"Yes, it will happen soon. When the war breaks out, the country will be in ruins." Qin Jiuyang nodded.

"Uncle Jiu, Little Taoist Jiuyang, please save the Marshal."The adjutant stood there uncomfortably, anxiously.

Nian Ying beside him was also

"Jiuyang, you have become a Taoist master now, and you have the ability to stand on your own.

You should go this time, and it is a good opportunity to go to the provincial capital to broaden your horizons. Uncle Jiu put his hands behind his back and said to Qin Jiuyang earnestly.

"Master, we want to go too. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai said quickly.

""Okay, okay, you all go together. Jiuyang, you keep an eye on them. If they don't obey, I allow you to teach them a lesson." Uncle Jiu said

"Master, aren't you going?" Qin Jiuyang couldn't help asking

"Who will feed you zombies if I go? Besides, it is not convenient for me to go to the residence of Marshal Long. This time I will treat it as a training. When you come back, I will take you back to Maoshan and let the sect grant you the title of true disciple.

When you open the altar and cast the spell, you can use your own name, not the master's name."

""Disciple thanks Master!" Qin Jiuyang made a Taoist salute with both hands, raised them high above his head, and bowed.

He became a true disciple of Maoshan, was granted the Shangqing Imperial Edict, and was recognized by the major gods of Taoism, and had the right to perform rituals.

At this time, he could set up his own school and recruit many disciples, just like Uncle Jiu, Taoist Qianhe, and Taoist Simu.

"No need to be polite, it's getting late, you should get up quickly."Uncle Jiu stretched out his right hand, motioning Qin Jiuyang to get up.

"Yes, Master."

Qin Jiuyang nodded, and immediately left with Qiu Shengwencai, Fox Demon, Nianying, Qingqing, Ren Tingting, Mao Shanming and others.

The huge charity cemetery suddenly became deserted, with only Uncle Jiu and Quegu left, as well as Dong Xiaoyu who was afraid to show her face in broad daylight.

On the other side.

After Qin Jiuyang led everyone out of the charity cemetery, he got on a military vehicle and headed straight for the Marshal's Mansion in the provincial capital.

This time, helping Marshal Long solve the trouble, it goes without saying that it is definitely more dangerous than the last time.

Last time it was just a ghost fetus, and Marshal Long's father's corpse turned into a corpse, and this time, a master attacked Marshal Long and wanted to kill him.

If this person is not found, even if Marshal Long is cured, he will still have problems.

The person who dares to attack the Marshal must be very strong.

If he hadn't reached Even if he entered the underworld and became a true Taoist master, he would not take risks.

The provincial capital is much more dangerous than Renjia Town. In addition to the masters who deal with the Marshal, there are all kinds of people from all walks of life, demons and ghosts, which can be said to be a mixed bag.

Otherwise, Uncle Jiu would not say that this trip to the provincial capital was an experience.

The car was driving on the bumpy road, swaying from side to side. Surrounded by several women, Qin Jiuyang enjoyed the best of both worlds.

From the exit of the military vehicle, you can see that there are many people on the roadside who are not beggars, but dressed like beggars, digging wild vegetables and eating tree roots.

This is a common phenomenon, and everyone is used to it. In this day and age, it is not easy for the poor people at the bottom of society to survive. Many times, they fight for a bite of food. Even exchanging their children for cannibalism.

"The rich eat delicious food every day, but the poor can't even find vegetables to eat. Mao Shanming curled his lips and said with emotion.

Although he was a swindler, he only cheated the rich. He never cheated the poor.

"No matter what era, the rich are like this. Only what they have left over can be passed on to the lower class people. Who made the lower class people have no money and power?"Qin Jiuyang said with deep feeling.

About three hours later.

The military vehicle arrived at the Marshal's Mansion.

The adjutant hurriedly took Qin Jiuyang to one of the bedrooms on the second floor of the Marshal's Mansion.

On the bed in the bedroom, Marshal Long was bulging with a big belly and dying.

Michelin sat at the head of the bed with red and swollen eyes, holding Marshal Long's hand.

The nanny was holding Aiying who was crying non-stop, and was extremely anxious.

The adults cried, the children cried too, and the Marshal had a strange disease again. The Marshal's Mansion was really bad luck. Several servants and nannies had resigned. They all said that the Marshal's Mansion was not clean, or that the Marshal's luck had run out.

After all, the Marshal's Mansion was not clean, and there was a precedent.

Even if the Marshal issued a gag order, how could the servants and nannies who stayed in the Marshal's Mansion all day not know?

"Madam, Taoist Jiuyang is here, the Marshal is saved." The adjutant came in and said to Michelle respectfully.

Michelle turned around, wiped her tears quickly, and asked,"Jiuyang, where is your master?"


Qin Jiuyang was a little caught off guard by the question,"My master didn't come."

""Okay." Michelin was a little disappointed, but soon he calmed down and asked Qin Jiuyang to treat Marshal Long.

When Qin Jiuyang passed by the nanny, he patted Aiying gently and said,"Little guy, don't cry."

Aiying seemed to understand what people said and really stopped crying.

"He had intestinal colic, but now he is fine. Keep warm and don't let his stomach get cold."Qin Jiuyang instructed Michelin.

Then, he walked to the bedside of Marshal Long and took a look. His stomach was very big and there were many red spots on his body. When these red spots grew bigger, they became disgusting blisters.

The blisters were all over Marshal Long's body, even on his face.

Fortunately, the blisters did not burst. If they had burst, even if they were cured, it would be a pit.

"Brother Jiuyang, can my father still be saved?" Nianying asked anxiously.

"Didn't I tell him at the charity cemetery that as long as he is still alive and I am here, he will not die?" Qin Jiuyang said confidently.

Uncle Jiu had taught him a lot of medical skills before.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current medical skills are definitely worthy of the title of miracle doctor, but he has never had the opportunity to use them.

"Lieutenant Li, go get me a pair of chopsticks, a bowl, and some pot ash, rooster blood, and straw ash. Qin Jiuyang ordered Lieutenant Li.


Lieutenant Li nodded and turned to leave.

Qin Jiuyang waved his right hand.

"With a"swish", dozens of silver needles were inserted into the acupuncture points of Marshal Long's body. Some of the acupuncture points had blisters.

Strangely, even though the silver needles penetrated through, the blisters did not explode.

After dozens of silver needles were inserted, Marshal Long's huge belly suddenly surged, as if there were many things inside, struggling and rolling desperately.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face turned pale and their scalps went numb.

""Jiuyang, what's in the Marshal's stomach?" Mao Shanming couldn't help but ask Qin Jiuyang.

""You can also think of it as a worm. These worms can reproduce quickly until they burst his stomach. As for the red spots and blisters, they are just incidental."

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