"It turned out to be him!!"

"Great, what a great Qingfeng Master, I didn't expect that I would suffer from your trick!!"

Master Ren was furious, and then looked at Uncle Jiu with lingering fear:"Uncle Jiu, it's a good thing you came, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

If he hadn't heard the middle-aged man's words with his own ears, he would never have believed it.

Unexpectedly, the dragonfly touching the water hole was actually a pit set by Qingfeng Master for their Ren family.

"Oh, my father, hurry up, Uncle Jiu, burn my father."Master Ren suddenly urged Uncle Jiu anxiously.

At that time, Uncle Jiu suggested that he burn it, and said that Old Master Ren would turn into a corpse, but his persuasiveness was far less than that of the middle-aged man.

After all, the middle-aged man's words were certain.

Now it was daytime, and there was still a chance to burn it.

At night, his father really jumped out of the coffin, and the first person he killed was him. When relatives turn into corpses, they will be killed.

Because the blood relationship that cannot be cut off will guide the zombies to find the target, so as to kill and suck blood.

Although Master Ren is not a disciple of Taoism, he knows something about this.

""Master Ren, don't worry. Your father has been killed by my disciple Jiuyang. His body is in the funeral home and it is impossible for him to turn into a corpse.

What happened just now was also handled by my disciple Jiuyang. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to thank someone, thank him." Uncle Jiu said to Master Ren.

After saying that, he secretly winked at Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang returned the wink to show that he understood.

""Thank you, thank you."

Master Ren said politely to Uncle Jiu, then clasped his hands together, bowed slightly to Qin Jiuyang, and thanked him:"Brother Jiuyang, thank you for my father and what happened just now.

I wonder if you are interested in doing business with me? It happens that I am quite old, and Tingting is a girl, so I am not interested in doing business."

After these words came out.

Qiu Sheng and Wencai looked at Qin Jiuyang enviously.

The Ren family's business is very big, and it has even reached the provincial capital. Master Ren is clearly trying to recruit a son-in-law.

Just nod your head and you can become the son-in-law of the Ren family.

In addition to countless family wealth, there is also a beautiful wife like Ren Tingting.

What are they learning skills from Uncle Jiu for? Isn't it just to make a living.

Even Uncle Jiu was moved, fearing that Qin Jiuyang would agree.

This is the future of their Taoist sect, the next head of Maoshan. If he agrees, wouldn't it die here halfway?

"I appreciate Master Ren's kindness. If you really want to thank me, why not give me some magic weapons?

I heard that Master Ren has a lot of magic weapons in his treasury.

Look at me now. I have all the skills but I don't even have a magic weapon."Qin Jiuyang sighed and said

"Jiuyang, what did your master teach you? How could you ask Master Ren for something? Although you solved the problem of Master Ren's corpse turning into a corpse and helped the Ren family find the murderer behind the scenes, saving the Ren family from disaster, but……"

"Uncle Jiu, it's okay, it's okay. Young people, it's good to be straightforward."

Master Ren is also an old and cunning man. How can he not see that Uncle Jiu and Qin Jiuyang are playing the good cop and the bad cop respectively.

It's just a few magic tools. He does have them in his treasury. Anyway, he can't use them, so why not give them to Qin Jiuyang.

Then Master Ren looked at Qin Jiuyang and said with a big heart:"Since little brother Jiuyang has spoken, the magic tools in the treasury are up to you to choose.

As long as you like them, you can take as many as you can."

"Do you really want me to take as much as I can?" Qin Jiuyang couldn't help but confirm.

"Of course."

Master Ren nodded.

Then, he called A Wei, who was eavesdropping outside the door, and asked him to take the middle-aged man away.

A Wei nodded with a flattering face, then touched the gun on his waist, glared at Qin Jiuyang fiercely, and muttered in a low voice,"You'd better be sensible."

The meaning is very clear. Qin Jiuyang did not agree to do business with Master Ren. He must be afraid of him, otherwise why wouldn't he agree to such a pie in the sky?

After A Wei took his brothers away, Master Ren also took Qin Jiuyang, Uncle Jiu and others to his own treasury.

He did not avoid suspicion, but treated everyone as his own.

Looking at the gold, silver, jewelry, and small yellow croakers in the treasury, Qiu Sheng and Wencai were stunned.

Uncle Jiu also swallowed his saliva secretly. It was too much money.

Even if he opened a charity house for a lifetime, he would not make one ten-thousandth of what others make.

Of course, if Uncle Jiu wants money, there are many ways, but he disdains to take ill-gotten gains.

"Come with me."

Master Ren smiled and led Qin Jiuyang and others to the innermost compartment of the treasury.

Once inside, everyone found that it was filled with a variety of magical instruments.

Soul-catching bells, gold swords, copper coin swords, peach wood swords, battle flags, etc., all kinds of

"These were all bought by me when I was doing business, and some were given to me by others.

I thought of putting them in the treasury to protect my wealth and safety, and to prevent any demons and evil spirits from stealing my treasury."Master Ren said to everyone.

Qin Jiuyang was not polite either. He started to pick them on the spot. He said he was picking, but in fact he took them all at once and used his spiritual energy to wrap everything together.

A whole compartment of magic weapons was taken away by Qin Jiuyang, which made Master Ren dumbfounded and speechless.

After he reacted, he looked painful, and opened his mouth several times, but closed it in dissatisfaction.

Although he didn't use these magic weapons, some of them were given to him by others, but more of them were bought by him at a high price.

For example, one of the copper coin swords was made of Five Emperors' coins.

It was the Big Five Emperors' coin, which was an antique.

There were a total of forty-nine coins, tied with red ropes. Interlaced and woven together to form a sword.

This sword alone is worth five small yellow croakers, which is one hundred and fifty dollars when converted into dollars, not to mention the other magic weapons.

After Qin Jiuyang took the magic weapons out of the treasury, he selected a batch of what he needed, and asked Qiu Shengwencai and his master Jiushu to divide the rest.

In the end, Qiu Shengwencai each got a peach wood sword, and the rest went into Jiushu's pocket.

Jiushu even shamelessly asked Master Ren for a bag, and then packed the magic weapons one by one.

After temporarily placing the magic weapons at Ren's house, Jiushu took out the dragon-seeking acupuncture plate from the cloth bag on his body,"Master Ren, can we set off now?"

""Dad, Uncle Jiu, where are you going?"

At this moment, Ren Tingting, wearing a white princess dress, lifted her skirt and walked down from the rickshaw outside the door gracefully.

She already had a delicate face, and after applying a light rouge and powder, she looked even more beautiful and charming, like a fairy who was not in touch with the world.

Needless to say, Ren Tingting must look like her mother. If she looks like Master Ren, then she is doomed and can only recruit a son-in-law because she can't get married.

"Choose a new grave for your grandfather."Mr. Ren said,"It's just right that you're back. Go upstairs and change your clothes. We'll go together."

"" Wait a minute!"

Qin Jiuyang suddenly called Ren Tingting and said sternly,"You have a bad omen!!"

Ren Tingting lowered her head and looked at her well-developed and round breasts. Her face turned red and she said coquettishly,"What nonsense are you talking about? There are so many people here. It's so embarrassing. Don't you have any shame?"

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