I really buy you all the gifts, if dad finds out, can he spare you? I'm afraid other people will be unhappy too. "

Duan Xu put his waist around hers, lifted her up, and bit her nose: "You lied to me!"

"No, Brother Xu, I really think about you." Ruan Jiaojiao ignored her nose pain and blinked her big eyes: "Look at my eyes, do you see it? There is sincerity in them! "

"Little liar!" Duan Xu bit her mouth again. He originally planned to kiss her, but once he touched it, he couldn't let go.

A dish had just been prepared in the kitchen and Yang Jin, who was about to bring it out, had just stretched out one foot when he saw this scene. The foot he stepped out stopped abruptly in mid-air.

She has known about the relationship between Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu since she was a child, but this is the first time she has seen them so close.

One big and one small, one handsome and one beautiful, there is no more harmonious picture than this. It is really pleasing to the eye.

She was reluctant and embarrassed to come out and disturb her, so she stood at the door and stopped. Ruan Lei saw that she was not moving, so he came over to take a look out of curiosity. At this glance, unlike Yang Yu, he just felt that it was an eyesore. His only thought was He stepped forward to separate the two of them, but was grabbed by Yang Yu beside him: "Do you have the eyesight to see!"

"Hiss... why are you still so barbaric?" Ruan Lei felt aggrievedly and touched his painful waist.

"How?" Yang Xiao stared.

Ruan Lei smiled: "No, who calls you my wife? I like to be grabbed by my wife."

"Bah! Shameless! Who is your wife?" Yang Zhen's face turned slightly red.

"Of course it's you. There is no one else except you. It's only you from beginning to end." Ruan Lei.

Yang Xiao's face turned redder and his eyes rolled, but he did not refute.

There were one pair in the living room and one pair at the door of the kitchen, both of which were bubbling pink bubbles. The only one standing alone in front of the liquefied gas stove thought that this was already the greatest torture.

As a result, during the next meal time, when he looked at the four people in pairs, Yang Hong understood what it meant to be a real loner!

After dinner, when Ruan Jiaojiao suggested going to see a movie, he stayed with self-awareness, saying that he still had things to do and would not torture himself anymore.

As New Year's Eve was approaching, most people were on holiday, and the cinema was almost full for every show. However, with Yang Xiao coming in through the back door, the four of them still watched two movies in a row.

It was past eleven o'clock after watching the last scene. Ruan Jiaojiao yawned repeatedly as she left the cinema. Duan Xu held her half in his arms and walked to the parking lot. When she got in the car, she closed her eyes.

Duan Xu covered her with the spare blanket in the car and fastened her seat belt. Just as he was about to start the car, he remembered something and looked back in the rearview mirror and saw Ruan Lei and Yang behind. She was talking in a low voice without paying attention to herself. She took the briefcase where Ruan Jiaojiao had stuffed the red envelope, took out the money in the red envelope, counted ten more from her wallet, took it out and replaced it.

"What's wrong?" Ruan Lei in the back seat asked aloud when he saw that he kept his head down and didn't drive.

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