Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1099: Yuxianfeng

All these people present have seen Zi Xuan's ability.

Know that she has the means to communicate with the soul and can read the memories of others.

If the other party refuses to speak, she can easily get what she wants as long as she uses her own method.

At this moment, Zi Xuan was already overjoyed, she hurriedly stood up and said: "Then let's set out now, hurry up and find that Yucheng Sect!"

Everyone naturally has no objections.

They came out here just to talk some gossip and wait for Xiao Hui. Now that they have finished speaking, Xiao Hui has also arrived, so naturally they should set off.

At this moment, Xiao Hui also ate the whole table of dishes, like wind and wind, and ate almost the same. Satisfied, he threw down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, patted his belly with a small belly, and jumped onto Tang Feng's shoulder.

Lin Mengjia saw it look so naive, she couldn't help reaching out her hand, touching its belly, and smilingly said: "Could it be that Xiao Hui has gotten fatter, so these legs and feet have also become a little slower before chasing. Not on that little monkey?"

Xiao Hui immediately yelled in protest, and tried to shrink his stomach, to show Lin Mengjia that he was in good shape, even though he had not become fat.

But this small belly is unbelievable, no matter how it inhales, it sticks out slightly.

When everyone saw this, they laughed again.

Rong Guocheng first went downstairs to check out, and generously gave the waitress as a tip.

The waitress smiled even more.

Rong Guocheng said to her: "You have that Yucheng Xueya here? Can you sell me some?"

The waitress showed a little embarrassed expression on her face, saying: "This tea is very precious. Ordinary customers will not order such expensive tea. Therefore, we don’t have much stock. However, if you want to buy it, sir, you can. In the town below the mountain, there is a tea house called Yuchengchun, which is our time-honored brand. The tea inside is good and the price is fair."

Rong Guocheng thanked her with a smile.

When he was about to leave, the waitress called him again, and said with regret: "Sir, if you bought Yucheng Xueya and took it back to your home, after brewing it you don’t think this place tastes good, it’s not because of the tea. , But because of the water at home, there is no good here."

When she said this, Tang Feng happened to pass by, with a faint smile on his face.

The water in the Yucheng Mountain is good. One reason is that there is no pollution, and more importantly, it is the water that has aura.


Tang Feng suddenly thought of something, he stopped, and asked to the waitress: "Where are you fairy pointing? But on the top of the mountain? Which way is the fastest way to get there?"

The hostess shook her head and said: "This fairy is not a tourist attraction, nor is it in the front mountain. Even if you go up to the mountain, you will not see it. Sir, you think, this Yucheng Mountain is so lively as a weaving, if it is The immortal means that everyone can see it. Isn't it already famous? And this water has also been developed and used long ago, how can it be used by us?"

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

The merchant's sense of smell has always been extremely sensitive. In Yucheng Mountain, there is this kind of sweet water, which has not been developed into mineral water such as "Yucheng Mountain Spring", which is really quite strange.

Rong Guocheng asked hurriedly, "Is it inconvenient to find it because of the position the fairy pointed at?"

The hostess nodded and said, "The fairy is in the back mountain and on the top of Yuxian Peak. That place is extremely difficult to walk. It is not easy even for us locals to go up. Moreover, it is not easy to open the way. For this reason, the original ecology has been maintained."

Rong Guocheng looked towards Tang Feng.

He knew that the terrain in the middle of Shu was extremely difficult to walk.

The ancients had poems and clouds, the road of Shu was difficult, and it was difficult to go to the sky.

Even the local mountain people find it difficult to walk, and it must be really hard and dangerous.

The waitress thought that Tang Feng wanted to see the fairy’s instructions, and was planning to find the spring water there, so she said, “Although it’s not easy to get to the fairy peak, but the spring water will flow down all the way. It can be received in the middle of the mountain. The spring water, but the flow is very small, and the journey is not easy in the upper half of the mountain, someone needs to lead the way."

Tang Feng smiled and said, "This water is so difficult to get, but you are here to entertain guests. It seems that your shop is not so simple."

The waitress hurriedly waved her hand and said, "We have the water that the fairy refers to in our shop because our boss likes to drink tea. He is a local. He knows that the water is excellent for making tea. Seeing that you are not ordinary people, I ordered this Yucheng Xueya. If I brewed it with ordinary water, I wasted this good tea, and secondly I didn't respect you, so I used the mountain spring water that the boss had saved privately."

This Chuanzhong girl spoke upright. Not only did she say that the tea in her store was good, she also complimented everyone in front of her, and everyone who was there was smiling.

Although depending on their status, this compliment can be heard everywhere, which is not unusual, but after hearing it, it is finally comfortable.

"In that case, I would also like to thank the beauties for letting us taste the best tea." Rong Guocheng said while laughing.

At this time, everyone had already reached the first floor, and someone had already walked out the door. Rong Guocheng turned around and left.

The hostess called him again, with a hesitant look on her face, and asked Rong Guocheng in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to meet Xianfeng?"

This encounter with Xianfeng was what the fairy was referring to. Tang Feng asked. Rong Guocheng didn't know his intentions either, so he looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng nodded slightly towards him.

Rong Guocheng then said to the waitress: "Yes, the water is so good, why don't you go and see it if you don't have it?"

The hostess still hesitated and said for a while, "Sir, visitors are prohibited from entering the back mountain. If you go up, you will be able to see it. There are fences and prohibited signs everywhere. If you really want to enter the back mountain, , You need to go around the mountain, but this road is extremely difficult to find. If you don't take it with the local mountain people, you will get lost when you enter the mountain, let alone find Yuxian Peak.

Rong Guocheng heard that there was something in her words, and then asked: "Then how can I get there?"

The hostess made up her mind and said to Rong Guocheng, "If Mr. really wants to go, I can help find a guide. The mountain people who live in the mountains are very familiar with the way to meet Xianfeng, but, but- "

At this point, she stopped, seeming to be a little tangled, thinking about how to organize the language, and then talked to Rong Guocheng. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1099 Meeting Xianfeng), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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