"Master... Junior Brother, you killed someone, and it was a member of the Ma Gang. It's over, it's over, it's all over now, I can't explain to Master."

Qiu Sheng, who was standing aside, came to his senses, anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

It was nothing to take Dong Xiaoyu as a maid, at most he would be scolded by the master, but killing someone from the Ma Gang would be a big trouble.

The Ma Gang has been a scourge for many years, and is still at large. The police station doesn't care, and their master Jiu Shu didn't do anything to them, because the Ma Gang is very difficult to deal with.

If they can't be wiped out, they will attract crazy revenge from the Ma Gang.

There was a village in the past that killed a member of the Ma Gang, and later the Ma Gang slaughtered that village.

The villagers died with resentment, and collectively turned into zombies. Later, that village became the famous zombie village.

Since then, the name of the Ma Gang has been known to everyone.

"If you don't tell me and I don't tell you, who would know? And I have already wiped out the smell at the scene, the Ma Gang can't know that I was the one who killed them.

Even if they know, it doesn't matter, because the Ma Gang will not exist tomorrow."Qin Jiuyang said nonchalantly.

Then, he took Qiu Sheng and Dong Xiaoyu back the same way.

As for the woman's body, he handed it over to the Purple Zombie King.

Returning to Renjia Town, Qin Jiuyang looked at the time. It was only four o'clock in the morning, and there were more than two hours before dawn.

If he hadn't needed to bring the coffin fungus back to Uncle Jiu, he would have gone to the Ma Gang.

What kind of cruelty, killing people and slaughtering towns, it won't work with him.

Because he won't give the enemy any chance. Since he has offended the Ma Gang, he will take the initiative to destroy the Ma Gang and kill them all. Stay!

After a while, Qin Jiuyang brought Qiu Sheng and Dong Xiaoyu back to the charity cemetery.

Qiu Sheng didn't dare to look Uncle Jiu in the eye, and was shy. Finally, he ran to Wencai and chatted with him.

Qin Jiuyang explained something, saying that Dong Xiaoyu was a good ghost, and that if she stayed with him, he could resolve the resentment in Dong Xiaoyu's heart.

Uncle Jiu was not a pedantic person. After choosing to believe Qin Jiuyang, he accepted Dong Xiaoyu.

At the same time, he kindly reminded Qin Jiuyang that it would take time to resolve the resentment of the evil ghost, and asked him to be prepared for the long term.

"Master, this is the coffin fungus we just got. There are four in total. I give them all to you. Qin Jiuyang took out the coffin fungus.

"So many?"

Uncle Jiu's pupils shrank, and he was extremely shocked."You didn't take away all the coffin fungi of the corpse king?

This is troublesome. The corpse king will definitely find Renjia Town, and then the people in the town will be in danger."

"Don't worry, Master. The Corpse King will definitely not dare to come."Qiu Sheng suddenly interrupted.

After the conversation with Wencai just now, he seemed to have calmed down. He kept silent about the Ma Gang and Qin Jiuyang's murder, and did not show any abnormality.

"Why?" Uncle Jiu asked

"Because the coffin fungus was given to Junior Brother Jiuyang by the Corpse King himself."

At this point, Qiu Sheng began to vividly describe the scene of Qin Jiuyang performing the Shangqing Zixiao Five Thunders Method,"Master, you were not there, so you didn't see Junior Brother Jiuyang's divine power.

You know Zixiao Five Thunders Method, Junior Brother Jiuyang performed hundreds of heavenly thunders in an instant, directly killing all of the Corpse King's men."

"Wow, Junior Brother Jiuyang is so amazing."

Wencai was full of admiration, and in his heart he regretted not going with him, otherwise he would have been able to feast his eyes.


Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng fiercely,"The Purple Sky Five Thunders Method is one of the top thunder methods in our Maoshan, and its power is no weaker than that of the Lightning Thunder Fist of our senior brother.

The difficulty of casting the spell is extremely high. Even as a teacher, I have to cooperate with thunderstorms to cast it.

Even the elders and ancestors of our Maoshan cannot cast it as they please, let alone casting hundreds of thunders in an instant. Isn't this a joke?"

The Five Thunders Method has a total of five thunders. The difficulty of casting is so high, let alone hundreds of thunders, which is simply a fantasy.

These are hundreds of thunders. How powerful will it be when they strike together? The Lightning Thunder Fist is nothing more than its younger brother.

"It's okay for you to say this in front of us, but in front of others, they will only laugh at your ignorance.

"No, Master, it's true. I saw Junior Brother Jiuyang perform it with my own eyes."

Qiu Sheng was anxious for a moment, and quickly said to Qin Jiuyang:"Junior Brother Jiuyang, you explain it to Master yourself."

"It is indeed not Zixiao Five Thunders Orthodoxy, but the Lightning Induction Technique. I threw out hundreds of thunder talismans at once, and then hundreds of thunders descended."Qin Jiuyang said.

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng, then took the coffin fungus and walked towards his room.

"Junior brother, isn't this the Zixiao Five Thunders Orthodox Method you mentioned? How come it has now become the Lightning Induction Technique?"Qiu Sheng looked at Qin Jiuyang with a rather depressed look.

"What you said is too shocking. Even if you said there were only ten or so thunderbolts, it would be fine. If you said there were hundreds, I wouldn't believe it either. I can only say it was a thunderbolt technique.

Next time I have a chance, I will perform it in front of Master. It is better than countless explanations."


Qiu Sheng nodded.

"It's getting late, take a rest, there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow."

Qin Jiuyang took Dong Xiaoyu to his room.

Wencai looked envious, Qiu Sheng knocked on his head and said something sneaky, Wencai was surprised and scared.

In the room.

Dong Xiaoyu was very sensible. She took the initiative to make the bed for Qin Jiuyang, and then cleaned up. After that, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

On the next day.

Jiushu and others got up early and saw a table full of delicious dishes.

Steamed sea bass, braised spareribs, stir-fried kidneys, stewed pig's trotters, etc. I don't know where Dong Xiaoyu got the ingredients.

"It seems that it is not bad to take Dong Xiaoyu as a maid. This time I will have a good meal."Qin Jiuyang thought secretly.

As for Dong Xiaoyu, it was already dawn, and no one knew where it had hidden. Qin Jiuyang was too lazy to pay attention to it.

"Hmm... it tastes good. You guys should try it together. I didn't expect the dishes made by female ghosts to be so delicious. If I had known, I would have caught one to be my maid."

Uncle Jiu took a bite and his eyes suddenly lit up. He invited Qin Jiuyang and his three brothers to eat together.

"After dinner, you and I will go to the Ren family. Today, I will take Master Ren to find the new grave of Old Master Ren." Uncle Jiu said to the three of them.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and looked at Qin Jiuyang,"Jiuyang, you don't have a magic weapon yet, right? I heard that Master Ren has collected a lot of good things in his treasury.

You are now considered an authentic Taoist disciple, so you still need to have a few magic weapons in your hands.

You see, Wencai and Qiu Sheng don't have any either, so as a junior brother, you must take this opportunity, um, do you understand what the master means?"

""Master, I understand, hehe."

Qin Jiuyang grinned, revealing an honest and simple smile.

If he didn't know what Uncle Jiu was like, he would have been choked by Uncle Jiu's words.

After dinner, the four masters and apprentices came to the high-end and luxurious Ren family.

Servants came in and out of the house.

What surprised Qin Jiuyang and Uncle Jiu was that in addition to them, Master Ren actually invited another Feng Shui master.

He was a middle-aged man with triangular eyes and a hooked nose. You can tell from his face that he is not a good person.

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