"Master, it seems that your parents were really murdered." The fox demon came to Qin Jiuyang and whispered in his ear.


Qin Jiuyang nodded.

He didn't know who this fortune teller was, and what deep hatred he had with him.

It is said that misfortune should not affect family members, but he actually attacked his family.

"Did the fortune teller leave anything behind?"Qin Jiuyang looked at Lao Qi and asked.

The other party was targeting him, and he must want to kill him. Killing his parents was just the beginning.

If that was the case, he would definitely leave something behind so that they could fight each other, right?

"Yes, if you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten. It's a talisman that he gave to my parents. I'll get it for you."

Old Seven hurried out and soon brought back a piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle from another room.

Qin Jiuyang took it and looked at it. It was not a talisman at all, but a piece of talisman paper that had not been blessed and had no effect.

It was good to keep something. The other party seemed to be eager to fight him.

"Let's go outside."

Qin Jiuyang led everyone to the outside of the courtyard.

Then he asked someone to bring a table, took out a yellow cloth from his body, spread it on it, and took out rootless water, cinnabar, glutinous rice, fragrance and other things, and began to open the altar.

The amulet left by the fortune teller has the breath of the fortune teller on it. He can perform a ritual, according to the breath, lock the source of the breath, and then fight from a distance.

The purpose of the other party leaving this amulet is not to fight with him.

When it comes to fighting, he has never been afraid of anyone.

When he was in the early stage of the shapeshifting realm, he could fight several powerful black-robed old men by himself, let alone now.

It is no exaggeration to say that he alone is a sect.

Fighting with him is simply courting death!!

After the opening of the altar, Qin Jiuyang skillfully made seals and chanted spells, and stepped on the steps.

Then, he picked up the peach wood sword, picked up a yellow talisman, grabbed glutinous rice with his left hand, and sprinkled it towards the three burning incense sticks.


The fire was blazing.


Qin Jiuyang thrust the peach wood sword in his hand fiercely.

The tip of the sword raised a yellow talisman on the peach wood sword, pierced through the fire, and seemed to pierce something, making a"crash" sound.


At the same time, a chain emitting icy air suddenly came towards Qin Jiuyang.

""The master has started a fight, hurry up, retreat!"

Seeing this, the fox demon immediately took Ren Tingting and the other two girls and retreated far away.

If they were too close, they would be affected.

How could ants interfere in the fight between masters?

"What is going on here?

Qin Jiuyang's brothers and sisters were stunned.

They were all ordinary people. They had only seen other people perform rituals, but they had never seen such a scene.

""Ice Soul Binding Technique?"

Qin Jiuyang raised his eyebrows, and a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this chain was the Ice Soul Binding Technique.

This technique was not aimed at the body, but only at the soul.

Once the soul was caught by the chain, it would instantly be pulled out of the body, achieving the effect of binding the soul.

"You dare to show off your skills in front of an expert? I will break your magic."

Qin Jiuyang slammed his right hand on the table.

More than ten yellow talismans rose up.

He formed seals with his hands at an incredible speed.

Almost in an instant, a magic was cast. When the ice chain rushed over, more than ten magics were fully performed.

In the front was a roaring fire dragon, which swallowed up the ice chain in one gulp. Then, hundreds of heavenly thunders of the Five Thunders, as well as the Mysterious Ice Curse, the Golden Light Curse, the Taoist Gangyan, the Eight Diagrams Curse, the Sky-supporting Divine Art, and other spells and magics, all smashed towards the opponent.

"Boom boom boom!!"


The next second, a faint explosion like firecrackers could be heard in the sky.


The last scream, it seems someone is injured

"Damn it, the majority bullies the minority, you hypocritical and upright people, I will not accept this battle, just wait, I will kill him tonight!!"

A hysterical roar appeared, filled with anger and unwillingness.

"Want to kill me tonight? It depends on whether you have the ability to do it."Qin Jiuyang smiled contemptuously. He was not afraid of the other party coming, but afraid that the other party would not dare to come.

If he did not come, he really could not find the other party, and he would not be able to take revenge.

No matter who dared to kill his parents, he would let the other party know what cruelty was.

"Come here."

Qin Jiuyang waved to his brothers and sisters.

These brothers and sisters looked at Qin Jiuyang with respect. In their eyes, Qin Jiuyang was just like a god. His methods were too strange and powerful.

He could even turn into a fire dragon and swallow a chain in one bite.

"Here are 90 dollars. I just gave 10 dollars to my second sister. I originally gave it to my parents, but now they are dead, I will give it to you.

My second sister has to arrange the funeral, which will cost at most one or two dollars. She doesn't need to share. There are ten of you left, so divide the 90 dollars equally."

Qin Jiuyang took out the dollars and gave them to the eldest brother Qin Huairen,"Brother, you divide it for me."


Qin Huairen nodded, tremblingly took the money, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

This is ninety dollars, it's heavy.

Even if ten people share it, each person can get nine dollars. With these nine dollars, they can all settle down in the town or the provincial capital, or do some small business, and no longer have to work hard on the land.

"Jiuyang, thank you, thank you so much"

"Yes, Jiuyang, your money came just in time. It just so happens that your sister-in-law wants to go to town to buy a house."

""Sixth brother, now I have money to marry a wife."

Everyone thanked Qin Jiuyang.

This money was their capital to turn things around. It was no exaggeration to say that Qin Jiuyang gave them a chance to live a second life.

As for whether they could grasp it, it was up to them.

"You're welcome. Remember to support each other in the future so that the Qin family can flourish. In addition, I don't recommend you to use your money to buy land."Qin Jiuyang said.

The biggest dream of a countryman is to own his own land, rent it out, and become a landlord by collecting rent every month.

Now that he has money, he must realize this dream.

But now is the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The Eight-Nation Alliance has already visited Longjing, and it is only a few decades away from liberation.

Once liberation, it will be a fight with landlords.

"Okay, Sixth Brother, we will listen to you."The eldest brother Qin Huairen nodded heavily.

In their eyes, Qin Jiuyang was already a god, and when a god spoke, they naturally had to listen.



Time came to the afternoon.

The second sister had ordered a coffin, invited a ritualist to perform a ritual for my parents, and invited people from the surrounding villages to come and eat and drink for free.

These days, when someone dies in the family, those who can perform a ritual can also invite people from the surrounding villages to eat and drink for free. Even the local rich are not so generous.

These people are all looking forward to meeting Qin Jiuyang. They already know that a great man has emerged in the Qin family.

But Qin Jiuyang did not bring Ren Tingting and the other girls to come out, but stayed in the house, waiting for dark.

When it gets dark, the fortune teller will attack him.

The other party is no longer prepared to fight, but to come in person.

He did not return to the charity cemetery tonight, and Uncle Jiu was not around. Shi Jian is also very likely to seize this opportunity to attack him.

Uncle Jiu had previously told him to go home quickly and come back quickly. The reason for saying this was to guard against Shi Jian.

Little did he know.

He is no longer afraid of Shi Jian.

At most, he would reveal some of his cards. Having reached the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, he was no longer a soft persimmon that Shi Jian could manipulate.

He was not even afraid of Shi Jian, let alone the fortune teller.

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