"What do you mean? My parents are dead?" Qin Jiuyang's face darkened and his brows furrowed.

Immediately , he quickly pinched the five fingers of his right hand.

After a moment, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He had already calculated that his parents were indeed dead and had just passed away.

According to the results of the Xiantian Divine Calculation, his parents were killed by someone, and the person who killed his parents was targeting him.

It was obvious that in addition to Shi Jian, there was someone else who wanted his life.

"You don't know? Your parents died last night. Go back and see them. Your brothers and sisters may be quarreling."The middle-aged man was stunned and said

"Let's go!"

Qin Jiuyang said nothing and immediately led the girls home.

He wanted to see who was targeting him and killing his parents.

Although he didn't have much affection for his parents in this world, they were his parents after all, and he had to avenge them!

"The Qin family is really blessed to have such a talent as Qin Jiuyang. Now that he is back, the Qin family will prosper."

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Jiuyang's back as he left, and couldn't help but sigh.

Why did they have so many children? Isn't it because they wanted one of them to prosper?

As for the middle-aged children, they looked at Qin Jiuyang with envy.

Surrounded by so many beauties, each one more beautiful than the other, none of them could compare to the dark-skinned, dry and dry girls in the countryside.

To put it bluntly, there is no good-looking girl in the countryside of this era. Even eating is a problem, so how can a girl dress up and dress herself up?

After a while,

Qin Jiuyang brought Ren Tingting, Nian Ying, Qingqing, and the fox demon in human form to the familiar yet strange door of his home..

It is a thatched house, covering an area of about one hundred square meters.

The pigsty, toilet, and kitchen are all next to each other.

The yard is a mud yard, and it is muddy every time it rains, and the house is also muddy.

This is his home in this world.

He used to squeeze here with seven or eight brothers and sisters, as well as his parents.

It is worth mentioning that he only squeezed here for more than a month, and then he went to find his uncle.

He traveled through time and space, and when he came to this body, he was already six years old, and then he received all the memories of the original owner of this body.

Fortunately, I didn't stay here since I was a child. Looking back on the past month, it was so hard. My scalp numbs just thinking about it.

""Senior Brother Jiuyang, is this your home?" Qingqing asked.

""Yeah." Qin Jiuyang nodded.

"Why is it so dilapidated? Didn't your parents repair the house? And the yard is not repaired. What will we do when it rains?"Nian Ying couldn't help asking. This question reminded Qin Jiuyang of"Why not eat meat porridge?" Who doesn't want to repair the house and make life better? The key is to have money.

When food and clothing are a problem, it is already very good not to starve to death on the street or sleep in the open air.

"Repairing the house requires money. You have been pampered since childhood and live in a well-off family. You may think that it doesn’t cost much, but they may not be able to earn this much money in their entire lives."Qin Jiuyang said

"Why can't they make money?"Ren Tingting asked.

This question stumped Qin Jiuyang. He didn't know why. No matter what era, there are always people who can't make money.

"I'm already married, why should I pay for the funeral?"

"Okay, okay, you won't give it to me, right? Then I'll just dig a hole and bury it. This will save everyone money and be more convenient."

"Boss, please speak up. What are we going to do about our parents’ funeral?"

"How about looking for Lao Liu? I heard from people in the previous village that Lao Liu is doing very well in the town now, and he has also been appreciated by Marshal Long in the provincial capital."


At this time, a noisy sound came from the thatched house.

"No need to look for me, I'm already here." Qin Jiuyang appeared at the door with a few women.

"Who are you?"

A weak middle-aged man stood up and looked at Qin Jiuyang timidly.

This person was their eldest brother Qin Huairen, who was 41 years old this year. He was an honest man and anyone could poop and piss on him.

He married a girl from the next village and wore a green hat as high as a three-story building.

He had eight children, and no one knew how many were his. He didn't even dare to fart.

"Qin Jiuyang."

Qin Jiuyang said these three words calmly.

He left home at the age of six, and ten years have passed. It is normal that they don't know Qin Jiuyang.

"Are you the sixth brother Jiuyang?"

"Jiuyang? Are you Jiuyang? I heard that you made a fortune in Renjia Town. I didn't expect it to be true. The clothes you are wearing are not cheap, right? And you are with so many fairy-like girls."

"Jiuyang, look at me, look at me, I am your second sister, do you remember?"


Everyone suddenly started talking

""Brother, where are the bodies of my parents? Take me over to see them." Qin Jiuyang ignored the others and looked at his eldest brother Qin Huairen.


Qin Huairen nodded and took Qin Jiuyang to another room.

When they arrived at the room, there was a mat on the cold ground, on which lay two bodies, a man and a woman.

Looking at the two bodies, Qin Jiuyang was quite emotional, and felt indescribably depressed and uncomfortable.

After working hard all his life, he didn't even have a coffin when he died.

"Jiuyang, you know that the countryside is poor, and we brothers and sisters are even poorer. We don’t have money to buy a coffin, and we can’t even raise the funeral expenses for our parents. Qin Huairen said with some discomfort.

"It's okay. I'll pay for any money you need. You go and contact the people. Parents' funeral must be a grand affair.

Also, go order two top-quality coffins. This is ten dollars. If it's not enough, ask me again. My second sister can do it."

Qin Jiuyang handed the money to the woman who claimed to be his second sister.

He didn't know if it was his second sister. After so many years, except for his eldest brother Qin Huairen, who had a deep impression of her, others had long forgotten her.

The second sister was overjoyed and excited to take the money. She left the house on the spot to take care of her parents' funeral.

Qin Jiuyang came to his parents' bodies and squatted down to check them.

Due to the long time since death, many blood spots appeared on the bodies, and there was a faint stench of corpse.

"How did your parents die? Who was there when they died?" Qin Jiuyang asked the brothers and sisters in the room.

"My parents were fine the night before yesterday, but suddenly they fell to the ground and stopped breathing last night. My seventh, eighth, and ninth sons and I were all there and saw it with our own eyes. A 14- or 15-year-old boy stood up and said

"Suddenly fell to the ground?"

Qin Jiuyang frowned slightly and asked again:"Before this, have you seen any strangers, or have any strangers come to your home?"

"Sixth brother, you are amazing. Three days ago, a stranger came to our house. He was a fortune teller.

He asked for my parents' birth dates and fortunes for free. He said that my parents were destined to be rich and powerful."Seventh brother said

"OK, I got it."Qin Jiuyang nodded calmly after hearing this.

He was now certain that the murderer who killed his parents was the fortune teller.

Just now, when he checked the bodies of his parents, he found that all the seven souls of his parents were gone.

When a person dies, three souls leave the body, and seven souls remain.

Then on the seventh day of the resurrection, the three souls return and combine with the seven souls to become a complete soul. At this time, a ghost will come to take the soul.

But before the seventh day, if the seven souls are gone, it means that the three souls and seven souls have been scattered, or their souls have been detained by someone.

His parents died suddenly, which means that they were not killed in person, but killed by a ritual.

In order to kill the three souls and seven souls, in addition to a ritual, you also need the target's birth date.

Therefore, Qin Jiuyang asked if there were any strangers.

This question instantly confirmed his verification.

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