Chapter 18 How to open a forum

Go home and close the door.

"Master, those people just now were so abominable!" Xiaoyue said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, master, they...!"

Waving his hand to signal Ah Xing to stop talking, Uncle Jiu turned his head and looked directly at Xu Junming with a serious expression.

"Jun Ming, Maoshan sect rules: No Maoshan disciple is allowed to use magic to do evil, do you know?"

Xu Junming knew that he noticed his behavior when he left.

"Master, don't worry. Master and nephew don't dare to go beyond the Maoshan sect rules. Those few attacks just now were just out of anger and added some yin energy to their bodies. At best, they would only make them lie in bed for a few days, and there would be no Big problem."

"A thousand-mile embankment breaks down in an ant nest. Many people fall into evil ways because they don't pay attention to some details." Realizing that his words were a bit harsh, Uncle Jiu paused and sighed slightly.

"Don't do this kind of thing again!"

Xu Junming has excellent talents. If he is righteous, he will be a blessing to Maoshan and a blessing to the righteous path; if he is evil, he will be a disaster to Maoshan and a catastrophe to the righteous path! As his elder, Uncle Jiu felt that he had the responsibility to teach this young man from Maoshan.

"Thank you, Master, for your teachings. I will keep them in my heart!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, glanced at him, turned and walked towards the main room.

Looking at his back, Xu Junming smiled faintly. If everything goes according to the plot, his few fingers of Yin Qi are enough to wipe out all the scum in Jiuquan Town who are forcing girls into prostitution, selling cigarettes, and riding on the heads of ordinary villagers to dominate.

Perhaps because of the big fuss yesterday, the church bells and piano no longer rang this morning.

After breakfast in the morning, Xu Junming asked Uncle Jiu for advice on the 'Golden Light Divine Mantra' and the practice of the Pure Yang Way.

Although he has a bronze mirror, Jiu Shu Banjiazi's level of immersion in Chunyang Taoism is still much higher than him.

Asking him for advice is far better than working alone behind closed doors.

"Jun Ming, did Simu pass on the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' to you?"

Xu Junming nodded.

"Are you going to take care of both the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' and the 'Golden Light Bagua' in the future?"

"If I can take care of both, I will cultivate both paths together." After a pause, he said, "Uncle, Golden Light Bagua is the path of Pure Yang, so which path does the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' correspond to?"

"Simu didn't tell you?"

"No! At first, the master only taught me the basic talisman of the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' and let me understand it on my own. He didn't say much else."

Uncle Jiu frowned slightly.

"This guy Simu is always so insensitive and careless!"

Shaking his head, Uncle Jiu organized his words.

"I haven't practiced the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue', so I don't know much about it. However, your master said at the beginning that the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' corresponds to the way of the soul."

"The way of the soul? Isn't it the avenue of faith?"

"No! The foundation of the 'Shen Da Zhen Jue' is the Dao of the Soul, and the Dao of Faith is only an auxiliary! As for the specific details, I have not practiced and don't know. You have to explore it yourself!"


The courtyard door was suddenly pushed open forcefully, and rapid footsteps came in.

The figures of Axing and Xiaoyue appeared in front of them.

Uncle Jiu frowned and was about to get angry.

"Master, something happened, something happened in the church!"

Xiaoyue's words interrupted Uncle Jiu's anger.

"Something happened, what happened?"

"A 'foreign monk' died in the church last night!" Axing said.

Uncle Jiu and Xu Junming looked at each other and saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Xu Junming nodded, turned around and ran out of the house with Uncle Jiu.

The matter of the dead people in the church has become a rumor in the streets, and many people crowded at the door of the church, craning their necks to watch the excitement.

Xu Junming and Uncle Jiu pushed through the crowd and walked to the front. From the windows on both sides, they saw the situation inside the church.

A pale, lifeless corpse was lying on the table. "Mediterranean" Father Wu held the Holy Land in his left hand and a silver cross in his right hand, facing the corpse and mumbling something.

The other monks sat in a circle around the body, praying silently with solemn expressions. There were candles burning all around, illuminating the gloomy church.

Uncle Jiu and Xu Junming soon saw four black tooth holes on the left side of the corpse's neck.

Their expressions changed and they silently withdrew from the crowd.

Come to a deserted place.

"Uncle, it seems that the evil spirit has escaped the seal!"

"Yeah, we're in big trouble!" Uncle Jiu nodded solemnly.

"Jun Ming, how was your practice of the 'Four Symbols Evil-Slaying Formation'?"

"Within three feet, everything is under control!"

"That's good!"

"Uncle, shall we do it tonight?"

"No, let's test the evil spirit's strength tonight first. By the way, let these foreign devils have a taste of the power, so that they don't know the heights of the world and think that our Taoist family in the Central Plains has no one!"

Seeing Uncle Jiu's serious look, Xu Junming once again discovered that his uncle was really a bit shady.

After returning home, Uncle Jiu took action quickly.

"Axing, Xiaoyue, set up the altar!"

"I understand, Master!"

After the two responded, they quickly took action.

Obviously this was not the first time that they set up the altar for their master, and they were very skilled in the whole set of movements.

After about half an hour, the table, formation flags, tokens, talismans, alms bowls, purified water, incense burners and other items were placed neatly.

Neatly dressed Uncle Jiu, wearing an apricot yellow Bagua robe and carrying a mahogany sword, stepped forward.

"The magic talisman opens the magic circle!"

Eight yellow golden light magic talismans shot out and stuck firmly to the eight surrounding formation flags. The golden light flashed, and the eight sides were nine feet long and three feet wide. The formation flags with rusty talismans and seals began to absorb the airborne particles. of aura.

After doing this, Uncle Jiu sat down cross-legged on the futon in front of the altar.

Recite "Huang Ting Jing" orally without speaking!

Xu Junming also sat down on the left side of the altar.

Judging from the look on Uncle Jiu's face, he was obviously ready to fight the evil spirit tonight.

The playful look of the past has disappeared from the faces of A Xing and Xiao Yue. They are also dressed in apricot yellow Taoist robes. One on the left and one on the right, they are sitting cross-legged behind their master with solemn expressions, silently reciting the 'Huang Ting Sutra'!

Waves of Taoist sounds were connected in a line, and the atmosphere in the entire altar seemed solemn and solemn.

For ascetics, the altar should not be opened lightly. Once it is opened, it means an all-out battle.

Time passed little by little, the sun set in the west, the moon was in the sky, and the spiritual energy in the altar became more and more intense.

Just after Haishi, Uncle Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, and more than an inch of light flashed away.

Turning over and standing up, the finger gestures in his hands changed!

"Jun Ming, A Xing, Xiao Yue, I want to open a Dharma altar to slay demons. You protect me!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Junming also responded.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, wisdom is clear, the mind is peaceful, the three souls are eternal, the soul has no loss...!"

Uncle Jiu silently recited the 'Heart Purifying Mantra', then the Body Purifying Mantra, the Mouth Cleansing Mantra, the Incense-Blessing Mantra, the Earth-Anti-Earth Mantra, the Mysterious Yun Mantra, etc. After completing all the steps to open the altar, he stepped on the Gang Steps. He pointed the mahogany sword in his hand, frowned angrily, and shouted loudly.


Just hearing a 'buzz', an invisible tremor spread from the altar to all sides, and the formation flags with yellow talismans on eight sides moved automatically without wind.

A misty white light emerged from the magic tablets, talismans, alms bowls, array flags and other objects placed on the altar.

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