"Uncle Jiu, you are here. Come on, please come in."

Master Ren came forward to greet him warmly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Mr. Ren, since you have already hired someone else, I don't think it's necessary to hire someone else." Uncle Jiu frowned slightly, a little angry.

In their line of work, the worst thing is to hire someone else without firing one party.

"Uncle Jiu, you misunderstood. He is not the Feng Shui master I hired. I visited him on my own. I saw that he has some skills, so I invited him in for a cup of tea."Mr. Ren apologized and explained hastily.

Uncle Jiu is highly respected in Renjia Town. He also needs Uncle Jiu to help his father with the new grave. He dare not disrespect Uncle Jiu.

"You are Lin Fengjiao from Renjia Town, the Uncle Nine as everyone calls him? Why, are you just seeking fame and reputation? You are scared when you see me, so you want to leave?"

The middle-aged man had a tuft of goatee. He stroked his beard and sneered at Uncle Nine.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he started to argue. It was obvious that the middle-aged man was targeting Uncle Nine. He even investigated Uncle Nine's name.

"Humph, you? Are you still afraid? You are not even worthy of carrying my master's shoes!" Qiu Sheng said with disdain on his face.

"He is so handsome that he is not even qualified to carry shoes for his junior fellow apprentice."Wen Cai said


The middle-aged man's face darkened and he slammed the table.


The table broke into pieces, and the teacup on it fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"You two brats who talk too much, today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your master!"

The middle-aged man bit his right index finger, quickly drew a blood symbol on the palm of his left hand, and then slapped the two of them.

"You dare to disrespect the master and attack the two brothers. Do you really think we are soft persimmons that you can manipulate?

The master is too disdainful to attack you, so let me see what you can do!"

Qin Jiuyang stood up.

With a wave of his right hand, a yellow talisman was thrown out instantly.


The yellow talisman blocked the middle-aged man's palm and exploded on the spot like a small bomb.

Master Ren and the servants were so scared that they quickly hid aside.

"You little bastard, you have some skills, but you are just looking for death."

The middle-aged man had a gloomy face, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he waved his right hand and threw out a yellow talisman, but not at Qin Jiuyang, but at Qin Jiuyang's shadow.

""Jiuyang, be careful, this is a soul-suppressing talisman. You can't let the talisman fall on your shadow, otherwise your soul will be fixed and you will be unable to move." Uncle Jiu on the side reminded Qin Jiuyang. In fact, Qin Jiuyang would have dodged it without Uncle Jiu's reminder.

A person's shadow is the external manifestation of the soul.

In layman's terms, the shadow is the soul, which can be seen but not touched.

Ghosts have no shadows because they are shadows themselves.

This is also why ghosts can step on people's shadows, and after being stepped on, people will be fixed in place.

The soul-suppressing talisman is a talisman paper targeting people's souls.

If it falls on a person's shadow, it will freeze the person instantly.

At this time, life or death depends entirely on the enemy's mood.

Qin Jiuyang naturally understood this, after all, these are the most basic knowledge.

Every qualified Taoist master is a polymath, well-informed and knowledgeable.

If you know too little and can't even see the means and skills used by the enemy, what kind of master is it?

"Humph, you hid quickly, let's see how long you can hide!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, with an attitude that he was sure to defeat Qin Jiuyang.

After all, he was focusing on Uncle Jiu, not Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang was an unknown boy, and Uncle Jiu's youngest disciple, so he naturally didn't take him seriously.

This kid might have some skills, but they were definitely not high.

But the next second.

He was stunned on the spot.

Not only him, but also Uncle Jiu.

Because Qin Jiuyang stepped on Bu Gang, his figure came to the middle-aged man like a ghost.

His right hand formed a sword finger and pointed at the middle-aged man's brow.

If he had a sword in his hand, the middle-aged man would have been pierced through the head by Qin Jiuyang at this moment.

"You...what kind of body movement is this?" The middle-aged man took a deep breath and looked at Qin Jiuyang in disbelief.

He thought he had seen a lot, but this was the first time he had seen such a strange and mysterious body movement.

Uncle Jiu also pricked up his ears. Even he, as a master, had never seen such a body movement before. He didn't remember teaching Qin Jiuyang

""Big Dipper Steps."

Qin Jiuyang uttered five words faintly.

"Big Dipper Step? How could this be the Big Dipper Step!!"

The middle-aged man didn't believe it at all. It was not like he had never seen the Big Dipper Step before, and he knew how to do it.

This was the most basic step, and it couldn't be called strange or mysterious at all.

"Of course, I made some changes, believe it or not."Qin Jiuyang said

"Just a few changes, and it's like changing to a new Bugang Body Technique." Uncle Jiu thought secretly, and a huge wave of emotions had already been stirred up in his heart,"Could it be that the Xiantian Dao Body is so evil that it can change the Bugang Body Technique at will?"

At this moment.

Qin Jiuyang was too lazy to explain more.

He retracted his sword finger and gently patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.


The middle-aged man felt a strong spiritual energy coming at him, pressing his legs so hard that they softened and his knees made solid contact with the ground.


"Ah!!!" the middle-aged man screamed, his knees were bloody.


"You...you are actually a Taoist master in the Shapeshifting Realm……"

The middle-aged man endured the pain, his face twisted and ferocious, looking at Qin Jiuyang in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost.

"It's just the Transfiguration Realm, is there any need to be so shocked?"

Qin Jiuyang looked at the middle-aged man calmly, then looked down at him and asked aggressively:"Tell me, who sent you here, and why are you targeting us?

Don't say that you just passed by Renjia Town and accidentally heard the name of my master and wanted to challenge my master."

"What if I tell you that it is really as you said?"

"You will be miserable. I will peel off your skin and pull out your tendons bit by bit. After you die, I will torture your soul.

You know, I want you to be unable to live or die, and I have many ways to do it."Qin Jiuyang smiled cruelly.

"You have ruined my master's plan. My master asked me to trouble you and test your master's strength."

"What plan of your master have we ruined?" Qin Jiuyang couldn't help asking.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to hide anything and told everything he knew.

It turned out that his master was called Qingfeng Zhenren, the Feng Shui master who was bullied by the Ren family and forcibly occupied the Dragonfly Point.

Qingfeng Zhenren was not a pure and upright person, but an evil cultivator who committed many evil things.

He started to plan all this twenty years ago, deliberately looking for a Dragonfly Point, and deliberately allowed the Ren family to coerce, bribe and humiliate him.

The reason for targeting the Ren family was that Old Master Ren was born on a Yin year, Yin month and Yin day with a three-yin body.

If the three-yin body can be transformed into a zombie, it can become an extremely powerful zombie with a little training. King.

So, he used Master Ren to refine Old Master Ren into a zombie.

This refining took twenty years.

Master Qingfeng had calculated that Old Master Ren would turn into a zombie at this time, so he told Master Ren to move the grave in twenty years.

The purpose of moving the grave is to dig out Old Master Ren and wait for him to break out of the coffin after he turns into a zombie.

It can be said that Master Qingfeng had a plan, but man proposes, God disposes.

As soon as Old Master Ren turned into a zombie, he was killed by Qin Jiuyang. Uncle Jiu was blamed, and Master Qingfeng thought that it was Uncle Jiu who killed him.

As for why he knew that Old Master Ren was killed, he must have planted some secret method in Old Master Ren.

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