Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1100: Was laid out

When Rong Guocheng saw the waitress look like this, he already knew something in his heart. He smiled slightly and said, "Does it need to be paid?"

I've already talked about it. How can someone with social experience like Rong Guocheng not know what she means?

The hostess's face flushed slightly, and she nodded, a little embarrassed, but still a little bit hesitant.

She looked at other people who had walked out the door, and then continued to Rong Guocheng: "Although it has been clearly stipulated that tourists are prohibited from entering the back mountain, many tourists are very curious, and the more they are not allowed. The place you want to go, the more you want to go, this mountain is no better than the outside, there is navigation to guide the way, it is easy to go everywhere, once you go in the mountain, if you get lost, this matter is extremely troublesome, just like the few self-driving tours some time ago Like other tourists, I heard that I have been trapped in the mountain for several days."

Rong Guocheng listened to her, nodded, and said, "So many of the mountain people here are making money by leading the way for tourists?"

The waitress smirked and nodded slightly.

Her reaction like this is not surprising.

Although this kind of thing may be extremely common in the mountains, it is not allowed after all. The mountain people should do it privately, and cannot be said on the table.

The waitress did not mention these things at the beginning, and she must have taken care of it, but at this moment, she saw that these people in front of her were very generous with their money. Hearing her accent, she also came from other places, and she showed a lot of feeling for the back mountain. The look of interest, when he saw them leaving, hesitated to say it.

Rong Guocheng's eyes showed a bit of clarity.

The mountain people who want to come are also secretly connected to the hotel. These entertainers, when they meet the guests who want to enter the mountain, introduce the mountain people who lead the way, and it is estimated that the mountain people will also pay them.

It is natural to find someone to lead the way. Rong Guocheng would not care about any deal among them, so he just smiled and said to the hostess: "When can this person arrive?"

The hostess hurriedly said: "If you are sure that you want to hire someone, I will just make a call and it won't take ten minutes."

"Okay, let him come here quickly, the money is easy to discuss," Rong Guocheng said, and he slapped his mouth in the direction of Tang Feng, who had already walked outside the door, and said: "Our boss likes this strange thing the most. To play in places with different mountains and rivers, if there are any interesting places in the mountains of yours, he can take it with him. When the boss is happy, he might give more money."

Regarding Rong Guocheng's words, the waitress naturally had no doubts at all.

Rong Guocheng's generous shot was already seen, and she could see that Tang Feng was the leader of them just by looking at the expressions of the people during the meal.

Seeing the waitresses hurriedly took out their mobile phones to make calls, Rong Guocheng knew in his heart that she must treat them as big bosses from other places, and they were stupid and rich.

This is exactly what Rong Guocheng wants to achieve.

If the other party regards them as local tyrants, who are both local and tyrannical, have little knowledge, and like to show off, they will put down their vigilance in their hearts. They will know many things without saying anything, to show how much they know and use to win the favor of local tyrants. , So I can get some more rewards.

The hostess spoke a few words to the phone in the local dialect.

The local dialect in the middle of Sichuan sounds very good, especially when the young girl speaks very fast, it makes people feel extremely pleasing.

Although Rong Guocheng couldn't understand what she was talking about, he could guess it. It must be contact with the local mountain people.

After putting down the phone, the waitress said to Rong Guocheng: "He will be there soon, saying that the road to Xianfeng is too steep and it is easy to get dangerous. It takes two thousand Huaxia coins before he is willing to go."

Two thousand Chinese coins is not a small amount, it is enough for the expenses of an ordinary family of three for ten days and a half, and it is extremely extravagant for the average family to find a guide to lead the way.

But for Rong Guocheng, it was nothing.

Rong Guocheng nodded graciously, and said with a smile: "No problem, I still said that. As long as our boss is happy, I'm not sure I will give more."

"Then he really encountered a good business, and I would like to thank the bosses for him."

The eyes of the waitress were also shining with excitement.

Rong Guocheng could guess that the more money Xu received from the other party, the higher her reward. That's why she was so concerned about this kind of thing.

After all, I do business in this tourist area. Even a small restaurant entertainer is so shrewd and impressed.

Rong Guocheng was able to go out and told everyone about it.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "It's so good, we can also save a lot of effort."

Zi Xuan also had a smile on her face, and she gave a soft "um" before saying, "The spring water that the fairy refers to has a sense of spiritual energy, and the surrounding area is also full of spiritual energy. It is the person who wants to practice. The best place for people."

Hearing what Zi Xuan said, other people understood why Tang Feng was going to Yuxianfeng.

It turned out that he had long thought that the sect they were looking for might be here.

Whether it is a martial artist or a Qi refiner, they are quite sensitive to this spiritual energy. If you are looking for a place to establish a sect, the source of the immortal point must be the best choice.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, a little relieved.

This seems to be a complicated matter. Tang Feng solved it easily. Presumably this mirrorless mirror will be found soon. Everyone feels relaxed.

Only Lin Mengjia, frowning slightly, muttered softly: "Why do I feel that we have been put together in this matter?"

Recalling what happened after entering this restaurant, it seemed that Tang Feng was deliberately trying to tell the waitress what happened to her, but now thinking about it, it seemed that the waitress was telling them about it intentionally or unintentionally. So that they can have a great interest in the back mountain, and then help them find the mountain people to lead the way, so as to earn this reward.

Although this matter has reached the present stage, it is their wish, but after having this faint feeling of being fooled, Lin Mengjia still feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Looking at Lin Mengjia's gloomy look, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing, and whispered beside her: "Anyway, our goal has been achieved, and the other party feels that their goal has been achieved. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

Lin Mengjia was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Tang Feng had already seen through this point a long time ago, but he was just scheming. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1100 is placed together), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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