Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 19 The Eight Great Taoist Curses

Chapter 19 The Eight Great Taoist Mantras

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Xu Junming was secretly shocked!

Uncle Jiu's ability to open the Dharma altar is obviously much better than that of Taoist Priest Four Eyes. Looking at the aura on the talisman, the power is at least nearly 50% higher than usual!

This shows that Uncle Jiu’s understanding of the Eight Great Taoist Mantras is much higher than that of Taoist Master Four Eyes.

The eight sacred mantras of Taoism are the basis for opening a Dharma altar. The more profound you understand these eight sacred mantras, the stronger the blessing of the Dharma altar will be to Taoism.

If the talisman seeds of the eight divine spells can be formed in the Dantian, the altar can even more than double the strength of the ascetic.

It's just that the Eight Great Taoist Divine Mantras are easy to learn but difficult to master. Even with the help of a bronze mirror, Xu Junming has only comprehended the talisman seeds of the 'Golden Light Divine Curse'.

After opening the altar, Uncle Jiu picked up a piece of yellow paper, dipped some cinnabar into the talisman pen, and moved the pen like flying. He quickly drew four 'flying crane talisman' on the edge, and finally drew a 'soul-taking talisman' in the middle. symbol'.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

The sword finger shot out a burst of magic power, and the yellow talisman instantly turned into four palm-sized flying crane phantoms. Each flying crane held a talisman seal on its back, spread its wings, flew out of the formation, and quickly disappeared into the night.

At this moment, in the church, Father Wu and his two disciples were praying for the dead monk.


The sound of the window breaking attracted the attention of the three people.

Four palm-sized flying cranes crashed through the window and flew into the body of the dead monk like lightning.

While the three of them were stunned, the monk's body suddenly started to tremble.

This strange scene frightened the two young monks into fighting, and they rolled and crawled away into the distance.

Father Wu was older and more knowledgeable, so he was calmer than them. After taking a few steps back, his expression calmed down and he muttered something. A faint white light radiated from his body. Especially the silver cross in his hand became like a small light bulb, looking sacred and extraordinary.

The two young monks looked at each other, walked over tremblingly, and knelt down to pray again, but their voices were no longer as smooth as before.


The corpse was shaking more and more violently, and a trace of black gas visible to the naked eye was steaming.

At the same time, Uncle Jiu’s house.

A wooden sign covered with talismans was shaking violently, and I couldn't hold it down.


Black smoke ignited, and the three 'Corpse Suppression Talisman' attached to it gradually disappeared.

Uncle Jiu was shocked.

"The corpse aura is so strong, it seems that the evil spirit is a zombie!"

"The Supreme Wuji, the universe suppresses demons!"

Uncle Jiu shouted, quickly picked up a wooden dagger with a talisman engraved on it, and stabbed the wooden sign hard with a 'duo' sound.

"It seems that Uncle Jiu has also comprehended the talisman seeds of the 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman'! And combined with the pure Yang magic power of the 'Golden Light Divine Talisman', the power of the 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman' has been increased to a higher level." Xu Junming thought to himself.

It was the first time for him to see this kind of compound talisman, and his horizons suddenly broadened a lot.

"Dong dong...!"

The wooden sign was shaking violently on the altar, but the wooden dagger with the 'Corpse Suppressing Talisman' engraved on it was as stable as a mountain. No matter how it shook, it could not be overturned.

"Master is so awesome, he managed it so easily." Xiaoyue praised.

Axing nodded in agreement.

"How can I be your master if I don't have time!" Uncle Jiu said.

"Uncle, how are you?"

Xu Junming stepped forward.

Uncle Jiu frowned and pondered for a moment.

"The resistance is very strong, the corpse energy is strong, it should be a black zombie that has become a spirit, it is difficult to deal with!"

Xu Junming's heart sank.

Uncle Jiu was already in the advanced stage of Xiantian cultivation, and the zombies that troubled him were at least in the advanced stage of black zombies, or even in the perfection state.

"Jun Ming, we are in big trouble this time, you have to be prepared!"

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will do his best!"

Uncle Jiu nodded.

"Master, what should I do with the corpse in the church?" Axing asked.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. The evil spirits are lurking there now, and it's night time again. It's too dangerous."


"Also, don't go to church at night from now on!"

"Yes, master!"

"Xiaoyue, take this wooden sign and put it next to the ancestor ranking."

Xiaoyue took it and put it away in the house.

Xu Junming and Ah Xing collected the altar together.

While Uncle Jiu used the 'Corpse Suppression Talisman' to restrain the corpse, the corpses in the church gradually became quiet.

Seeing the body lying on the table with its head spinning strangely and with a ferocious expression, Father Wu had a gloomy look on his face.

"God bless, the devil has been subdued, you cover him up!"

Several monks tremblingly got up from the ground and covered the body with a piece of white cloth.

Not seeing its ferocious appearance, the monks became much calmer.

"Father, I...should we leave here? This church has been occupied by demons...!"

"Nonsense!! We are believers in the Lord, how can we be afraid of evil spirits?"

Father Wu interrupted.


Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew from the window, and the candlelight flickered in the tall church, adding a touch of gloom.

Several monks who were already suspicious were instantly frightened to the point of fighting!

“God conquers the devil!!”

Father Wu shouted loudly and held the cross high in his hand.

Holy white light filled the air instantly.

Under this white light, the darkness and coldness are slowly dispelled, and a warm and stable force calms the inner fear.

The monks who had looked horrified before were now kneeling on the ground, looking at the bright cross in Father Wu's hand with reverence and fanaticism, chanting the Bible in their mouths, and appearing extremely pious.

About two minutes later, the white light on the cross gradually dissipated. Father Wu took back the cross with sweat on his forehead, panting, and a look of exhaustion in his expression.

But when he saw the respectful monks around him, he couldn't help but have a satisfied smile on his face.

But when he turned to look at a closed door in the corner of the church, his expression became solemn.

Originally, he planned to use the cross in his hand to dissolve the evil spirit bit by bit, and finally subdue the evil spirit. Unexpectedly, before he could do it, the cunning devil escaped.

However, even if the situation is not good for him now, Father Wu is not ready to give up.

Uncle Jiu's figure flashed in his mind.

"Maybe we can ask him for help!"

That night, many people had an uneasy sleep.

As soon as daylight dawned, Uncle Jiu took Xu Junming and Ah Xing into the church and carried out the restrained 'Indestructible Bone'.

When he came outside the town and found a deserted place, Uncle Jiu drew a 'fire talisman' and set the body on fire.

"Axing, collect his ashes and bury them somewhere with beautiful scenery."

"Yes, master!"

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